Charlotte Hoskin

Charlotte Hoskin Adv dip Adult Nursing, BSc (Hons) Midwifery studies, Independent Prescriber.
Charlotte became fascinated with pregnancy and birth from nine years of age when her twin siblings were born, and at 15 years when another sibling was born. She helped her mum to look after her three siblings, which inspired her to pursue a career in nursing, before training to be a midwife in 2008.
Charlotte has worked in a variety of settings – from hospitals and within the community. She worked in a rotational post developing her skills, from homebirth to being a labour ward coordinator. She particularly enjoyed providing intrapartum care to women in labour, and enjoyed helping women have water births.
In the community, Charlotte worked in a GP surgery as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and independent prescriber, specialising in gynaecology, women’s and children’s health and giving care to pregnant women with complex needs such as epilepsy and diabetes.
A mum of two, Charlotte gave birth to her first child on Channel 4 series One Born Every Minute and had her second at home, in water.
Charlotte continues to work for the NHS, on delivery suites and postnatal wards, occasionally in primary care and at My Expert Midwife she supports the social media and marketing team.
Charlotte’s specialist areas include:
· Intrapartum Care
· Waterbirth
· Homebirth
· Prescribing in complex pregnancies