Lesley Gilchrist

Lesley Gilchrist, BSc (Hons) Midwifery Studies, MSc Clinical Research Methods, is the CEO and founder of 'My Expert Midwife' and has been a midwife since 2003, working in some of the largest teaching hospitals in Europe. Through this time, Lesley has gained invaluable experience and insight into maternity care, labour and birth.
With extensive experience as a labour ward co-ordinator and as a community midwife, Lesley brings her expertise in pregnancy, postnatal, birth and the birth process to Mother&Baby to keep you informed and empowered.
Lesley has worked in large teaching hospitals both on delivery suite and within the community. She is also qualified to undertake the Newborn & Infant Physical Examination (NIPE).
Lesley’s specialist areas are: Preconception & fertility, Birth Recovery, Transition to Parenthood, Baby and Clinical Research.
• DipHE Nursing Studies, Adult – 2000, Glasgow Caledonian University
• BSc (Hons) Midwifery Studies – 2003, Northumbria University
• MSc Clinical Research Methods – 2015, University of Leeds
• Postgraduate Study, Newborn Physical Examination (NIPE) - 2008, University of Huddersfield
• Published research: Gilchrist L, Carrick-Sen D, Blott M, et al, Woman-centred second stage guidelines compared to time-limited guidelines: evidence of benefit. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2010;95
• Woman-centred second stage guidelines compared to time-limited guidelines: evidence of benefit | ADC Fetal & Neonatal Edition (bmj.com)
• Delivering Best Practice Award – Iolanthe Midwifery Trust - Research into time limits in the second stage of labour - Jan 2005 - Jan 2007
Website: myexpertmidwife.com
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Facebook: MyExpertMidwife