Lucy Wolfe, HDip, MA

Lucy Wolfe
Lucy Wolfe

Lucy Wolfe, HDip, MA, is a Leading Irish Sleep Consultant, Relationship Mentor, Author of the best-selling books: The Baby Sleep Solution and All About the Baby Sleep Solution and Mum of four children.

She has completed extensive training and education in Ireland, UK, and USA, together with continuous professional development, staying informed and engaged with recent research and development in the field of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theories, conscious parenting, childhood development and sleep. She has been in practice, actively working with parents for over thirteen years.

Her approach to sleep is what every modern parent is looking for- a gentle, sensitive, effective and emotionally appropriate way to establish positive, realistic sleep practices; when possible, from birth onwards, using gentle sleep shaping, or from 6 months onwards with a responsive sleep learning approach (She is the originator of the Stay-and-Support-Approach).

All suggestions are designed to encourage a secure, loving relationship and developmentally relevant sleep tendencies.  Taking every facet of the parent-child story into account, helping to identify core reasons that may be affecting a child’s sleep ability and supporting age-appropriate changes, to gently unlock their natural, inherent sleep profile; enabling them, and their parents to achieve deeper, more rested, and less interrupted sleep, overnight and by day, when developmentally able to so.  All this can be initiated without leaving them to cry alone, with the Stay-and-Support Approach and an overriding emphasis on the science of sleep, individual relationships, temperament, family dynamics, together with the child’s and the parent’s emotional wellbeing.

• Parent Mentoring and Relationship Studies, University College Cork
• MA Psychotherapy of Relationship Mentoring, Technological University of Shannon (TUS)
• PhD with TUS examining intergenerational aspects of Irish mothers' perceptions of their children's sleep, with a view to understanding how we may support parents in their sleep experiences in the future.
• Gentle Sleep Coach Program (US)
• Certification in Child Sleep Studies accredited by the OCN (UK)

• Books: The Baby Sleep Solution: The stay-and-support method to help your baby sleep through the night (2019), All About the Baby Sleep Solution: Your Questions Answered  (2020)
• Certified Happiest Baby, New Parent Educator together with certification in Post Natal Depression accredited by OCN (UK)
• Member of The International Association of Child Sleep Consultants and a (PV)
• Member of the Irish Association of Relationship Mentors
• Resident Sleep Expert on Virgin Media One’s Breakfast Show-Ireland
• TV shows including “Baby Bedtime Basics” (2013) and “Sleeping Beauties” (2018) The Morning Show (2012) and Midday (2014).


Instagram: @lucywolfesleep

All articles by Lucy Wolfe, HDip, MA