Rachel Fitz-Desorgher

Rachel Fitz-Desorgher is an active birth teacher, parenting consultant and author of Baby Skin To Skin, with over 30 years working as a midwife and as a parenting consultant. Part of our Mother&Baby expert panel, Rachel is based in Berkshire, near London, and has appeared on numerous radio programmes, talking about various issues from infant feeding to smacking to humanist parenting. She co-created Henley Birthcare, a unique freelance midwifery and doula service offering bespoke care.
She teaches other midwives and peer supporters and lectures at hospitals and conferences on infant feeding and tongue-tie. She is the midwife specialist for EDS UK, a genetic connective tissue disorder. Through Henley Birthcare she lectures to Midwifery students at Oxford Brookes University in the first private/NHS partnership of its kind.
Mother to four sons of her own, Rachel's passion is reconnecting women to their innate inner-mother. She brings her knowledge of evolutionary biology to her approach to feeding, soothing and parenting babies. Her ethos combines gentle parenting techniques with the practical/scientific knowledge of a baby’s instinctive reflexes in the ‘fourth trimester’ and beyond. Follow her at Rachel the Midwife.