Sarah Boyd

I have always had a passion for working with parents and babies. I started out as a Norland Nanny, and worked in that role and as a nursery nurse until the birth of my first child in 1998. After the birth of my second child, I decided I wanted to change direction slightly, and I trained as an NCT antenatal teacher, qualifying in 2005. This training, combined with my own extremely positive birth experiences (my third child came along in 2004), cemented my passion for birth, and I haven’t looked back.

I co-founded Birth Baby Balance with my colleague Charlotte in 2008, and since then have added to the range of services we currently provide by qualifying as a baby massage instructor in 2010, a placenta encapsulator in 2014 and a KGHypnobirthing instructor in 2019.

We are proud to be the only private provider of wraparound care in the area, not only with our birth and postnatal doula services, but also with our antenatal and postnatal courses for new parents, and our placenta encapsulation service.

All articles by Sarah Boyd