Tasha Bailey

Tasha Bailey
Tasha Bailey

Tasha Bailey is an accredited psychotherapist and author of Real Talk. Tasha specialises in trauma, self-love, and creativity in therapy. She has become a prominent voice on social media, advocating for open discussions on mental health, healing, and self-care. Tasha’s approach aims to make these conversations more dynamic, inclusive, and relevant.

Tasha has worked in schools, charities and organisations. Her work with young people led her to create an instagram platform, sharing therapeutic tips for for anyone trying to heal and live their best life. To her surprise, this quickly grew into a whole community, currently 76K.

She nows works with adults to heal their younger parts and past trauma through the inner child.

Tasha recently published her first book Real Talk, which is packed with therapeutic wisdom and knowledge from a therapist's toolkit, with a collection of lessons which most people learn in therapy. Connecting psychological theory, modern day language and pop culture references, Tasha helps readers to heal from their past and grow self-love for their future.


BSc in Psychology

PG Certificate in Adult Counselling

MA in Integrative Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy

UKCP Registered

Awarded Health & Wellbeing Content Creator of 2022 (BCreator awards)

Author of Real Talk

Social media

IG @realtalk.therapist

Tiktok @realtalktherapist

LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/realtalktherapist

Website www.realtalktherapist.co.uk

All articles by Tasha Bailey