Baby Development

Woman watching baby daughter crawl toward pillow
Baby milestones: Month by month development

Baby milestones are those special moments throughout your little one’s...

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When do babies crawl
When do babies crawl?

Watching your little one grow and reach new baby milestones in their life is...

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when do babies start talking
When do babies start talking, babbling, and say their first words?

We don’t know any parent who can’t wait to hear what their baby’s...

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baby tummy time
Your guide to tummy time for babies

Tummy time is a brilliant way of helping your baby to gain strength to build...

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baby smiling
When do babies smile?

There are lots of exciting things happening in your child’s first year...

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baby teeth
Baby teeth chart

How to know whether your baby's teeth are coming through in the right order, and whether something is going wrong

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Baby girl rolling over
When do babies roll over?

Watching your baby grow and become more mobile is a thrilling experience,...

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Baby sitting up in cot
When do babies sit up and how can you help them safely?

Medically reviewed by Dr Sara Kayat, GP It probably doesn’t feel like two...

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Walking Babies collage
When do babies start walking?

The moment your baby stands up on two legs and takes those first wobbly steps...

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Baby swimming lesson with mum
A guide to taking baby swimming: Rebecca Adlington gives us her top tips for you and your little one

With babies spending nine months suspended in fluid, it’s no surprise that...

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when does baby sleep through the night
When do babies sleep through the night?

For new parents, the question of when do babies sleep through the night is one...

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When do babies' eyes change colour and can you predict what colour they'll be?
When do babies' eyes change colour and can you predict what colour they'll be?

After dreaming for so long about what your baby would look like, now...

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When do babies laugh?
When do babies laugh?

There’s nothing more incredible than hearing your baby’s first laugh,...

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baby growth spurts and weight gain
Understanding baby growth spurts

Your tot can experience baby growth spurts where they grow almost a centimetre...

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