They may be tiny and cute, but folding your baby’s clothes is no simple task. And as tempting as it is to shove them into a drawer when you’re carrying out the mundane task of putting the washing away, folding and organising your baby’s clothes neatly will save you a lot of time (and creases) when it comes to getting them ready for the day.
Read more: How to dress a newborn
As for the perfect folding technique, there’s only one person who knows how to satisfyingly fold clothes to perfection, and that’s Marie Kondo.
The KonMari method of folding applies to all kinds of baby clothes, whether it’s baby grows, vests or leggings. Although there are numerous ways to neatly fold away these items, as long as you are left with a neat and compact square at the end, you're doing it right!
Baby grows
Lay the baby grow on its front. Fold the sleeves in so they lay on the back of the bodysuit, creating straight lines either side of the baby grow. Fold it in half, bringing the bottom of the bodysuit up to the top, leaving a small gap, then fold again (depending on how long the baby grow is to create a square.
Vests and tops
Lay the vest on its front, then fold the sleeves in so they lay on the back of the shirt. Fold the bottom of the shirt to the middle of the back. Bring the bottom of the folded portion to the top of the vest.
Fold one leg over so it sits on top of the other leg. Tuck the top of the leg in between the legs so that it is straight on both sides. Then fold the bottom of the pants up to the waistband.
It’s always a good idea to hang dresses up in a wardrobe to avoid creases.
And it's not just baby clothes you can be a pro at folding. The KonMari method of folding can be applied to all garments whatever the size!
Virtual Marie Kondo classes
If you fancy learning a thing or two from Marie herself, the tidying expert has launched a 10-episode virtual course to help you 'master her unique tidying technique.' Available on her site, for just $39.99 (£32), you'll learn everything from making a tidying plan to sorting sentimental items.
Fancy finding out more? Have a watch of Marie's trailer below:
Our favourite organised mumfluencers
Cleaning hacks for mums from Mrs Hinch

We couldn't talk about home organisation without mentioning the Queen of Clean herself, Mrs Hinch. Since becoming a mum, the Mumlister 2020 has provided us with loads of cleaning inspiration perfect for busy mums! You can read more about our favourite cleaning hacks from Mrs Hinch for busy parents here.
YouTuber Emily Norris lives by Marie Kondo's tips
Stacey Solomon
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Cleaning products never looked so pretty! Mum to three boys, mummy_clean posts an endless supply of colourful and beautiful pictures of some of her favourite cleaning products.
This account is all about those feel-good vibes. We love the ethos behind founder Gem's organised mum page that's all about not being perfect!
Declutter dollies
All the organisation, interior, cleaning and fashion inspo a mum could want - we love professional organiser Dilly's Instagram account and we think you will too!
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Do you fold your baby's clothes using this method? Let us know on Mother&Baby's Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!
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