You finally mastered the whole sleeping-in-pregnancy thing (kind of…) and got the hang of those hypnobirthing techniques to get you through labour. Now your newborn’s here (yay!) – and there are a whole load of new skills to get to grips with. Good job we have these baby care guides, then.
The 12 baby care skills all new parents need

Nappy changing
Whether you go for disposable or reusable nappies, there are now new roles for you and your partner to embrace – Chief Leg Holder and Lead Get-The-Nappy-On-Before-She-Wees-Again Negotiator.

From breastfeeding to expressing or making up formula, use the feeding support out there and try these tips if you’re struggling.

This can help you newborn sleep and feel secure – it reminds her of the cosiness in your womb – but it’s important to get clued up on how to swaddle safely.

Topping and tailing
Your newborn’s skin is sensitive so she doesn’t need a bath every day. Try a wipe down – otherwise known as topping and tailing – instead, using just warm water and cotton wool.

The bond between you and your baby can hit straight away or take a little time to develop. Things like eye contact and skin-to-skin contact can really encourage the connection.

Baby massage
Speaking of bonding, this is great for it – massage helps the production of the nurturing hormone oxytocin.


Using a sling or carrier
Not a necessity but a good way of a) keeping your newborn close and b) leaving your hands free if you have things to do. Whether it’s a sling or a carrier you go for, learn how to use it safely. And get inspired with the M&B Awards shortlist.

If your baby gets air trapped in her tummy, she’ll feel uncomfortable and unable to settle. Give her instant relief by getting the winding technique right.

OK, so as we said, she doesn’t need daily baths right now, but you still get to grips with the basics when she does have one – from water temperature to supporting her in there.

Yep, it sounds easy enough but there are a couple of things to keep in mind when picking up your little one. Buttons, anyone?

From what to buy to how to do the actual dressing, put all those cute newborn outfits to good use with some handy keep-calm tricks.