Esme for a baby name

Esme comes from the words 'esteemed', 'beloved', 'emerald'.

Name meaning:

This adorable short French name, meaning ‘esteemed’ or 'to love'.

Not only is Esme considered a French name, it also derives from the Spanish name,Esmeralda. Originally a masculine name, Esme is now considered a female name and it is a current favourite for many and is currently one of the most popular girls name beginning with an E.

Alternative spellings and versions:

Esme can be spelt with the accent or without and can often be used as a shortened version or nickname for girls names 'Esmeralda'.

Famous Esmes

You might have heard the name Esme before in the popular film series, Twilight with the character of Esme Cullen.;utm_campaign=loading

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