The best Christmas baby names offer the perfect blend of festive charm and timeless appeal, making them the ideal choice for your little bundle of joy. Whether you're dreaming of a name inspired by winter wonderlands or a nod to classic Christmas traditions, we've compiled the top 100 Christmas baby names for boys and girls that will make your little one shine brighter than the star in Bethlehem.
It wouldn't be a Christmas baby name list without some biblical names. These names are timeless, meaningful, and versatile, making them a popular choice for parents looking for a name that reflects values and a deeper connection to history.
Our selection of Christmas baby names will include various winter baby names, which may be perfect for your family. We love these names because they evoke the beauty and serenity of winter and draw inspiration from snowy landscapes.
A Christmas-inspired baby name doesn’t have to be all tinsel and bells. It can be both meaningful and subtle. Many beautiful Christmas baby names carry lovely connotations that gently nod to the festive season without being too over-the-top. You can find the perfect balance between festive charm and timeless elegance. So, whether you want a traditional name or a little more unique, a Christmas baby name is just right for your little Christmas pudding.

Christmas baby names for girls
Alegria - this beautiful Italian name means ‘happiness', and it’s an emotion we all wish to feel at Christmas time.
Amaryllis - Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without sparkly decorations, and this pretty name pronounced ‘am-ah-rill-is’ means ‘sparkling’.
Angelica - Meaning ‘angel’ or ‘angelic’.
Angel - A Christmas tree wouldn’t be complete without one of these proudly placed on the top of them.
Avery - meaning ‘ruler of elves’.
Belle - 'Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?' Give yourself a subtle reminder of this special season with this cute girls name, meaning 'beautiful'.
Bianca - This means ‘white’ in Italian, making it the ideal name for your baby girl if we’re lucky enough to have a white Christmas.
Blanche - This snowy name means ‘white’.
Brandy - Brandy is a popular tipple at Christmas time, this Dutch name actually means ‘burnt wine’.
Candy - Candy canes are a popular sweet at Christmas time and also mean ‘dazzling white’.
Carol - It wouldn’t be Christmas without a few Christmas carols, now would it?
Chiara - this Italian name is great for festive-born babies as it means ‘light’, and we all put up plenty of these during December.
Cindy - Ok so this name may not have any direct correlations to Christmas but it is the same name as Cindy Lou from The Grinch, so that’s good enough for us.
Clementine - Inspired by Christmas oranges, this name means ‘mild’ or ‘merciful’.
Clara - Clara is the name of the girl from the festive tale ‘The Nutcracker’.
Cookie - It’s become a tradition in many households to leave something out for Santa and Rudolph, and cookies are a popular choice. Jacqueline Wilson named one of her books ‘Cookie’ after the story’s main character.
**Coco—**Who enjoys a hot cup of cocoa at Christmas time? We know Santa does! Fashion designer Coco Chanel made the name famous.
Crimson - Red is the colour of Christmas, so it’s the perfect name for babies born around the festive season.
Darina - Pronounced ‘dah-reena’, meaning ‘gift’. We can’t think of a better present to receive during December than a baby.
December - Name your baby after the festive month itself.
Dolly - Dolls are a popular Christmas present, but this name also means ‘gift of God’ or ‘blessing’, not to forget it’s also the same name as the great Dolly Parton.
Donna - An adorable, festive baby girl's name. Donna is not only Santa's reindeer, but it's also a cute Italian name for your new arrival, meaning 'lady'.
Dove - The third bird flocks the front of Christmas cards during the month of December and is the bird of peace.
Eira - This name in Welsh also means ‘snow’ and is pronounced ‘aye-ruh’.
Elena - In the story of the nativity, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and kings all followed a ‘bright shining light’, which is what this name means.
Elsa - If you have any other children in your household, we are sure they’ll support you by giving your baby girl this name after the Snow Queen, Elsa, from Frozen.
Emmanuelle - If Christmas is a religious time for you, then you may like this name, which means ‘God is with us’.
Emerald - Green is another festive colour we see lots of at Christmas time.
Enya - This means ‘fire’, and there’s nothing better than curling up in front of one of these during the festive month.
Eve - means ‘entertaining’ and ‘lively’. Do not forget that Christmas Eve is one of the best days of December.
Faith - Since Nicole Kidman named her daughter Faith, the name has risen in popularity. It is a lovely, feminine name.
Farrah - Christmas is a joyous occasion, so what better way than to give your baby girl a name that means ‘happy’ in Arabic?
Felicity - Meaning ‘happiness’, which, let's be honest, that’s what Christmas is all about.
Fayette - If you don’t have an angel or star to put on the top of your tree, you use a fairy instead, which is what this name of French origin means.
Gloria - Taken from the word Glory (which makes an appearance in many a Christmas hymn), this girl’s name is the first name of I Will Survive signer Gloria Gaynor.
Holly - Homes look beautiful and decorated with a little holly at Christmas time. Of course, we can’t forget the popular Christmas carol, ‘The Holly and the Ivy. '
Hope - A feeling we usually associate with Christmas and see printed on the front of festive cards.
Ivy - The second component of the Christmas carol, which means ‘faithfulness’.
Joy - Another traditional name choice for girls. Joy is short, simple and oh-so-sweet for a baby.

Mary - The part every child wanted to play in the Nativity! Old-fashioned names have made a huge comeback this year, making Mary the perfect on-trend and Christmas-appropriate name for your baby.
Mariah - A name we all associate with Christmas, thanks to Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’, is played repeatedly every December.
Merry or Meri - Something we all wish to feel at Christmas.
Mistletoe - This plant bears white berries and is popular for kissing under at Christmas time.
Natasha - This name may not sound Christmassy, but it’s actually of Russian origin and means ‘born on Christmas day’.
Neve - Meaning ‘bright’ and ‘snowy’ - something we all wish for at Christmas time!
Nessa - Your baby girl is a little miracle, so give her a name that means just that! Also, Christmas was the birth of Jesus, who went on to perform many miracles in his lifetime.
Nicole - The feminine version of ‘Nicholas’, like Saint Nicholas, meaning ‘victory to the people’.
Night - Take inspiration from the traditional 'Silent Night' and choose this mysterious name. It could work for both boys and girls.
North - Inspired by Kim, Kanye and their little girl, this modern baby girl's name is a festive choice after Santa's homeland, the North Pole.
Noelle - Noël, the french word for Christmas turns conveniently into the traditional boys name Noel or Noëlle for girls. Noel Coward, Gallagher and Edmonds – quite a few male celebs rock this festive boys name effortlessly.
Paloma - This name actually means ‘dove’, which features in the popular Christmas Carol ‘12 Days of Christmas’.
Pepper - According to the time-old fairytale, Pepper is actually the name of one of Santa's elves. This is a lovely girl name, which also reminds us of Marvel's Iron Man as it is the moniker for Tony Stark's partner and love interest, Pepper Potts (played by Gwyneth Paltrow).
Robin - These cute-looking birds often make it on the front of people’s Christmas cards.
Seraphina - this pretty name means ‘angel’ and ‘fiery’.
Stella - if ‘Star’ is a little too Christmassy, then you may prefer this name of Latin origin which also means ‘star’.
Scarlett - This means ‘red’, which, let's be honest, is the colour of Christmas.
Stella - Stella is the Italian word for star. The three wise men followed the star to baby Jesus so this baby girls name is perfectly festive and subtle. To give it a Scandinavian touch you could add an 'r' to Stellar to make it more unisex and out of the ordinary as it means a star like performance.
Star - An important part of the Christmas nativity, as the star led the three wise men to baby Jesus.
Thyme - A sweet-smelling aromatic herb that tastes lovely on a Christmas turkey, which also makes a sweet name for your baby girl.
Winter - Perfect for if you simply love the season of Christmas.
Wish - A baby name that could work for both girls and boys. This lovely little name will definitely stand out on the school register.

Christmas baby names for boys
Angelo - we love this strong Italian name, which means ‘angel’.
Arthur - Arthur was the son of Mr and Mrs Christmas in the popular animated movie ‘Arthur Christmas’.
Bailey - A favourite festive tipple enjoyed mixed into some coffee, hot chocolate or desserts at Christmas time.
Balthazar - This could be perfect if you’re after a boy's name, which is a bit more unusual. Another of the three wise men’s names, Balthazar, can be adorably shortened to ‘Baz’.
Bob - Not only does this name mean ‘bright’ and ‘shining’ in German, which is very well suited for Christmas time, but it’s also the name for thoughtful ‘Bob Cratchit’ in ‘A Christmas Carol’.
Buddy - If you’re a fan of the Christmas film Elf (and who isn’t?!), then Buddy could be a great choice for your festive arrival.
Casper - One of the three wise men, Casper can be spelt ar or er, depending on which you prefer.
Cane or Kane - like ‘candy canes’, a popular sweet associated with Christmas.
Ceylon - pronounced ‘key-lin’ and is Welsh for ‘holly’.
Christian - Meaning ‘follower of Christ’.
Comet - Another of Santa’s reindeers, Comet is a really cute baby boys moniker and we reckon this astronomical name could become popular.
David - A strong, traditional name that means ‘beloved’. ‘The City of David’ also refers to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born in the Christmas nativity.
Ebeneza - The main character in one of our favourite Christmas classics, A Christmas Carol.
Emmanuel - You’ll recognise this name from Christmas carols, which also means ‘God is with us’.
Gabriel - The name of the archangel who gave Mary the message that she would marry Joseph and bear a child named Jesus in the story of the nativity.
Geoffrey - Peace is something we all desire at Christmas time, which is what this name means.
Harry - Arguably, one of the best bits about Christmas is getting to watch all the Harry Potter films on telly, so it's the perfect excuse to name your newborn after the protagonist himself.
Jack - A great traditional name and also the name of our favourite snowman, Mr Jack Frost.
Jesus - Why not name your baby boy after the man whose birthday Christmas is all about?
Joseph - Another traditional option, Joseph is a good sturdy Hebrew baby name – and, obvs, Jesus’ old man’s name.

Kevin - Name your little boy after the main character from the second highest-grossing Christmas film of all time, ‘Kevin McCallister’ from ‘Home Alone’.
Luke - A large part of the story of the nativity came from the Gospel of Luke in the Old Testament. The name also means ‘light giving’.
Marley - Although it was the name of one of the ghosts from Charles Dickins’ ‘A Christmas Carol', there’s no denying it’s such a sweet name.
Melchior- Was another one of the three wise men from the nativity.
Malachi - Meaning 'messenger of God'.
Merry - We all want to feel merry at Christmas!
Nicholas - Apparently, the true story of Santa Claus actually starts with St Nicholas, who was born in the third century and gave all his money to the needy and sick.
Noel - If by magic your baby boy is born on Christmas day then this name is perfect which literally means ‘born on Christmas’.
Rudolph - Not just Santa’s head reindeer’s name, this Germanic boys name has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Saint - This name has unmistakable Christian roots and is what Kim Kardashian and Kanye West called their eldest son.
Shepherd - A name that is traditionally used as a surname, Shepherd has recently been making a comeback as a more unusual baby boys name.
Stevie - Following on from Good King Wenceslas, Stevie would be a cute girls name relating to the Feast of Stephen on Boxing Day.
Theodore - Having a baby really is a gift, so if Christmas is a religious time for you this name could be perfect which means ‘gift from God’.
Timothy - Another name from Charles Dickins’ famous A Christmas Carol.
Pax - this name is of Latin origin and means ‘peace’. It’s also the name of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's adopted son.
Pine - This is a lovely festive, nature-inspired name for a boy.
Wenceslas - This name probably isn't for the faint-hearted. Good King Wenceslas features in the Christmas Carol tells a story of a Bohemian king going on a journey and braving harsh winter weather to give charity to a poor peasant on the Feast of Stephen (December 26, the Second Day of Christmas).
Yul - pronounced ‘yule’ (like a yule log). It means ‘Christmas’, you can’t get a name any more Christmasey than that.
Zane - This name means ‘God’s gracious gift’, which fits nicely with the nativity. It’s also become more popular since Zane Malik from One Direction became famous.
Hannah Carroll is our Senior Writer. In her capacity, she curates top-notch listicles, crafts insightful how-to guides, and delivers expert product reviews. As a mother of three, Hannah draws upon her comprehensive understanding of all facets of family life to bring true insight into all the products that make running a home easier.