Despite many of us having our heart set on our future baby's name since we were small - when it comes down to it, choosing a moniker is no easy task.
Will they be able to spell it with ease? Will it suit their personality? Will there be 18 others(!) with the same name in their reception class?
The questions are enough to leave us anxiety-ridden whilst panic-eating a large bowl of Cheerios.
2019 was definitely the year for choosing comfortably familiar names, with or without a twist.
Famous youngsters are also boosting names' popularity (Luna and Harper, anyone?) and it seems we can't get enough of double-barrelled girls' names.
Check out themost popular baby namesso far for 2019, according to Nameberry.
Popular baby names 2019:

1) Posie
Posie is the pet form of the name Josephine. Posies are determined and independent and born headed for success. They also have no trouble with making new friends.

2) Miles
Miles has the meaning of being mild and peaceful. Another popular variation of the name is Milo.

3) Isla
Isla is a Scottish girl’s name which comes from Islay, an island off the West coast of Scotland.

4) Jasper
Jasper comes from a Persian origin and means the ‘bringer of treasure’.

5) Olivia
Olivia is an Italian girl’s name coming from the meaning of olive tree.

6) Atticus
Atticus is an old Roman nickname meaning man of Attica, a region in Greece which surrounded Athens. The name grew popular from the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

7) Aurora
Aurora came from the mythological goddess of Dawn and Disney's fairy tale Sleeping Beauty.

8) Theodore
The name Theodore holds the meaning of God's gift. It can be shortened to Theo, or for a pet’s name, Teddy.

9) Maeve
Maeve is an old Irish name and means the cause of great joy. An Irish legend Maeve was the name of a warrior queen of Connacht.

10) Asher
Asher is another one of the popular names today. Asher means to be happy and blessed.

11) Cora
Cora wasn’t a popular name until the 18th century as it appeared in literature. Cora means maiden or daughter.

12) Silas
The name Silas is an English boy baby name that originated from a Greek name meaning forest and woods.

13) Amara
The exotic, Nigerian name Amara means grace, mercy and kindness.

14) Jack
Jack was an extremely common name in the Middle Ages and has been since then. It became a slang word for man.

15) Ada
Ada is another form of the name Adele and Adelaide. This name means the first-born female.

16) Finn
Finn is a Scandinavian name that means Laplander. It also means to be fair.

17) Amelia
Amelia is a blend between Emilia and Amalia. The name means to strive and be industrious.

18) Henry
Henry has a German origin and means the ruler of the household.

19) Charlotte
Charlotte is an elegant royal name that means petite. It can be shortened to Charlie or Lottie.

20) Felix
Felix is a Roman name meaning successful. This name has always been popular for boys since the Middle Ages.

21) Freya
Freya was the goddess of fertility and holds the definition of the noblewoman.

22) Noah
Noah, one of the more popular biblical names is a Hebrew name meaning rest and comfort.

23) Evie
The name meaning of Evie is the mother of all the living.

24) Leo
The name Leo means lion. An alternative could be Leon, a German name meaning brave people.

25) Aria
The name Aria is an Italian girl’s name which means air. In Albanian, it means gold and lioness of God in Hebrew.

26) Muhammad
Muhammad is an Arabic name that is translated as praised and commended.

27) Willow
Willow is a name taken from the tree and means they have a graceful appearance.

28) George
George is a Greek name and means a farmer or earth worker.

29) Elsie
Elsie is a shortened alternative from the Scottish name Elspeth which is an alternative to Elizabeth. The name means to promise an oath.

30) Oliver
Oliver, the same is Olivia, holds the meaning of an olive tree. Both versions symbolise dignity.

31) Grace
Grace holds the meaning of doing everything with grace and has connotations with eloquence, kindness, and mercy.

32) Jacob
Jacob is a popular boys name that means seizing by the heel, to follow and overreach.

33) Sophia
Sophia is a Greek girl name which holds the meaning of wisdom and having skill. Sophia has been popular since the 17th century.

34) Oscar
Oscar translates to the gentle friend. Many people have been given Ozzy as a nickname.

36) Joshua
Joshua is a Hebrew name and means the lord is salvation. Joshua was the leader of the Israelites after Moses died.

37) Ivy
Ivy has connotations with faithfulness. The charming name represents fidelity too.

38) Ethan
The Hebrew name Ethan means to be firm, strong and, to live for a long time.

39) Mia
Italian name Mia both means mine and darling with the Spanish origin of Mía.

40) Alfie
Alfie has two meanings of an elf or magical counsel. They are regarded to have special powers of seeing into the future.

41) Lily
Lily comes from the lily flower and has been popular in most English-speaking countries. It shares the meaning of pure and rebirth.

42) Charlie
Charlie, another name for Charles, holds the meaning of free man.

43) Isabella
Isabella, short for Elizabeth, means devoted to God. Nicknames include Bella, Belle, Izzy, and Issie.

44) Harry
Harry has meanings with Army Commander, but for more recent years, the protector of the house.

45) Isabelle
Isabelle is another nickname from Isabella. It says the name means God is my oath.

46) Freddie
Freddie is a German name that comes from Frederick. The popular name in England means peace and ruler.

47) Emily
Emily has an English origin and comes from the name Aemilia. The name means trying to equal.

48) Jaxon
Jaxon is a modern version of Jackson. The name holds the meaning of God has been gracious; he shows favour.

49) Ella
Ella means to be complete and light. Ella is a short form of Eleanor and Ellen.

50) Archie
Archie is a bold name and has grown to be a very popular name in England, for example, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. The name means to be genuine and brave.

51) Sophie
The same as Sophia, the name Sophie holds the meaning of having wisdom and a lot of skill.

52) Thomas
Thomas is a popular boys name with a biblical origin. The name actually means twin and was one of the disciples of Christ.
The list is based on research conducted by Nameberry.
They said: "We calculate our popularity list based on which names attracted the most of the 11 million views of our name pages so far this year."
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