If you are a political fan and would like to choose a baby name inspired by a Prime Minister, here’s the only list you need.
Alexander (Douglas-Home)
Andrew (Bonar Law)
Anthony (Eden and Blair)
Arthur (Wellesley, Balfour, and Chamberlain)
Benjamin (Disraeli)
Clement (Attlee)
David (Lloyd George and Cameron)
Edward (Heath)
Gordon (Brown)
Harold (Macmillan and Wilson, although neither of their first names were actually Harold)
James (Callaghan - although his first name was actually Leonard)
John (Stuart, Russell, and Major)
Margaret (Thatcher) - the only baby girl’s name on the list!
Neville (Chamberlain)
Ramsay (MacDonald - although his first name was James)
Spencer (Crompton and Perceval)
Stanley (Baldwin)
William (Cavendish, Pitt - elder and younger - Wyndham, Lamb, and Gladstone)
Winston (Churchill)
William was number 10 on the list of the top baby boys’ names for 2014, while James was number 9 on the list. To find out the top 50 baby boys’ names in 2014 according to the Office of National Statistics, click here.
Picking your baby’s name is a huge task and can take up a lot of your waking thoughts while you’re pregnant. The best thing to do is lots of research - read a baby names book (or 7), search online for baby name ideas, and use our baby name generator for a bit of inspiration.