Medically Reviewed by: Dr Alexis Missick
As your baby continues to hit new development milestones in their cognitive and physical development, we’re here to answer all your questions and tell you everything you can expect when your baby is six weeks old.
We’re sure you can’t imagine your world without your precious new arrival. Some parents may feel like they're getting into the swing of parenthood at 6 weeks, although if you're constantly left with a list of questions, particularly in these early weeks, don't worry, you certainly won't be alone.
6-week-old baby physical development
Six weeks in, your baby will be continuing to gain around 140-200 grams a week and growing one inch per month. Babies grow considerably during the 4-6 week mark. They should be coming to the end of their 4-6 week growth spurt this week; although they might not look much bigger to the eye, you may have noticed your little one has seemed hungrier for the past few weeks, this should calm down as you hit 7 weeks old.
Muscle control
Their biggest physical development so far is lifting their head when they sit upright or lie on their belly, so if they haven’t done that yet this week will likely be the one! If they’re taking their time to develop their neck muscles, encourage them by putting your face in front of theirs when they’re on their stomach during tummy time so they have something to look up to. You can also lie them on your stomach and you'll notice they'll try to lift their head to see your face.
Dr Missick says some of the biggest physical developments will be with their hands and limbs. "At 6 weeks, babies will open their hands briefly, they’ll move both arms and legs, start holding their head up when on their tummy and make facial movements like smiles." Says Dr Missick. "Parents can help by going in front of them when they are on tummy time, this will encourage them to raise their head."
Facial Expressions
Not only will you get to see those first baby smiles, they’re also using their facial muscles to create a whole load of new expressions. Get ready for some furry browed confusion, pursed lip snarling and eyebrow-raising shock. This is prime time to get the camera out and capture those Instagram-worthy moments.
6-week-old baby cognitive development milestones
With their hearing now fully developed since being a 5 week old baby they should be able to listen more intently. Being more alert means one thing, it’s time for you and your baby to bond over some music. Using music to develop their senses is a great tool for teaching and a treat for you. Soon enough your baby will respond to their favourites, and you’ll know if you’ve got an Ed Sheeran or a baby Beyonce fan on your hands!
Your 6-week-old baby's ability to focus is improving and they may start noticing colours. It is always a good idea to play with your little one, even if they struggle to focus during the early weeks. At week 6 your baby will now find it easier to focus on toys and they will be more engaged by brightly coloured toys or mobiles.
Recognising you
"At 6 weeks, their hearing and vision has improved significantly so they are able watch people as they move, differentiate them from others, and look at a toy for several seconds," says Dr Missick. That means that by week 6, your baby may be able to recognise you and distinguish you from a stranger. You might notice this if they gurgle and grunt when you look at them up close.

6-week-old baby health and care
At 6 weeks old your little one will be gaining weight. Of course this will vary from baby to baby but if you have any concerns about your baby's weight, speak to your health visitor or GP. You can get baby weighed regularly and track their growth and weight on the baby growth chart.
Sun protection
Babies under 6 months should be kept out of direct sunlight. The NHS says that this is because their skin contains too little melanin. They advise that you should "apply a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to your baby's skin. Make sure the product also protects against both UVA and UVB rays." Also make sure they wear a sun hat which protects their head and neck. If they are out in hot weather then ensure they are drinking enough, however, the NHS says, "fully breastfed babies do not need any water until they've started eating solid foods. During hot weather they may want to breastfeed more than usual." If you are bottle feeding then NHS advises, "as well as their usual milk feeds, you can give your baby a little cooled boiled water."
Nappy rash
Nappy rash is very common and it can be irritating and uncomfortable for your little one. To help prevent it try to change nappies every 2-3 hours because wet or dirty nappies will irritate the skin. Also try to avoid perfumed soaps or wipes. Your baby's skin is delicate and water, or perfume free wipes are much better. If your baby keeps struggling with nappy rash you can try changing the nappies you use, or even swapping to reusable nappies. Using a barrier cream will help to prevent nappy rash, as well as nappy rash cream to treat any irritation when it occurs.
Spit up and reflux
At 6-weeks you baby is likely to suffer with quite a bit of spit up, but as long as they are happy and seem comfortable it should be nothing to worry about. The NHS says if your baby brings up a little milk after feeding, this is reflux and it's quite common and nothing to worry about. If, however, your baby is losing weight, or you have concerns about the amount of spit up there is then it is best to speak to your GP, or health visitor. Always keep a muslin to hand to help manage any mess. There is a difference between spit up and vomit. Vomit is more forceful, can be projectile and might contain bile. If you are unsure, seek help.
6-week-old baby check up
Around this age, the NHS advises your baby will have their 6-8 week baby check as part of their development reviews. Your GP will check your baby’s leg and hip joints, spine and listen to their heart. They’ll also look at their reflexes, eyes and genitals. The 6-8 week baby check is a great time to ask questions if you're concerned about anything, as your GP will want to know about your baby’s development as well as how you're coping.
If you’ve been struggling with anything in particular, whether it’s colic, sleeping or your own emotions, there is no shame in admitting you need some help. During this appointment, your GP can check how you’re doing physically too, whether that’s your stitches or just blood pressure. However, you should also have a postnatal appointment where they can check you over fully and ensure your body is recovering after giving birth.
What jabs should a 6-week-old baby have?
You have two more weeks to prepare yourself before your baby needs any jabs, which come at the two-month mark.
6-week-old baby sleep

The newborn stage of interrupted sleep for 18 hours a day is finally coming to an end. This means your sleeping routine may finally start taking hold, and you can teach them the difference between night and day.
According to Dr Missick, at 6 weeks, babies sleep 15-16 hours in 24 hours. "Night-time sleep tends to have more increments of feeding periods than later months. There is also more daytime sleeping in the early weeks," she says.
Make sure their daytime naps are different from nighttime sleeping by keeping the noise level normal and house bright. If they wake up in the night, don’t fuss or play with them and keep the house peaceful and dark. Once they understand these differences, your sleeping pattern may return to some level of normality.
6-week-old baby feeding
As your baby is nearing the end of a growth spurt, their feeding shouldn’t be as overwhelming as it was in the last couple of weeks. Plus, with their sleeping improving through the night, you may find fewer night feeds are necessary.
How many mls should a 6-week-old baby drink?
If you’re worried about how much you're feeding your baby, a guideline amount is 150-200ml per kilo of their weight. But don’t fret too much about that, as your baby will only eat what they need to right now. Just keep following their lead. Dr Missick says at 6 weeks, you'll probably be feeding baby every 3-4 hours with around 4-5 ounces per feed. "Parents should follow baby's hunger cues" says Dr Missick.
If you’re breastfeeding and you haven’t started expressing milk yet, this is a good time to start as your baby should now be used to breastfeeding by now. There are plenty of different options available when it comes to finding the best breast pump for you.
How much should a 6-week-old baby be pooing?
All those extra feeds mean a lot more pooing, but between one and ten a day is still normal as long as they're wetting their nappy around six times a day also. Dr Missick says, "you'll likely need to change your baby's nappy around 12 times per day."
As a new mum, you’ll probably feel like you spend most of your time researching the contents of your baby’s nappy. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, we have made a poo colour guide that will help you distinguish the weird from the worrying.

What problems should parents of a 6-week-old baby be aware of?
Colic usually makes itself known by the six-week mark, so if you haven’t noticed uncontrollable crying for hours on end, you may be in the clear. The NHS says "your baby may have colic if they cry more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for at least 1 week but are otherwise healthy." They also add that "they may cry more often in the afternoon and evening."
If your little one is struggling with colic there are some things you can do to help them, such as holding and cuddling them if they are crying a lot, sitting them upright during feeds so they don't swallow too much air, making sure you wind baby after feeds and gently rocking them over your shoulder. You can also try giving baby a warm bath or even playing white noise or gentle music to act as a distraction. Anti-colic drops or probiotic supplements might make them more comfortable, as well as trying cranial osteopathy or if they are bottle fed, try bottles designed to ease colic.
Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression can begin any time within the first year of your baby’s life, and the NHS advises it is common, affecting 1 in 10 women. If you’ve noticed you're struggling to deal with emotions of guilt or failure you may want to have a chat with your doctor.
You will have had the baby blues in the first couple of weeks after giving birth, but by now your hormones will have settled, so if you’re overwhelmed by the fear that everything could go wrong, go see your doctor and ask for some advice on how to deal with it. There’s no shame in asking for help, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Is week 6 with a newborn the hardest?
The first 6-8 weeks with a newborn are sometimes thought to be the hardest. At 6 weeks, your little one might have a growth spurt which means they might feed more or be more fussy. Also remember that sometimes at 6 weeks, their crying can peak as they spend a little bit more time awake.
What should a 6-week-old baby's routine be?
There is no set routine and every baby is different, however, your 6-week-old baby should be feeding every 2-3 hours, and on demand feeding is fine, plus they are likely having 6-8 periods of sleep throughout the day. They are still too young for a set bedtime but they might sleep (slightly) longer at night but they will still be feeding regular.
What to do with your 6 week old baby when awake
Your 6-week-old baby will be still be sleeping a lot during the day, but you might find when they are awake, they are more alert and you can start interacting with them through play. We have listed a few of the baby activities a 6-week-old baby might enjoy:
Peek-a-boo: your little one will love watching you hide behind your hands for a few seconds, then appear with a 'peek-a-boo'. Once they get used to the routine of the game they might get excited with a smile, or baby babble.
Sensory flashcards: Your baby will enjoy looking at some sensory flashcards that you can hold up to capture their attention, which will help develop their focus and tracking abilities to support cognitive development.
Tummy time: At 6-weeks-old your little one might start to like tummy time. You can also put toys in front of them that they might like to reach for, or use tummy time toys. Tummy time will help to develop and strengthen your baby's neck muscles.
Play mat: While your little one will be too young to engage with all the toys on a baby gym or play mat, they might enjoy lying on the mat and watching any dangling toys, or seeing themselves in a baby safe mirror.
About the expert:
Dr Alexis Missick is an experienced General Practitioner who works with UK Meds. Dr Missick has worked in the NHS for over 10 years and has 6 years experience working internationally, mostly in the Caribbean. Her approach in General practice to prioritise helping patients better understand their health and engage in the process of improving it. She empowers her patients via patient education to share in their journey to better patient health and has lots of experience and knowledge relating to hair loss.
Stephanie Spencer is the Deputy Digital Editor at Mother&Baby and auntie to four aged 7 to 2 months old. With a particular interest in health, she loves discovering products that make parent’s lives easier.