Everything you need to know about silver nursing cups for breastfeeding

Silver nursing cups

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Any new mamma will know that getting the hang of breastfeeding in those early weeks can be tricky, and two things we need to give some extra TLC to during our breastfeeding journey are our nipples, and that’s where silver nursing cups can be a godsend.

Nipple soreness during breastfeeding is normal, and it’s very common for mums to experience sensitive, sore, cracked and sometimes even bleeding nipples in the early days of breastfeeding, often caused by poor attachment or positioning issues.

The good news is that there are many things we can try to help soothe our sore nipples including the use of silver nursing cups.

What are silver nursing cups?

If you’ve never heard of them before, silver nursing cups are designed to soothe and protect the nipples during both pregnancy and the breastfeeding journey. Made from silver, their purpose is to speed up the healing process of sore and painful nipples between feeds and often come in a range of different sizes depending on the unique shape of your nipples.

Why silver?

You may be wondering why these little nipple shields are made from silver and not something a bit more comfortable and less cold and hard on the nipples? According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, silver is naturally antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial with anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe any soreness and aid your nipple recovery.

Thanks to the antibacterial properties, there is no need to sterilise your silver nipple cups, and they just need a good rinse under warm water and thorough dry between each use to keep them clean.

How to use silver nursing cups

Simply place your silver nursing cups over your nipples using your nursing or maternity bra to keep them in place and secure. They’re designed to wear on a regular basis whenever you’re not feeding your little one, either as a preventative measure or on a temporary basis until your nipples are recovered and the pain has subsided. Once you’ve established your breastfeeding routine without any nipple soreness and pain, you can stop wearing them.

The best silver nursing cups to buy

These cups are made from 999 silver and are nickel-free. The shape of the Pippeta cup is designed to fit perfectly to your breasts so it doesn't slip off while you're wearing it, protecting your nipple from any friction with clothes or underwear.

Material:100% sterling silver
Dimensions:H: 4.4cm D: 1.2cm  

Made from high-quality sterling silver, these nipple cups offer a soothing layer of protection, for comfort and relief from sore nipples. They promote healing for nipple cracks and sores but also protection in case of any sensitisation as you can also use them as a preventive measure for nipple soreness during pregnancy. They are handcrafted and free from nickel and chemicals and are dermatologically approved.

Koala Babycare Silver Nipple Shields

Rrp: $39.75

Price: $29.75

Do silver nursing cups really work?

As with many products, some mums swear by silver nursing cups to keep their nipples pain-free and healthy while it doesn’t make much difference to others. If you are struggling with nipple soreness due to breastfeeding, we’d recommend giving them a go as they’re also something that are endorsed by many midwives and lactation consultants.

If you notice your symptoms worsen and your nipples become increasingly painful, then you should speak to your midwife or GP as it could have developed into thrush or mastitis which cannot be cured by silver nursing cups.

Lorna White is the Senior Digital Writer for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics from potty training and nutrition to baby names and early development and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two young sisters, dog walking and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

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