Discover Halibaby: From Haliborange, the UK’s Number 1 vitamin brand for children

Haliborange products

by Anna Sky Magliola |
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When it comes to your baby's health and nutrition, trust the UK's number one vitamin brand for children – Haliborange. With over 90 years of experience of supporting children and families, Haliborange offers a range of expertly formulated vitamins designed to support your children’s development and well-being from the day they arrive.

Why Haliborange is the top choice for parents

90 years of experience: Haliborange has been a household name in the UK for over 90 years and is synonymous with children's vitamins. With decades of experience, Haliborange ensures that every product meets the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Complete nutritional support: The Halibaby range from Haliborange is a prime example of their dedication to infant health. Their carefully balanced formulas provide essential vitamins and minerals developed in line with the UK Department of Health’s recommendations such as 10µg of vitamin D for bone growth and development, vitamin A for eye health and immune function and vitamin C for immune support.

The range is free from artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives, and the vitamins are as gentle and safe as they are effective.

Halibaby Live Culture Drops

Easy to administer: Understanding the challenges that new parents face, Haliborange has developed a liquid drop formulation in line with UK Department of Health guidelines, with no added flavour that is easy to give to babies and toddlers. The included dropper allows for accurate dosing, and the natural flavour means it’s easy to mix with milk, water or any other liquids.

What sets Haliborange apart

Award-winning excellence: Haliborange commitment to quality and innovation has been recognised with numerous awards, and most recently the Halibaby range winning Gold and Silver parenting awards with Bizzie baby, solidifying its position as the UK’s leading children’s vitamin brand. These accolades reflect the brand's unwavering dedication to providing the best nutritional support to help children’s healthy growth and development.

Trusted by parents: Countless parents across the UK have shared their success stories with Haliborange. From noticeable improvements in their children’s health to the ease of incorporating the vitamins into daily routines.

Halibaby vitamins

Give your baby the best start with Halibaby

Choosing Halibaby means giving your baby the very best in nutritional support. With its trusted heritage, commitment to quality and developed in line with the UK Department of Health’s recommendations, Halibaby provides the essential nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Give your baby the best start by including Halibaby as part of your daily regime.

Explore the full range of Haliborange products at and join the many parents who trust the UK's number one vitamin brand for children. Haliborange – the brand trusted by parents. Loved by kids!

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