Signs of dehydration in babies: causes, symptoms to look out for, and what to do

dehydration in babies

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Although it might seem that your baby is always wanting some boob, and even when they're a bit older they're always sucking on their sippy cup, it is possible for your baby to get dehydrated, just like it is for adults and older children. In fact, according to the NHS, babies, children and the elderly are more at risk of dehydration.

As a parent, it's important to know the symptoms and signs of dehydration in babies, as they won't be able to tell you how they're feeling like your older kids can – so we've researched your questions and found the answers from trusted resources, so you know what the main causes of dehydration in babies are and what to do if you notice symptoms on your little one.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration refers to your body losing more fluids that you're consuming. We get our fluids not only from drinking, but also via the foods we eat, and there are many ways that we can lose fluids, leading to potential dehydration.

Babies, children and elderly people have a higher chance of becoming dehydrated, according to the NHS, which means it's even more important for parents to know about the different causes of dehydration and signs to look out for. Equipped with the right knowledge you can prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated, or get the help needed from your GP.

What causes dehydration in babies?

Despite babies seeming to constantly be consuming liquids through feeding or drinking in older toddlers, there are a surprising number of ways that dehydration in babies can occur.

For example, if your little one falls sick and has symptoms like a fever or sore throat, it'll make it harder for them to swallow. Gastroenteritis, also known as the "stomach flu", is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps – all of which can impact the amount of fluids your baby consumes and retains in their system.

Other things that might effect your baby and lead to signs of dehydration include living in hotter climates, where, if little ones are more active they may be at a higher risk of dehydration because they might not be able to drink enough fluid to replace what they are losing through sweat due to overheating.

Here is a list of the potential causes of dehydration in babies, in more detail...

Causes of dehydration in babies:

Diarrhoea – If you've noticed that you're having to change your baby's nappies more often than usual due to diarrhoea, your little one may be at a higher risk of dehydration. You should keep a close eye on them to ensure they stay hydrated during this time, especially if you notice that their stool is watery and they are having have bowel movements more often.

Vomiting – Similar to when babies have diarrhoea, if your baby is throwing up a lot, their chances of become dehydrated also increase. one thing to be aware of when your baby is vomiting is that not only can this lead to a loss of fluids i their system, but it can also lead to a loss of salts. Salts are crucial for the right balance of body fluids.

Getting too hot or having a fever – If you've noticed that your baby is overheating because they're sweating excessively you should also be aware that this loss of fluids could lead to dehydration. There are a number of things, aside from a fever, that you might not realise can make your baby sweat too much – for example, wearing too many clothes in the winter or clothing that is too warm for the weather, as well as wearing fabric that isn't breathable. Watch out for thick blankets too, and keep a close eye on them during high temperatures like on a sunny day, or if they are in a heated environment like using electric blankets or having the central heating on high. If your baby is older than 2 months and has a fever, you can give them paracetamol. If they’re older than 3 months and weigh more than 5kg, you can give them ibuprofen.

Not enough breast milk – If baby is breastfeeding they'll be relying on your milk for all their nutrient needs. This means that if your supply is low it could lead to signs of dehydration. So it's important to monitor your supply and reach out to your healthcare provider, GP or midwife with any concerns. There are a number of things that may affect how much breast milk you are producing, including your own fluid intake, stress and even how much skin-to-skin contact you're having with your little one, as well as being away from them without pumping.

Difficulty feeding – You should speak to a health professional if your baby is struggling to latch on properly, as this couold lead to them not receiving all the fluids from you that they need.

What are the signs of dehydration in babies?

Here's how to tell if baby is dehydrated – just watch out for the following signs and baby dehydration symptoms:

• Sunken soft spot on the top of your newborns head

• Sunken eyes

• Sleeping more regularly (more than what's normal for them)

• Dry or wrinkly skin

• Fussiness

• Crying with no tears

• Cold or discoloured hands and feet with blotches

• Fast breathing

• Fast heart rate

• A dry nappy for 6 hours or longer

• Constipation or having fewer/harder bowel movements

• A dry mouth

• Dark coloured pee

• Sleeping too much for their age

• Seeming drowsy or tired

How to treat dehydration in babies

Feeding issues?

Try to regularly breastfeed (or feed if you're not breastfeeding) your baby. If you're finding feeding tough, or you think your baby is struggling to get the hang of things, it's a good idea to speak to your midwife, to find out what might be causing those issues. You might even be interested in seeking help from a lactation consultant too.

You could also try pumping your milk, or giving your baby milk from a bottle or little dropper to make sure your baby is getting some fluid into their system.

If your baby is formula fed, try changing up the formula you're using to see if your baby prefers this. You should definitely try this if you're finding that your baby is regularly spitting up or vomiting their milk.


If you find your baby is getting sweaty in the night, make sure you're dressing them in breathable clothing suitable for bedtime. You can also turn down the thermostat and opt for lighter bedding to try and keep them cool - especially if we're experiencing a heatwave.

If your baby has began weaning, it might be a good idea to offer them a frozen fruit smoothie or ice pop to help up their fluid intake in a more fun way!

When to call the doctor

When it comes to baby dehydration and when to go to hospital, because of how small they are, it can get pretty serious quite fast if they're dehydrated. That's why if you spot any of the above symptoms of dehydration in your baby, you should call your doctor or the 111 out of hours service. Always call your doctor if your baby is projectile vomiting or has a temperature over 38°C.

FAQ: Dehydration in babies

What does it mean if baby is drinking but no wet nappies?

If you notice any changes in your babies nappies, it often signifies a problem, and even if your baby is drinking, if the nappies aren't wet something is wrong, and your little one could be dehydrated. Look out for any of the other signs of dehydration mentioned in this article and seek advice from your GP or emergency healthcare professional.

What if my baby's soft spot is sunken but they're not dehydrated?

A sunken fontanel, when accompanied by other symptoms, can be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition. However, some babies' fontanels always appear slightly sunken even when they are well, and alternatively, a baby can be dehydrated without having a sunken fontanel. If in doubt, it's advised to seek medical advice from your GP, midwife or health professional.

Should I be worried if baby not passing urine for 12 hours?

This could be a sign of urinary retention or dehydration, and you should seek immediate care for your baby.

What should I do if my baby is not drinking enough milk?

There are a number of reasons your baby might not be drinking enough milk, from being distracted, to not being able to latch on, or even being unwell. Whatever the reason, if your baby isn't getting all the fluids they need it could lead to dehydration, so it's important to get to the bottom of it in order to find a solution. Watch out for signs of dehydration and seek support from a midwife or medical advice and help if you're concerned about their health.

Lorna White is the Products Editor for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics surrounding all things motherhood and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips.

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