Activities for babies can feel quite limiting when your little one is so small, but there’s actually plenty you can do to keep them entertained, as well as help develop their fine motor skills, language developmentand strengthen your bond. You’ve got a lot of hours in the day to fill with your little one, so we’ve rounded up a selection of activities for babies that will require your full presence and others where you can leave your baby to happily entertain themselves.
1. Play with paper

A piece of paper can provide endless entertainment. For a younger baby, soft tissue paper is safe to handle and explore. She may just scrunch it up but this simple action stimulates your baby’s senses as she sees and feels how the paper changes appearance and texture and hears the crunchy sounds.
2. Puppet play
Pop your hand into the sock to transform it into something else, such as a friendly snake. Make a wavy action and give the snake a silly voice, then tell a story about the snake. This fun, positive interaction opens up the possibility of storytelling.
3. Baby massage
This is a lovely way to bond with your youngster and an ideal soothing activity. Different pressure points on the soles of your baby’s feet connect with different parts of her body. And by massaging your baby’s feet, you connect with all her internal body systems. Gently support one of your baby’s feet with one hand and use your thumb to gently apply pressure all over the sole, finishing with a little press to the area under each of her toes. Repeat with her other foot.
4. Mirror, mirror on the floor

Get your baby to look in the mirror or give them a baby-safe mirror to play with. They will be fascinated by their reflection and from just a few months old, they will realise it is a baby before recognising themselves at about nine months.
5. Make a sensory bottle
Sensory toys don’t have to be expensive. Make your own by filling a water bottle with coloured water, water beads or interesting objects – you can even turn them into shakers so your baby can make their own music.
6. Make edible sand
As you know, babies like to eat pretty much everything but with edible sand, you don't need to worry! There are a few different ways to do this but one of our favourites methods is simply blitizing cheerios together in a food processor until you have your desired amount of 'sand' for your baby to play with. She may be happy just feeling the 'sand' but why not include some toys to play with.
7. Food fun

When she’s deep into weaning, let your little one play with a mix of textures by giving her half of a ripe avocado in chunks, and half mashed. Let her play with a bowl of baked, mashed apple with some shaped baby snacks. Or serve a few breadsticks alongside a purée.
8. Play peek-a-boo
A sure-fire activity to get your baby giggling. ‘The incredible thing about peek-a-boo is that the fun value grows with your baby,’ says Developmental Psychologist, Dr Caspar Addyman, author of The Laughing Baby. ‘When your baby is tiny, she has limited vision, so the joy of the game is that she sees you looming in and out of her eyeline. When you come into focus the response is, ‘Hurrah! You’re there!’ It’s the simple gratification of having your attention.’
9. Have a game of airplanes
Once your baby has developed strong head and neck control, she can start the laughter-inducing game of flying. You sit on the floor facing your baby, hold her firmly around the chest, and say, ‘One, two, three... whee!’ On the whee, you roll backwards, so that you’re lying on the floor and she is ‘flying’ above you.
10. Blow bubbles

Bubbles are so simple, yet so much fun. Blow them past your baby’s face and watch her be in awe as they float past. Try and show her how to burst them too, by getting her to clap her hands together or poke them with her finger.
11. Sing nursery rhymes
Don’t worry if you’re not a worthy singer, your baby will just love hearing your voice. Belt out some classics, such as The Wheels on The Bus, Three Blind Mice and Humpty Dumpty. Move parts of her body while singing too, for example if you’re dinging The Wheels on The Bus you can move her legs, or if it’s Humpty Dumpty you can jig her up and down on your knee.
12. Kick a balloon
Another simple item that can easily entertain. Blow up a balloon and loosely tie it around your baby’s ankle. Watch as they kick their leg to make the balloon move above them. They’ll be their own source of entertainment for hours.
13. Have a dance

Why not just simply turn on some music, pick up your baby and have a boogie? Dancing helps with the release of endorphins (great for if you’re having a particularly tough day) and your baby will love being close to you.
14. Take a bath
Bathtime doesn’t just have to be about cleaning your baby, it’s a great opportunity to have some fun or help your baby relax. You can get some rubber toys too and tell them a story. If you have some toy ducks, we recommend The Ugly Duckling.
15. Read a book
Reading to your baby will help them get used to speech, language and help develop their vocabulary over time. Babies particularly love board books that contain different textures and flaps to open.
Read more: The 14 best books for babies under 12 months
16. Blow raspberries

You may be telling them not to do this as they get older, but for now while they’re small raspberries are perfectly acceptable! Nuzzle down in their soft tummy and blow a raspberry. Hopefully you’ll be praised with lots of giggles and smiles.
17. Pop them in a cardboard box
If you’ve had a recent delivery, don’t throw away the cardboard box. Instead, pop your baby inside with a few of their favourite toys, sit back, relax and watch them entertain themselves.
18. Make edible finger paint
Painting is always great fun and babies are pros when it comes to getting messy. This paint recipe by The Imagination Tree is non-toxic and edible, although they do say it doesn’t taste that nice but the most important thing is that it doesn’t harm your baby if it does end up in their mouth.