When navigating the newborn stage, all the information you're given can feel pretty overwhelming and knowing what to dress your baby in at night can be confusing too, especially in different temperatures. The best way of checking your baby's room temperature is using a baby room thermometer in your baby’s room. This will help you determine what they should wear at night.
You want to make sure your baby is safe and comfortable when they're asleep. As young babies are unable to regulate their body temperature and release heat rapidly, it's normal to question what your baby should wear at night, as dressing them correctly can help them to sleep better and provide you peace of mind.
There are so many questions around what to dress your baby in at night, from what tog size baby sleeping bags to use in different temperatures to how many layers they should be wearing.
Here at Mother&Baby we pride ourselves on being a safe zone to find all the answers to your questions, and to provide expert knowledge and guides to ensure you feel reassured as a parent.
There's more to just knowing what to dress baby in at night, but don't worry, along with the expert guidance of mum, Midwife Pip, we're here to guide you through our baby sleepwear guide and the steps you need to take to ensure your little one is dressed safely for sleep.
Check your baby's room temperature
The first thing you need to do is check the temperature of your baby’s room as this will be the biggest indicator of what baby should wear to bed.
According to The Lullaby Trust, your baby's room should be kept between 16-20°C.
At this temperature, your baby should wear a vest, sleepsuit and have a lightweight sleeping bag. Scroll down to find our temperature chart for more specific details on the best tog sleeping bag to wear at various temperatures.
What should my baby wear to bed?
We all want a good night's sleep for both us and our baby, so when it comes to dressing baby for sleep, you want to know you're making sure they'll remain as comfortable as possible at night. The main thing to remember is that simple is safest.
What you choose to dress them in will really depend on the weather and how warm or cold their room gets in the night.
Here, we've listed all the different options to consider when dressing your baby for bed.
Sleeping bags
Babies do not need to sleep under a duvet suitable for children until they are older and it's important you don't overdo the blankets too, as little legs can kick loose blankets off. This is where swaddles or sleeping bags are most helpful instead. These are safe, wearable blankets designed to provide some warmth without risking your baby's head getting covered by a blanket. Available in a range of different togs, they're suited to keep your baby snug in a range of seasons.
Your baby will also need more layers depending on how cold it is. If it's below 20 degrees, you should layer up your newborn with a sleepsuit and a vest. The best sleepsuits are available in a variety of styles and fabric to help you find the right one for your baby.
Blankets and accessories
While we'd advise sticking to a sleeping bag, if you do need to use a blanket, make sure it's a lightweight cellular blanket as recommended by the NHS. Make sure any blankets are firmly tucked in below baby's shoulders to avoid it coming up over their face.
"It is important to make sure your baby is positioned with their feet at the bottom of their cot." Says Midwife Pip. "You should make sure blankets only go as far as baby’s chest and their head is always uncovered and are tucked in to help it stay in place. Cellular blankets are a great option for breathability" she continues.
When it comes to swaddling your baby for bedtime, it really does depend what your baby finds most comfortable. According to Midwife Pip, "Some newborns really like being swaddled; others do not so be led by your baby. It is important to stop swaddling when your baby shows signs of rolling and to not swaddle if you are sharing a bed with your baby."
"Your baby should be swaddled securely to prevent material coming loose and risking baby’s face being covered. To swaddle, ensure you use materials such as a thin muslin or thin cot sheet, not blankets. If swaddling, then do not use any extra bedding or blankets as this risks overheating."
It's important to remember not to dress your baby in a hat or gloves for bedtime, even in cold weather, and during the summer months don't overdress them, as this can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
What to dress baby in for sleep in different temperatures
"Changeable weather might mean we need to check what we are dressing our babies in at night," says Midwife Pip. "Here's guidance on what layers to use for each room temperature."
Under 16 degrees: 2.5 Tog Sleeping Bag + Sleepsuit + Vest
17°c- 20°c: 2.5 Tog Sleeping Bag + Sleepsuit
20°c- 22°c: 1 Tog Sleeping Bag + Sleepsuit
22°c- 24°c: Sleepsuit
24°c- 27°c: Vest +/- 0.5 Tog Sleeping Bag
Over 27°c: Nappy

How many layers should a baby wear at night?
As you can see in our baby sleepwear temperature chart, for colder weather, you'll want to dress your baby in three layers, with different tog sleeping bags. For warmer weather, dress your baby in either two or 1 layers depending on the temperature. For extreme heat, don't worry about layers as a nappy will be plenty.
"Remember: use a Sleeping Bag OR a Blanket, not both," reminds Pip.
What should my baby wear to bed in hot summer temperatures?
• Take away any layers - one layer should be enough for your baby.
• Look for thinner fabrics like a thinner sleep bag or vest.
• During the day, make sure your baby's head is covered, they're kept out of direct sun and that they wear a pair of sunglasses if possible to avoid overheating.
Here's Midwife Pip explaining what to dress your baby in at night depending on the temperature – you might want to save it for the next time we have some extreme weather.
What should my baby wear to bed in cold winter temperatures?
• Layer up with cotton layers, like a vest, sleepsuit and sleep bag as heat will be trapped between these layers.
• In the day, make sure they are wearing mittens, gloves, hat if needed.
• Don't forget about blankets on your daily walks.
Signs baby is too hot while sleeping
To check if your baby is too hot, The Lullaby Trust say to "put your hand on the skin on their chest or the back of their neck."
If your little one feels hot to touch, start by taking a layer off of them and check them again in 10 minutes. You can always open a window slightly to help air circulate, too.
When checking to see how hot your baby is, remember not to check their hands or feet as these are often a lot cooler than the rest of their body.
Other signs your baby is too hot are:
• Damp hair from sweat
• Flushed cheeks
• Rapid breathing
• Heat rash
How to tell if baby is cold at night
• Early rising before 6am
• Frequent waking in the night
• Excessive movement when sleeping
• Hands and feet feel cold
• Chest and back of neck feel cold to touch
If baby does feel colder, you should dress your baby in an extra layer and ensure the room is an ideal temperature for baby which is about 20ºC (or 68ºF).
When can newborns regulate their temperature?
When babies are born, they're born with an immature thermoregulatory system which means they struggle to regulate their own body temperature and rely heavily on their environment and clothing.
As baby grows and develops, their ability to regulate their own temperature improve. By the time they reach the 9-12 month mark, their thermoregulatory system should be fully developed.
How to check a baby's temperature
If you're concerned your child may be suffering from a fever, then it's a good idea to check their temperature using a baby thermometer.
If you're not sure how to take your baby's temperature accurately, simply hold your baby comfortably on your lap and put the thermometer under their armpit (always use the thermometer under the armpit for children under five years of age) and hold their arm close to their body to keep the thermometer in place for the recommended amount of time (usually 15 seconds).
If you're using a digital thermometer it will probably beep when ready. If your baby has a temperature of 38C or more, you should call your GP as a fever temperature starts at 37.5C.
More about what to dress baby in at night
What should baby wear to bed if they don't like their sleeping bag?
We get that not every baby will find a sleeping bag comfortable, so if you can't get them to settle in one, then it's okay to use a blanket.
"Many parents like using a sleeping bag for peace of mind and ease but you don’t have to, if your baby doesn’t like a sleeping bag you can opt to use blankets instead but never use both as this is an overheating risk for baby" says Midwife Pip. If you are using a blanket, make sure its a cellular blanket as these are the most breathable. You should also avoid folding a blanket in two as it could cause them to overheat.
About the expert
Midwife Pip is a truly passionate midwife and advocate for the profession, bursting with knowledge. Pip is an experienced, practising Midwifery Sister, MSc graduate, founder of Midwife Pip Podcast, Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Educator, co-author of published research and a mum.
Emily Gilbert is the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for six years. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.