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It has been brought to our attention that some of our readers have been contacted by a company claiming that readers of Mother&Baby had won a holiday after completing a survey. Please be aware that Mother&Baby are not running a competition of this sort and the company contacting our readers is not associated with Mother&Baby.
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Join the #mumtribe
We have a rapidly growing mum community on #mumtribe where we're cutting through the carefully crafted mum posts to the real deal of being a mum - the challenges, the joys, the mini-battles we face day-in, day-out. It's not easy being a mum, but with your tribe behind you, you'll feel ready for anything.

#mumtribe started at M&B HQ, where we started getting pretty tired of seeing all those too-good-to-be-true family photos on social - so we thought we’d gather all of us *real* mums together, do something about it, and have some fun!
Every day, #mumtribe invites mums to share a photo of a parenting moment. It might be a tiny thing that makes you smile – like your baby’s cute yawn. It might be a mini mum-win – like that little bit of carpet you can still see beneath all the scattered toys. It might be perfectly normal stuff – like a fading stretchmark. Or it could be one of those blow-your-mind moments like the big-eyed look your tot gives you because you’re the very centre of his universe. If it’s a perfectly imperfect parenting moment, we want to share it!
#mumtribe is a closed Facebook group, so only other mums who’ve signed up can see what you post. And we stick all the photos into a gallery so you can see that life for all of us other mums is just the same as it is for you! Which we reckon will help us all feel like we’re doing a fab job at this mum business, instead of wondering why our lives seem so chaotic next to everyone else’s!
So what are you waiting for? Your tribe is waiting! Click here to join the group and be stronger together!