Sweet cone ideas for any occasion

sweets for sweet cones

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

Planning a party for your little one? Why not switch your party bags for sweet cones! These tasty and fun cones are great for any occasion.

Sweet cones are a great alternative to party bags and not only are they super simple to make but they're super delicious too. We've put together some fun sweet cone filler ideas for your next celebration.

Use sweet cones for:

How to make a sweet cone

You'll need to start by thinking about what sweets you want to include in your sweet cone. As the cone-shaped bag is rather slim at the bottom, it's best to start with smaller sweets such as Rainbow Drops, Millions or Jelly Beans.

Once 1/4 of the bag is filled with the smallest sweet, add some bigger sized treats such as mini marshmallows, Mini Eggs (perfect for Easter hunts), Malteasers, Smarties or Haribos. Now half your bag should be filled.

You can continue to add some more medium-sized sweets now, maybe something like Jelly Babies, chocolate buttons, Bon Bons or Fizzy Cola Bottles.

Now you're nearing the top of the bag, this is where you add the bigger sweets such as big marshmallows or space ships. To keep the sweet contained and for a finishing touch, tie the top together with a ribbon of your choice.

Sweet cone ideas

Making a sweet cone is pretty straightforward, but if you're keen to make sure yours look as nice as possible, why not take some inspiration from the sweet cones below?

colourful sweet cones

We love the vibrancy of these birthday sweet cones. They're bound to add a real splash of colour to any party.

If you're having a Halloween party rather than Trick or Treating, a sweet cone like the above a great option to hand out to your guests. The spider web bags are so effective!

Match your sweet cone to your celebration theme like these cheerful yellow sweet cones from Sweets Galore Bradford.

Some simple sweet layering from @sweetheaven_x has created this brilliant snowman which will be right at home at a Christmas party or as a gift.

If you're throwing a baby shower, you could go for specific pink or blue sweets like @oh_so.sweet_in your sweet cone.

Best sweet cone buys:

To start building your own sweet cones, you'll need to start with some cellophane cones. They look a little like piping bags and come with ties to tighten the bag up once it's full.

Add a personal touch to your sweet cones with a little message. If you're using the sweet cones in place of a party bag, you might want to add a 'thank you for coming to my party' message.

Alternatively, you could add an even more personalised touch with names or mention of your special event.

Make your sweet bags extra secure (and extra pretty) with some bright ribbon!

These brilliant pre-filled bags are great if you don't have the time to make your own. Filled with Millions, Space Ships, Rainbow Drops and more, these bags are a good minimal effort solution.



Price: $17.04

Price: $64.83

Price: $24.09
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