23 questions to ask when choosing a nursery

group of children and preschoolers playing in a colourful nursery room

by Keya Modessa |
Updated on

Choosing a nursery is a huge decision and can sometimes feel daunting. While some parents celebrate this new milestone (where has the time gone?), others will be anxious about leaving their baby with someone else. If you are feeling nervous, try not to let your child pick up on this, as it's a huge adjustment for them as well. Children typically settle in well and thrive in a nursery setting - the exposure to other children will encourage them to socialise and become more independent.

If you're looking at a potential nursery for your little one, make an appointment to view it or find out if they have an open day coming up soon. This is a great way to have a nose around, see the facilities, meet the staff and see how the other children are getting on - you may even bump into a parent you know.

We recommend viewing at least three nurseries to compare them and get a good idea of what each one offers. You can view more nurseries or less or you may even have one in mind that you know you want your child to attend.


Tip: Take a peek at the nursery's social media before your visit to see what a typical day looks like. This may also help prepare some specific questions.

Tip: You can ask mums you already know or ask a few questions via your local Facebook group. This way you'll get real answers from parents whose children already attend. Take each answer with a pinch of salt as some people may complain about one or two issues that only they've experienced.

Jot down a few questions to ask when choosing a nursery. The staff are expecting this and you will want to have as much information as possible to help make an informed decision about where to send your little one. We think we've covered everything below:

Questions to ask when viewing a nursery

1. What qualifications do your staff have to support my child?
All nursery staff work as part of a team to help care for children who attend. Nursery assistants may not need specific early years qualifications if the employer is happy that they are competent and responsible, although some jobs may require an approved level 2 qualification (equivalent to GCSEs). Senior team members or leaders will need a level 3 qualification (equivalent to A Levels) and a level 2 qualification in English (equivalent to GCSEs).

2. What are your opening hours?
This is very important and varies. Most offer early morning drop off from 7.30am and stay open till around 6pm. If you're going back to work, check they can accommodate your working hours. If you're only sending them part time or just for the morning/afternoon, check what time the AM/PM sessions start and end.

3. What are the fees and what do they include?
It’s good to have an understanding of exactly what your fees get when choosing a day nursery. Usually meals and snacks are included but some nurseries ask you to bring in your own nappies and wipes which some parents actually prefer. Nurseries also offer a half day rate which may work out better for some parents.

4. If I'm running late to collect my child, is there a charge?
Most nurseries charge a fee if you run late. Ask the nursery what their charges are as this varies - some charge per minute and some charge more/less depending on their location.

5. What is the staff to children ratio?
The staff to child ratio in a nursery in England depends on the age of the children. Currently they are:
3 years and over: 1 staff member for every 8 or 13 children
• 2 years: 1 staff member for every 4 children
Under 2 years: 1 staff member for every 3 children

6. Is there space available at your nursery or do I have to join a waiting list?
If you fall in love with an early years setting, it would be a shame to then find out there are no spaces available until next year. Check with them before making a viewing appointment to save yourself any disappointment.

7. How long is the waiting list?
If you like the setting and aren't in a rush to get your child started, add your name to the list. This is worth doing because sometimes a space can become available earlier.

8. What security features are in place?
Many settings have security features at the front door and staff are trained in policies and procedures. Most nursery rooms are kitted out with CCTV cameras but this is for security only.

9. What activities do you do?
If you've not had a look at their socials, now would be a good time. Most nurseries do a little bit of everything from physical activities to singing, book time, painting, messy play and more. Some even incorporate sessions with external specialists, such as sports coaches or musicians.

10. Do you have Forest School?
If this is high on your wish-list, it's worth asking. Forest School has become more and more popular in the last few years and some settings have adopted some of the principles in small ways.

group of pre schoolers lying down in a nursery
©IMAGO / Depositphotos

11. Do you have an outdoor play area? If so, what are the facilities and how often do children go outside?
Not all UK nurseries have access to their own outdoor play areas, but they must provide access to outdoor play or plan daily outdoor activities. The ones that do, vary in size. Some are small and some are huge and are kitted out with age appropriate features like climbing frames, sandpits and more. Take a peek outside while you're there to see if you're happy with what you see. Outdoor play is usually done with the same age groups so older children aren't falling over the tiny tots.

12. How will I stay informed of my child’s progress?
Being away from your child and not knowing what they've been up to can leave some parents feeling like they're missing out on their child's day. The good news is that each child will be assigned a key worker who will keep you up to date with their progress and all the precious milestones they reach during their early years. They usually offer a quick update at the end of the day but some nurseries send newsletters, some use apps and some have a parent portal on the website which they update daily with pictures and information.

13. What is a key worker?
A key worker is a member of staff assigned to a handful of children - including yours - to care for. They are responsible for ensuring that children's needs are met under their supervision. They also act as a point of contact for parents. Often children will build up a good rapport with their key worker which will put your mind at ease.

14. What is the settling in process?
Most nurseries if not all will offer settling in days. Once again, it varies but can often be a few AM or PM sessions to begin with. We're pretty sure most places will be quite flexible if you feel you need an extra one. It may also be worth looking at these tips to settle them into nursery.

15. Do you offer NHS discount?
Sounds crazy but some nurseries do offer a small discount on fees for NHS staff. You may need to provide proof of employment, such as a payslip or work ID.

16. What meals and snacks do you provide and at what time?
Nurseries offer breakfast (cereal or toast) to children, a hearty lunch and snacks too. If they're doing a long day or an evening, tea is offered to children too. Ask them what time food is served. Your child's key worker should be able to give you an idea of how much food your child ate during meal times. Always check with the nursery about their exact meal plan and request a sample menu.

17. How do you cater for children with dietary requirements or allergies?
Nurseries typically will accommodate children with dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances. To be sure, check with them exactly what they offer.

18. How do you cater for children with special needs?
Not all nurseries or early years settings have a SEND team but many nurseries have experience in helping and supporting children with special needs. Some staff members may have taken extra training and are often assigned to children to offer extra support and comfort.

19. Do you take the children on trips/outings?
By the time they're toddlers and pre-schoolers, some nurseries start taking them out on short trips, whether that's to the library or local park down the road. They'll always ask for your consent first and let you know what time they expect to leave and return.

20. Are all staff trained in first aid?
This is a perfectly reasonable question to ask and yes, all nursery staff should be trained in first aid - it's a legal requirement for early years practitioners in the UK so good to check.

21. What happens if my child has an accident at nursery?
There's always protocols in place at each setting if this happens. The staff should also notify you to let you know what has happened. Similarly, if they get sick or get a temperature, they'll let you know and you may be asked to collect them.

22. When was your last Ofsted report and where can I read it?
If you'd like to read up on the least Ofsted report, these should be made available. If they've had a recent visit, you can usually find the report on their website. Ofsted typically inspect nurseries every six years.

23. What are your sleep arrangements for the younger ones?
Most parents would prefer a nursery that has a dedicated room with cosy cots, but this isn't always the case due to a lack of space. Many nowadays have just have mats that they put down.

As a parent, you like to see happy children and staff that are kind, caring and attentive. Naturally, you'd want to avoid seeing children who are distressed or upset but this is real life and you never know what you'll be stepping into when you visit a nursery for the first time. While you're looking around, also pay attention to the staff and how they talk to the children and how they in turn react to them. Take note of the nursery rooms and general setting - did the rooms have window, lots of light, or was it dark, were the corridors clear of rubbish. Also trust your judgement and instinct on these things. If this is your first visit, keep an open mind, if you've visited a few nurseries already, you'll be able to compare and contrast what you liked and didn't like.


The nursery staff will answer any of your questions but if you feel there's anything you or they've missed, they'll be able to get back to you. If you think of something after, you can always follow up with a call.

Keya Modessa, is our Senior Digital Writer and brings over a decade of experience from the digital realm to Mother&Baby. As a mother of two, Keya understands the joys and challenges of modern parenthood and uses her own experience, to give practical advice. Keya has worked across national publications including glossy women's mags, Food and Travel, and more recently as digital lead for Muddy Stilettos.

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