Retro and nostalgic Christmas toys to add to Santa’s sack: Take a trip down memory lane

nostalgic christmas gifts

by Zara Mohammed |
Updated on

One of the best things about Christmas for parents is reliving our own childhood memories through family Christmas traditions, and of course living vicariously through our kids' excitement and wonder when they wake up up on Christmas morning to find a sack full of presents from Santa!

It's a great feeling to introduce little ones to all the special things we loved about this jolly time of year when we were their age, from giant tubes of smarties to retro Christmas toys. Some of the best toys made have been tradtional toys from the past. Because they are so timeless, kids today can still enjoy playing with these toys, which is why many are still being reproduced for new generations to enjoy.

We've rounded up some old Christmas toys and retro favourites to take you on a trip down memory lane. We hope you add some of these nostalgic Christmas toys to your kids' Santa sack this Christmas - they're oldies but goodies!

The best retro and nostalgic Christmas toys at a glance:

• Majigg Jester Jack in The Box - £20 (was £24.99) - Buy now on Amazon

• Bigjigs Toys Tin Spinning Top - £16.99 - Buy now on Amazon

• Mr Frosty The Ice Crunchy Maker - £15.53 (was £19.99) - Buy now on Amazon

• Classic Jenga - £10.99 (was £14.99) - Buy now on Amazon

• Mr. Potato Head - £10 - Buy now on Amazon

• My Little Pony Classic - Blossom - £7.99 (was £10.99) - Buy now on Amazon

Best nostalgic Christmas toys 2024

On sale - 20% off

Majigg Jester Jack in The BoxImage: Amazon

The traditional musical wind-up toy is bound to have your little one shrieking with joy, although they might get a bit of a shock at first, we all have to go through that initiation! Just like the Jack-in-the-box from your childhood, it's a reto-style metal box, you just have to wind it up by turning the handle, just like back in the day, and a plush clown Jack jumps out to shock and delight! This musical box fittingly plays "Pop goes the weasel", which we're sure your little one will love to sing along to with you, waiting with baited breath for the clown to pop up.

One reviewer thought it was a well-built toy and said their grandson absolutely loves it. Another customer pointed out that it can be tricky for kids to get the clown back into the box, and that the odd time he pops out early - but we think that just adds to the fun. Overall they were pretty happy but weren't sure about the longevity as they said the handle is pretty lightweight. Perhaps a little supervision is required when little ones are small and a bit heavy-handed.

Bigjigs Toys Tin Spinning TopImage: Amazon

Who remembers pumping the handle on one of these traditional spinning tops to watch it spin? Once moving, this one by Bigjigs Toys offers a great humming sounds that builds and builds, and vivid primary colours to enjoy. It's a fantastic addition to any nursery, toy box or playroom. the toy is also ideal for austistic children as it offers a gentle sensory experience and helps to develop dexterity and hand/coordination as they pump the handle.

One reviewer points out that it was slightly smaller than they expected but made extremely well. They said, "It makes a lovely humming sound and even spins on carpet and best of all when it has finished spinning it doesn't fall over but stays upright."

On sale - 22% off

Mr Frosty The Ice Crunchy MakerImage: Amazon
Price: $46.75

The iconic childrens toy - Mr Frosty - has been around for several decades. If you didn't have one of these when you were a kid, you probably wanted one! It has become a nostalgic toy for many adults who enjoyed playing with it as children. If you never got to enjoy making ice crunchies as a kid with your own Mr. Frosty, why not get one for your little one so you can have a go too? In fact, one reviewer said they bought this for someone who always wanted one as a child, and shared that it's the same quality as back in the 80's! Being a snowman, we think it'll make the perfect Christmas gift.

The toy comes with a plastic ice chamber, a hand-cranked ice grinder, and various moulds and toppings for creating unique and delicious treats. It's easy to use; first fill the ice chamber with ice cubes or crushed ice. Then, turn the handle to grind the ice into small, crunchy pieces. The ice is collected in a removable container at the bottom of the toy and kids can use the moulds to create fun shapes like stars, hearts and animals. We love that it's a healthy alternative to ice-cream too!

On sale - 27% off

Classic JengaImage: Amazon

Christmas is the best time to get out a game for the whole family to play, and one of the most fun games we could think of where everyone can get involved has got to be Classic Jenga! Made entirely of wooden blocks, the game is beautifully simple - just slide out blocks one by one, and place them on top of the stack, but don't let the tower fall!

Older kids and adults will enjoy the strategy side of this game, while younger kids can play with the block in all kinds of ways, stacking them to make towers or other structures... it's not Christmas after all unless there are toys all over the living room floor and someone has stubbed their toe!

We love that there are different versions of this game that are more geared towards adults or children, but you can't go wrong with the classic version. One reviewer said, "Arrived in perfect condition, no issues. Classic game loved by all the family from kids to grandparents, played over Christmas and multiple times since. Really easy way to keep everyone entertained for a good while, for all ages - lots of fun & can get competitive too!"

Mr. Potato HeadImage: Amazon
Price: $13.59
Alternative retailers
Walmart$6.88View offer
Target$6.89View offer

Who remembers this wacky guy? The Mr Potato Head toy is still a family favourite, and a great gift to enjoy at Christmas time. Parents say this toy is perfect for toddlers practicing their motor skills. One reviewer points out, "Great old school toy, not as sturdy as the original, but still good quality and kids were very happy"

Suitable for little ones aged 2 years and up, the toy set encourages kids to express their creativity and imagination, with 1 potato body and 12 detachable Potato Head accessories, including a moustache (or is it eyebrows?), a classic bowler hat, and 2 shoes. We also love the large compartment door on the back of the potato body where all the pieces can be stored.

On sale - 27% off

My Little Pony Classic - BlossomImage: Amazon

Rrp: $14.99

Price: $12.01
Alternative retailers
Walmart$20.97View offer

My Little Pony has been jazzed up with a modern makeover for today's generation, but who remembers these retro classic? if you used to play with these as a kid, you might be thrilled to discover that you can buy the classic style My Little Pony toys.

Which one was your favourite? Was it Apple Jack? Butterscotch? Grab a bargain - Blossom is currently on sale and we're sure your toddler will appreiciate pulling Blossom out of their Santa sack on Christmas morning! She comes with a brush, ribbon, and mini collector poster.

One reviewer said, "All in all this is a great reproduction. The colour of Blossom is darker than the original but she is lovely." Another reviewer said, "Looks and feels just like the original 1982 model. Head turns as well."

90s Christmas toys

Here were some of the most popular Christmas toys of the 90s that you can still buy today, even if most of them are remakes...

• Tamagotchi
• Furby
• Beanie Babies
• Teletubbies

80s Christmas toys

Who is old enough to remember these Christmas toys from the 80s?

• Cabbage Patch Kids
• Rubiks Cube
• Care Bears
• Transformers

70s Christmas toys

• UNO Card Game
• Shrinky Dinks
• Othello Game
• Hungry Hippos

FAQ: Retro and nostalgic Christmas toys

What are Christmas toys from the past?

Some of the most wanted Christmas toys over the decades have been:

• Wooden rocking horses
• Toy trains
• Dolls
• Yo-yos
• Lego
• Barbie and Sindy
• Mr. Potato Head
•  Play cookers
• Etch a Sketch
• Rubik Cube

What were the hottest Christmas toys of the 90s?

Some of the hottest Chrsistmas toys of the 90s include:

• The Gameboy
• Thunderbirds
• Tracy Island
• WWF action figures
• Barbie Dolls
• The Talkboy
• Power Rangers Figures
• Toy Story Buzz Lightyear
• Tickle Me Elmo
• Teletubbies
• Tamagotchi
• Furby

What did kids get for Christmas in the old days?

Children in the past received small, inexpensive gifts for Christmas, such as:

• Fruit, nuts, and sweets
• Books
• Handmade trinkets
• Wax figures

Proud aunt to her teen niece, Zara Mohammed is a Digital Writer for Mother&Baby. She has 10 years freelance writing experience creating lifestyle content for various platforms, including pregnancy, women’s health, parenting, child development and child mental health, plus lots of fun seasonal family articles and celebrity news.

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