Easy kids pumpkin face paint ideas

kids pumpkin face paint ideas

by Lorna White |
Updated on

If you're stuck for easy face painting ideas for Halloween, give a kids pumpkin face paint design a go. Suitable for tots and toddlers alike, pumpkin face paint is scarily simple, and can be achieved with just a few face painting supplies.

When it comes to Halloween, you really don't want your little one to be scared of their own reflection with some scary witch face paint. That's why softer designs such as pumpkins and cat face paint can be much more suitable for younger kids.

You really can get playful with these kids pumpkin face paint ideas and you can even add glitter if you're feeling adventurous (or just like any excuse to add glitter!).

Kids pumpkin face paint

There are plenty of ways you can paint a pumpkin on your child's face, from cute mini designs to scary pumpkins - here are a few of our favourite kids pumpkin face paint designs from Pinterest and social media.

Glittery pumpkin

A great excuse to get out the face glitter! This pretty design by Red Pumpkin features gorgeous eye details, eyeshadow and a grinning pumpkin. Look out for an eyeliner pen, like this £3.00 one from superdrug, to make the black patterns really easy to do.

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Skeletal pumpkin

A spooky take on a day of the dead mask, this skeletal pumpkin is really easy to do, but looks so brilliant! Give yourself a template to follow using the orange mask, and bring it all together with the outline for a creepy pumpkin.

pumpkin face paint mask

Black cat pumpkin face paint

We love this Halloween design, featuring pumpkins, cobwebs and a black cat. This is a great one to have a play with colours. You could make it even spookier with the addition of some spiders!

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Half pumpkin half human

Short on time and only have time for half a face? We've got you covered. This is a really effective design, with a half pumpkin, half human face - making it look like your tot really is turning into a pumpkin! Use a thick black line to create cracks revealing the pumpkin.

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Pumpkin eye mask

This is another brilliant take on a pumpkin face paint mask, by body art artist Olga Murasev. We love the flying bat details! You don't have to worry about making it look as professional as Olga, but if you did want to have a go at the dot patterns a really easy way to do it is to use netting, from a bag of oranges for example. Hold it against your child's face, wherever you'd like to create the pattern, then, using a sponge, stencil paint over the top. This technique also works great for creating reptilian designs, if your child is a fan of dinosaurs and dragons.

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Pumpkin cheeks

This is a great one if your child isn't a huge fan of having their face painted, or if you'd rather try your hand at a smaller design than a full face paint. Use smaller brushes, to make it ultra easy to create the smaller design.

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How to face paint a pumpkin: Step-by-step guide

In this video, Helen Magill, face painter and beauty therapist, shows an easy step by step tutorial on how to achieve an impressive full face pumpkin face paint look. Here we've broken down Helen's tutorial into easy to follow steps.

Step 1

The base layer. Make sure your child's face is clean and dry. Using a makeup sponge, apply orange face paint to your child's face in a circle. Leave a border before their hair line. You should also be careful around the eyes and eyelashes.

Step 2

Now you've got the base of the pumpkin design, add a bit of detail with yellow face paint. Again, using a makeup sponge, apply the yellow in straight lines down the orange circle. This creates the illusion of a curved pumpkin on the face.

Step 3

Using a small paint brush, paint a green stalk on the top of the pumpkin. If you'd like you can add a few decorative curls, or keep it simple like Helen's design. This is also a good stage to add face glitter if you'd like to include it. Get your child to tip their head back slightly, making sure their eyes are firmly closed. You can either apply the glitter using a brush, or sprinkle a little on directly from the pot - it will stick to the still wet face paint very well.

Step 4

Now for the spooky eyes of the pumpkin. Using a brush and black face paint, outline a triangle around the eye. Then fill it in. Repeat on the other eye. You'll need to make sure your child keeps their eyes shut throughout this step so the eyes may only be appropriate for older children.

Step 5

For the mouth of the pumpkin, firstly draw a long black line from either side of the mouth, then draw a row of triangles above this line. Fill them in. Do another line of triangles below the mouth guide line. You'll end up with a great jagged mouth effect.

Step 6

Now for a few last-minute details. Firstly, using a fine make-up brush and black face paint, follow the edge of your pumpkin and outline it. Also outline the stalk, and add some shadow lines up and down the pumpkin to make it look more realistic. Then, using another thin brush and this time white paint, add some highlights.

Trick or treat!

Now you're all ready to celebrate Halloween - boo!

Pumpkin themed outfits

Now you've got plenty of kids pumpkin face paint ideas to get you started, you'll want to dress your tot in a pumpkin themed outfit. We've rounded up some of our favourites Halloween costumes for kids inspired by pumpkins for every age.

Now you've got the pumpkin face paint sorted, how about grabbing a matching outfit to go with it! This baby pumpkin costume is simply adorable - a brilliant buy for a seasonal photoshoot. Plus it's available in a range of sizes, from 0-6 months to 3-4 years.

One reviewer said: "Bought for my 2yr old who would not wear a full costume. He looked very cute and with warm clothes underneath was great for Halloween night."

pumpkin dress
Price: $13.89

This is a great outfit, as you could reuse it throughout the Halloween period, and just change up the face paint! A pumpkin one day, a skeleton the next - or maybe a ghost. There are also similar adult sizes available, so you and your tot could be matchy matchy!

We love these comfy outfit sets that go from newborn to three years. There are four different halloween pumpkin designs available, for boys and girls alike and is ideal for keeping comfortable at Halloween parties for little ones who might not yet be old enough (or comfortable enough) to feel comfy and spooky.

What face paint is safe for kids?

While most kids face paints on the market won't be harmful to your little one's skin, if they do have particularly sensitive skin, opt for natural and non toxic face paint that won't harm their skin.

Classic Face and Body Paint for Kids
Price: $9.74
Alternative retailers
Walmart$9.74View offer
Michaels Stores$9.59View offer

If it's just an orange you're after to create the perfect pumpkin face paint look, then we'd recommend this non-toxic orange face and body paint that's also washable.

Lorna White is a Senior Digital Writer and has written for Mother&Baby since 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics, from potty training and nutrition to baby names and maternity fashion.

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