Witch face paint: How to guide and ideas

Witch face paint

by Lorna White |
Updated on

A witch costume has been a favourite since the holiday of Halloween began, but they're also perfect for year-round fancy dress too. Simply grab a witches hat and broom and your Halloween costume is good to go! However, if you want to take the costume a step further this year, you'll need to know how to do the perfect witch face paint for.

While witches can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, there are a few easier designs we'd recommend when painting your little ones face.

As well as a simple step-by-step how to guide on how to paint a witches face, we've also included some fun witch face paint ideas to give you some Halloween face paint inspiration.

How to face paint a witch

You will need:

•Green face paint - the brighter the better
•Black face paint
•A sponge for application
•A paint brush

Green witches face paint

1. Dampen your sponge and begin by applying the green face paint all over the face using your sponge. Try to avoid the eye areas and hairline where you can. You may also want to try applying a few layers around the face to add a contour affect.
2. Use your face paint and black brush to paint on some rather large and pointy eye brows in an arch over the eyes. You'll then want to line the eyes quite thickly over the eyelids and underneath with pointed edges.
3. No witch face is complete without a rather large mole on the face. Use your black paint and brush to paint this on in a circle. It's up to you where you place it.
4. Paint the lips black using the black paint or opt for a black lipstick if it's easier to use.

Witch face paint ideas


Witch face paint ideas

Spider pink witch face paint1 of 18

Bestchoice SRR pinterest

If you're keen to avoid putting too much face paint on your little one, this subtle face paint might be the ideal design for their delicate skin. We love the introduction of pink!

Green witch face paint2 of 18

Parents on Pinterest

Keen not to go too green in colour? Use a make-up sponge to create some light coverage instead to help it come off easier.

Detailed witch face paint3 of 18

merran_tatum pinterest

Going for something a bit more prettier? This swirly and dotty design with a bit of colour is a great idea if you're worried your little one might scare themselves if they catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror!

Bright green witch paint4 of 18


Opt for a brighter green for a more enchanting witch look complete with a glittery green lip and statement eyes. It's giving us Wicked vibes.

Child's green witch paint5 of 18

Linzi Cunnah Pinterest

Mixing together two very scary Halloween things - spiders and witches. This design incorporates both by using a spider web design and green face paint.

Simple green witch face paint6 of 18

Cazaar pinterest

In a rush? Simply dot on some black freckles, add a black lip and use some green eyeshadow from a palette over the cheeks and eyes.

Orange witch face paint7 of 18

debbyvlerick pinterest

Orange is another colour synonymous with Halloween, and we love this mask design complete with pumpkin face paint and a spider design.

Spider witch face paint8 of 18

King Miftahurrofiq pinterest

If glitter is your thing, try this fun and pretty spider witch face paint design. Add some subtle glitter to the tops of the cheeks and some on the lips too.

witches hat face paint9 of 18

Lindsey Lorteau pinterest

This detailed witch hat with glitter and stars is a bit more colourful making it fun for a party. It can be quick to achieve using stencils or stamps.

Green and purple witch face paint10 of 18

Panduro pinterest

If you're wanting to try something a little more challenging (or if you're trying to win best costume award), then this witch face paint is ideal. We love the purple eyeshadow and statement brows.

Bat and ghost witch face paint11 of 18

Mary Morris pinterest

With orange hues, this face paint look is every bit autumnal in colour. We also love the spooky addition of a ghost, bat and purple glitter lips.

Green and black witch face paint12 of 18

Dione & Channell Brown pinterest

This is giving us all the Wicked witch vibes with the addition of some simple spider designs and bold brows.

Witch face paint with mole13 of 18

hobbycraft pinterest

Suitable for little witches and big witches, the addition of purple face paints offers a spooky twist and we think they've done an excellent job of the mole.

Dark witch face paint14 of 18

Country Living Magazine pinterest

Going to the dark side? (or just in a rush?) This look can be achieved with some simple black make up - just take a black eye shadow, black liquid eyeliner and black lipstick.

Pink witch face paint15 of 18

Tomoko pinterest

Pink and glittery doesn't always spring to mind when you think of witches, but anything goes at Halloween and we love this pink spidery design.

Purple and orange witch hat make up16 of 18

Annemie Senden pinterest

Not had time to shop for a witches hat? Why not paint one on! Use some fun purple and orange paint to create the Halloween look.

Spider web make up17 of 18


We'd advise to give your spider web drawing skills a practise before having a go at this detailed design. Add on some glitter for an extra sparkle.

Stars and swirls witch face paint18 of 18

nadines dreams pinterest

If you're little one is a bit too cool for a full face of paint, or if they want something a bit more detailed, this gorgeous black and orange Halloween design is ideal for any witch this year.

Face painting equipment

Once you've chosen your design, it's time to select the equipment you will need to carry out the design. Here are some of our favourite face painting tools.

witch face paint stick
Price: $9.99

Suitable for use on the face and body, this stick is perfect for creating a green base that you can draw intricate designs over later. It is highly pigmented and comes in a retractable tube, making the whole application process very simple.

One reviewer said: "If your stuck on witch (see what I did there) oil based special effects make up is good value for things such as Halloween this is well worth the money in my opinion. It’s in a convenient stick rather than a shallow pot which can dry out quickly. Also the stick is like a lipstick so retractable and so easy to apply to large areas. It goes on with outstanding pigmentation. It’s easy to apply other colours on top too and blend where needed (I did use another oil based pallet for the black and white contouring etc.)."

witch face paint tools
Price: $83.47
Alternative retailers
Walmart$75.85View offer

If you've never done face painting before, this kit comes with everything you will need, including face painting brushes, sponges, six paints, glitter and instructions on how to create basic designs. We love that it's suitable for both adults and kids, so the whole family can get creative.

One reviewer said: "I have tried many face paints and they always just look watered down - this paint is a bit more expensive than others but it is definitely worth it. I had a queue of children waiting to have their faces painted , and with the help of you tube for tutorials the face painting was a winner for parents and children. It was easy to remove as washed off super easy either with face wipes or soap and water. I must have painted over 25 faces and still have loads left for another few parties. Really easy to use although I recommend having another palette to mix colours- not much mess left so easy to clean up after as well."

Witch face paint not for you? Why not try cat face paint, pumpkin face paint, and vampire face paintinstead?

Lorna White is a Senior Digital Writer and has written for Mother&Baby since 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics, from potty training and nutrition to baby names and maternity fashion.

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