Chrissy Teigen has a genius way of making her daughter eat her dinner

by motherandbaby |
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Chrissy Teigen never fails to serve up a healthy dose of re­lat­able con­tent via so­cial me­dia, and she can reg­u­larly found shar­ing her tri­als and tribu­la­tions.

Her lat­est strug­gle? Deal­ing with her daugh­ter’s picky eat­ing. In an at­tempt to solve the prob­lem, Teigen cre­ated a menu for Luna, and shared the re­sults via a video on Twit­ter and In­sta­gram. “I made a restau­rant for my 2 and a half year old,” Teigen wrote in the cap­tion ac­com­pa­ny­ing the video.

The lengthy menu show­cases an ar­ray of kid-friendly break­fast, lunch and din­ner dishes com­plete with both pho­tos and prices. Teigen even went to the ex­tent of lam­i­nat­ing the menu for a fully pro­fes­sional fin­ish.

Menu op­tions in­clude cheese que­sadil­las, chicken fin­gers, crispy fish sticks, and ce­real with ba­nanas. Each dish is pre­sented on a child-friendly plate com­plete with di­viders.

Fel­low par­ents were quick to chip in and share their ap­pre­ci­a­tion of this clever idea to tackle tricky meal times but also pointed out that not every­one has the time or re­sources to whip up what­ever their chil­dren re­quest.

As Teigen joked on In­sta­gram, not even the iPhone por­trait mode can make this food look aes­thet­i­cally pleas­ing.

What does look ap­petis­ing are the recipes Teigen has been shar­ing from her two cook­books, Crav­ings and the se­quel, Crav­ings: Hun­gry For More. Teigen has been doc­u­ment­ing how she makes some of her fa­voruite dishes like the Scal­lop Lin­guini Casino and the Crispy Co­conut Chicken Ten­ders with Sriracha Sweet Chilli. If you’re look­ing for din­ner in­spo, give her a fol­low.

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