Binky Felstead is a reality TV star, founder of wellness retreat The Mummy Tribe, and mum to India, two.
While being mum to India, Binky feels she has grown into a better person, learned how to manage her anxiety, and now appreciates the little things a lot more.
Mother&Baby spoke to Binky about her new mum identity and everything she's learned from motherhood so far.

1) Pregnancy was a great experience for me
There’s a lot of scaremongering going on in pregnancy now, and I know people can really suffer real pregnancy but I luckily didn’t and really enjoyed being pregnant.
I’m terrified of pain so I had an induction and an epidural. India was supposed to come on my birthday and I remember joking, “No! Absolutely not, I’m getting her out before my birthday! I’m not sharing my birthday!”

2) I love the toddler stage
The best part of being a mum is watching your little human grow and do new things every day and say new things.
India is talking none stop at the moment and she’s making me laugh so much.
She’s giving more kisses and cuddles and she’s understanding things a lot more now.
Babies are so sweet but they just sleep and cry but now I’m getting kisses and cuddles and India is laughing at me and we’re interacting which is amazing.

3) You have to adapt
I felt like you can lose your identity quite a bit when you become a mum and there are times where you feel quite isolated.
For me, I was the first out of my group to have a baby so it was very alien and I didn’t know where to turn, but I’ve now made a whole new group of friends and I’ve got myself a lovely routine going on.

4) How to handle my anxiety
I suffer from anxietyandgoing to the gym and doing exercise in the morning is a really good way to combat that.
It starts my day off right. Obviously I can’t do this every morning and sometimes I’m just too tired.
When you can’t be bothered, you just can’t be bothered! And that’s ok, let yourself have a day off.
But if my anxiety does creep up on me again or I want to feel good about myself then I will get myself off to the gym in the morning. It makes the world of difference.

5) I’ve changed for the better
My mum says I’ve grown up a lot generally. I’m a lot calmer and I feel like I’ve got my ducks in a row, well as much as you can as a mummy!
I really enjoy having a whole new sense of responsibility.
I’ve got a much better work ethic, a lot more drive to be the best I can be and do as well as I can because I’m working for my daughter now, not just myself.

6) The importance of the little things
I appreciate a lot more around me. Things like going to the park: in the past I would always have driven or got a taxi.
But now I’ll take time out of my day to walk to the park and just be in the sun, playing with India.
It keeps India happy and entertained, and I want her to be outside as much as possible.
I just appreciate everything so much more and squeeze so much more in my day now. I appreciate my time a lot more now.

7) Learning and development through play is so important
Fisher-Price sent India a burger van for her birthday which is brilliant. It’s her favourite thing in the house.
She’ll come and she’ll pass you the tacos and she absolutely loves all the elements that lights up and makes noises.
It’s great for her mind and to keep her active. I find their little brains fascinating!
Binky is working with Fisher-Price to launch the new Linkimals interactive toy range, available now.
Follow Binky Felstead on Instagram, here.
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