Aldi offers new parents chance to win £100 of vouchers every week – here’s how

Aldi calls on parents to apply for Mamia new parent fund

by Anne Lora Scagliusi |
Updated on

Becoming a parent is an exciting, life-changing experience, but it can also come with a hefty price tag. If you’ve found yourself surprised by how expensive it is to raise a child, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, a recent survey revealed that two-thirds of UK parents were shocked by the true cost of having a baby.

Between nappies, baby wipes, and those adorable-but-somehow-always-lost socks, the shopping list never seems to end. But Aldi is stepping in to help, announcing its Mamia New Parent Fund, giving one lucky parent a £100 Aldi voucher every single week for a whole year.

We all know that a new baby comes with big expenses, but it’s often the little things like the constant need for nappies (17% of parents say this was their biggest surprise) and baby food (14%)—that really add up. On average, UK parents spend an extra £225 per month on baby essentials. No wonder nearly half (45%) of parents said the financial pressure made them feel more stressed.

Aldi wants to ease that pressure so parents can focus on what really matters, like soaking up those newborn snuggles. The Mamia New Parent Fund is a way of giving families a little extra support.

Julie Ashfield, Chief Commercial Officer at Aldi UK, explains why they’ve launched this initiative, “No parent ever forgets the joy of welcoming a new child, but it often also brings unexpected financial challenges. Even after the big-ticket purchases before the baby arrives, there’s suddenly lots of new items to add to your weekly grocery list for the first time.”

She adds, “As the UK’s cheapest supermarket, we’re committed to doing whatever we can to support parents in making their money go further, including through our award-winning Mamia brand. Our Mamia New Parent Fund is just another way that we’re supporting parents to help them better enjoy every moment with their new arrival.”

How to apply for your £100 voucher

Fancy getting some extra help with the weekly shop? Here’s how to enter:

  1. Buy a pack of Mamia nappies.

  2. Email with a photo of your receipt.

  3. Every week, one lucky parent will be chosen to receive a £100 Aldi voucher to spend in-store.

With 52 winners across the year, you’ve got plenty of chances to win!

So, if you or someone you know could use a little helping hand, why not give it a go? Every little bit counts when you’ve got a little one to care for.

For full terms and conditions, and how you might win a £100 Aldi voucher, visit Aldi Mamia New Parent Fund

About the author

Anne Lora Scagliusi is a Senior Digital Writer at Mother & Baby. She is a Scotland-based journalist with over a decade of international writing experience, specialising in women’s health, maternal mental health, and wellness. Her work has been featured in Vanity Fair, Marie Claire, and Glamour and has appeared on several Vogue global editions. She is a mum to one very energetic bambino and splits her time between Italy and the UK.

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