The saying, 'life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother', takes on a whole new meaning when you become a mum yourself. Whether you're a new mum or a pro, we learn not just from our own mothers, but from our own experiences as mums.
To celebrate Mother's Day this year, we've asked some of the Mother and Baby team, as well as a few of our friends, to share the most valuable lessons they've learned from their mothers or through their own motherhood experiences, because, well you know, mums always know best!
Charlotte Stirling-Reed – Author and baby and child nutritionist:
"One huge lesson I learnt after having two children who were so very different in nature, was the importance of embracing their individuality. This realisation allowed me to pause and stop the comparisons with other babies, toddlers and children. If my own kids, born to the same parents, in the same environment, and raised the same way, could be so wildly different, then comparing them to others was pointless. This understanding lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I no longer stressed over milestones, sleep patterns, or how they adapted to weaning. Instead, I could enjoy my own unique journey with my kids, sleepless nights and all."

Annabel Karmel – MBE and baby and children’s cookery author:
"My mum always said that cooking for your children isn’t just about feeding them – it’s about love, comfort and creating memories. But let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just about getting them to eat something that isn’t beige and shaped like a dinosaur!"
Anna Williamson – Relationship expert and celebrity life coach:
"I genuinely found becoming a mum so utterly overwhelming and I definitely put a lot of pressure on myself in those early days to get it all right. And that was my first lesson to learn, that it is impossible to know how to be a Mum from the offset, it is not a job that anybody can teach you, you just learn on it. The best advice I was given was 'and this too shall pass' which I took great comfort in every time I had a challenging day or moment with my baby. Worrying and stressing about colic, feeding issues, whether the crying was for anything I wasn't tending to… I learnt with time to trust in my instinct as a mum and to accept that some days will be fantastic and other days will be in the trenches. But one thing I do know, eight years into the motherhood game, is that it really does pass and a better day is always around the corner."

Rachel Fitz-Desorgher – Retired specialist midwife, baby and parenting expert:
"Almost every baby book leans into the idea that our teeny offspring need teaching how to be a human - how to get into a routine, know the difference between day and night or how to breastfeed. Of course, our babies are highly evolved, instinctive little survivors and do not need teaching - they are just perfect at being babies. The more I relaxed and learnt from them in the early months, the more I realised that, rather than us teaching them how to be a baby, they actually teach us how to be a parent. So relax, trust your baby, and learn from your instinctive little expert! My saying when I worry about not getting it right: ’The muddle of parenting is where the fun and creativity lies.’ "

Lorna White – Products Editor for Mother and Baby:
"The one piece of advice my mum would say to me, is to always give yourself options. My mum always emphasised the importance of giving yourself choices in life when growing up, and making decisions that will open more doors for you, not close them."
Gemma Bray – The Organised Mum:
"One of my most memorable moments was when I first became a mum 18 years ago. I was struggling with postnatal anxiety, and in my mind, I thought my house had to look spotless. I was spending hours every single day cleaning and it was making me miserable. When the health visitor came round, she noticed that things weren’t quite right. She was so lovely and kind to me. She explained that there was actually more to life than housework, and my house didn’t have to be spotless for me to be a great mum. She said one thing to me that has stuck with me forever and actually forms one of the key principles of the work that I do: 'As long as you and your baby are happy, healthy, and well, then everything else is just sprinkles on your cupcake.'"

Anna Mathur – MBACP (Accred) Pyschotherapist:
"When I was younger, my mum and I would go shopping together. She’d hold up things she thought I’d love, and I’d politely nod, even when they weren’t my style. One day, we coined a phrase that became our little motto: “It’s nice for you, but it’s not for me.” It made us laugh and gave us an easy way to honour our differences. Now, as a mum, I use it more than ever. Parenting comes with endless opinions, how to feed, sleep, and ‘get it right.’ But instead of comparing, I remind myself: “That’s good for you, but not for me.” Letting go of pressure and choosing what works for my family? That’s the real parenting win."
Hannah Mellin – Digital Writer, Mother and Baby:
"Don’t sweat the small stuff! I have always been an anxious person but I have felt that melt away a little bit since becoming a mum. I used to take pictures of my front door before heading to work because I used to worry so much that I left it open, or I’d worry that a message I’d sent a friend was a bit too blunt or that people will look at my belly when I go swimming. That all changed when I became a mum, and I genuinely thought I would be so much worse. I think because my main responsibility is keeping my son alive and well that I don’t have the brain space to worry about most things and I love it! There are so many things that I don’t really care too much about now and it has been life changing."

Stephanie Mensah – Founder of Bibinee Dolls:
"One of the most meaningful lessons I've learned as a mum came from my wonderful mother-in-law. When I was navigating those early exhausting days of motherhood—struggling with painful breastfeeding, sleepless nights, and overwhelming emotions—she gently reminded me, "Nothing in life is permanent." It was her simple yet profound way of comforting me, teaching me to view motherhood as a series of seasons. Just as new seasons arrive, difficult ones pass. Her words became my mantra during those late-night feeds, emotional lows, and moments of self-doubt. It reminded me that challenging times are temporary, that each difficult moment eventually gives way to brighter days ahead. This advice not only guided me through motherhood but has become a life lesson I carry with me always. It helps me cherish the beautiful moments and endure the tough ones, knowing each phase has its purpose and each season will eventually give way to the next."

Holly Connolly – Female boss and podcast host:
"The greatest lesson my mother ever taught me, one that was drilled into me from my earliest memory was this, ‘You only live once, so do it properly!’ No half-measures, no “maybe laters,” and definitely no slacking. This philosophy has shaped not just my personal life and career but also the way I’ve raised my daughter, Cici. To us it is a full-time job, except with less board meetings and far more client entertaining. Because if you’re only living once, why not make it an absolute spectacle? Whether it’s dancing in the kitchen, taking ridiculous risks (within reason), or squeezing every ounce of joy out of life, my mother’s words echo in everything we do."
Samatha Ball – Feature and reviews editor, Mother and Baby
"Best thing I have learned as a mum, is if it's 'one of those days' where I'm overwhelmed, or they're overwhelmed, no matter what it is we just go outside. Rain or shine we'll go for a little walk even if it's just in the back garden, to the end of the road, but we get outside for at least 10 minutes and it helps so much!"

If you're still after some inspiration for Mother's Day check out these special gifts for mums or these easy exquisite hampers to make her feel really special.
About the author
Keya Modessa, is our Senior Digital Writer and brings over a decade of experience from the digital realm to Mother&Baby. As a mother of two, Keya understands the joys and challenges of modern parenthood and uses her own experience, to give practical advice. Keya has worked across national publications including glossy women's mags, Food and Travel, and more recently as digital lead for Muddy Stilettos.