As every parent lucky enough to own a smartphone knows, social media is your friend. From the long, dark, teeny tiny hours of the morning feeds, to alleviating the tedium of Peppa Goes Bananas for the 34th time, sometimes scrolling through Instagram is the only thing that keeps you going.
And if you need an antidote to the #blessed Insta mums with their perfect manicures, immaculate kitchens and bean-free babies, we have just the tonic.
She goes by the moniker of Hurrah For Gin (AKA Katie Kirby) and we reckon she’s one of the best mummy bloggers around.
Here’s why we believe you should be following Hurrah for Gin on Instagram.
Five reasons to follow Hurrah For Gin

She’s proper hilarious
Who knew there would come a time when going to the toilet alone would be a luxury? She knew.

She is wise
In her own words: “This is a really good, and easy to achieve mantra, especially for new(ish) mums. If you get to the end of the day and feel like you've accomplished nothing and you are surrounded by a sea of nappies, cold cups of tea and cereal bowls - you are not a failure.
“You kept a small human clean, warm and full, you made sure they were safe and you loved them so much you are exhausted. That is not nothing, that is everything.”

She makes you feel less alone
Because sometimes children are monsters. Ones we’d rip our beating hearts out for, but monsters none-the-less.

She just gets it
Oh, we feel this so hard. We have a name! Honestly! Once upon a time we did, anyway.

She’ll bring actual tears to your eyes
Excuse us, we’ve just got a plum stone stuck in our throat *sobs uncontrollably at the beauty of parent-child love*.
Katie Kirby has two books for sale:
Hurrah for Gin: A book for perfectly imperfect parents and Hurrah for Gin: The Daily Struggles of Archie Adams.