Dogs look cute and cuddly, but when it comes to expanding your family there's a lot of decisions involved about what's right for you, whether that's a small affectionate dog or a big bouncy dog.
There are hundreds of dog breeds that different families will just adore, but we've made a list of 10 loveable dog breeds that families love!
10 family-friendly dog breeds:
Family friendly dogs

1) Labrador
We've all seen Marley and Me, (if you haven't, what are you doing!), so we know that labradors are great with children. Labradors remain the most popular dog breed and have a very sweet demeaner meaning that they pretty much love everything and everyone. You need a lot of time for this dog as they need a lot of exercise due to their high energy, but that's just the same as a toddler right?

2) Border Collie
Border collies are truly a mans best friend. They're loyal, incredibly clever and would make the perfect family companion. They have bundles of energy and need a lot more mental stimulation than physical exercise but how cute would it be watching your little one and your border collie running around a park, burning off their energy?

3) Boxer
A former fighting dog, a boxer would be the perfect dog that will love playing with children. Their up-beat attitude makes them fun and charasmatic. They can be fairly jumpy as puppy's, so just watch them around young children and give plenty of commands.

4) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This small, fearless dog is commonly known as a "KC Spaniel" and they're very loving, playful and adaptable. So if you're planning on starting a family or you're expecting a little one, this dog won't be hesitant to love your baby and easily adapt to all the changes!

5) Bull Terrier
This gorgeous dog is not the aggressor it's known to be and is much more a goofy playful pup! They can be protective, so early socialisation with people and dogs is important with plenty of positive training, but this mischeivous breed will keep your whole family entertained.

6) Beagle
Beagles thrive on companionship, so if you plan on being out of the house for long periods of time then this dog might not be for you. They're incredibly loving and a perfect size for small children. But just be careful to beagle-proof your house and garden and not just toddler-proof it, as they can become escape artists if they get a hard to resist scent.

7) Cocker Spaniel
How handsome! Cocker spaniels are the perfect sized dog for a family with the softest ears and super cuddly! This sweet dog can be very active, but will love just playing with kids or another dog!

8) Staffordshire Terrier
These little guys don't get the credit they deserve. This sweet-natured companion is very patient around children and feel most at home when they are around family. Staffordshire terriers are clever and if they're socialised with other dogs from a young age they will show you their true, loving potential!

9) Golden Retriever
Another family favourite, golden retrievers are very much adored by families due to their loveable and goofy nature. They're quick learners that needs lots of exercise such as long family walks or trips to the park!

10) Poodle
We love teddy-bears, so what better than a dog that looks like a walking teddy? They come in three sizes, standard, minature and toy, but they're all cuddly and very clever!
Now read:
Preparing A Dog For Baby
Which companion does your family love? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!
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