We all know that a mum's work is NEVER done.
We wipe dirty surfaces, snotty noses and our own weary eyes more times than we text our friends and regularly find ourselves singing the alphabet backwards whilst carrying 34 cardigans and schoolbags on the way home from another school run.
We spend so much of our lives cleaning, dusting, sweeping and polishing that we could give Cinders a run for her money!
We are a mum, but we are also a housekeeper, taxi driver, teacher, potty trainer, champion tickler, no-thumb-sucking enforcer with a PHD in reverse psychology. We are molding little humans into the leaders of tomorrow and essentially, it's a 24 hour job.
We mums do A LOT and some boffins have worked out how much mum's should be paid for all their efforts. They've calculated the figure to be a massive £172,000 a year!
Er, can we have that in writing please!
According to the survey of 1,000 mums by Interflora, they do 119 hours of unpaid work a week on average, in the role of unofficial chauffeur, personal trainer, chef and teacher.
Using the average salaries of each of these jobs, they worked out that the total annual earnings owed to mums would be £172,000.
This is whopping £30k more than Prime Minister Theresa May's annual salary who famously takes home £142k. We wouldn't mind living at Number 10 with a fancy-shmancy butler...