You'd be surprised what free baby stuff is available to new mums. There are a wide range of companies willing to give out freebies, in exchange for your personal data. After a quick search online you'll find goodie-bags for pregnancy, newborn babies and toddlers as well as free nappies, dummies, follow-on milk and even baby food.
The things you should know before signing up for freebies
If you've decided you want to give brands your data - this being your email address and phone number - in exchange for free baby stuff, you should be prepared for quite a few marketing emails and texts. It might be worth setting up a separate email address specifically for freebies to avoid spam. It's also really important to read the small print and check if part of the deal is passing on your data to third parties.
The best pregnancy, baby and toddler free samples and goodie-bags
From NHS baby boxes to Bounty - here are the best free baby stuff out there and how easy it is to get hold of.
What you get in a Bounty Pack
Bounty does two different goodie bags: a Mum-To-Be Pack and a Newborn Pack. Each pack contains different things depending on which supermarket you get your pack from, and you can choose from either Asda, Tesco or Boots. We've listed the things you can expect to find in your pack.
The Mum-To-Be Pack contains:
Great try-before-you-buy products and samples from the shop you choose (pack contents may vary)
Asda - Money-off vouchers and exclusive offers to help lower the cost of pregnancy including 10% off George at Asda
Tesco - Money-off vouchers and exclusive offers to help lower the cost of pregnancy
Boots - Money-off vouchers and exclusive offers to help lower the cost of pregnancy
Bounty’s Baby Product Guide - it’s full of expert reviews on what’s out there and what you need for your little one to suit all budgets
The Newborn Pack contains:
Baby related samples that can help in the early days and weeks, such as nappies, baby wipes, and nappy rash cream
Child Benefit form (almost 70% of parents claim Child Benefit using this form)
Money-off vouchers and exclusive offers to help lower the cost of raising your little one
Advice from the Lullaby Trust and British Pregnancy Advisory Service, and information from The Sepsis Trust
Information from Public Health England on immunisations
How to get hold of a Bounty Pack
You'll need to download the Bounty Pregnancy and Baby App to claim your free pack, and they're available to claim from 13 weeks pregnant. For the Newborn Pack, you just need to ask your healthcare professional for one when you're in the hospital before taking your baby home.
What data do you have to give Bounty Pack?
After downloading the app, the following data may be collected from you:
Your first and last name
Your email address
Your postal address
Contact number
Health and fitness information
User content
What you get in the Ella's Kitchen Friend freebies pack
There are loads of freebies available, and not just for newborn babies or mums-to-be. There are also goodie bags for toddlers and older babies too. Ella's Kitchen friend freebie pack is one of these and is designed for babies starting their weaning journey. Here's an idea of what you'll get:
A weaning journey map
A colourful weaning wall chart
Fruity stickers
50p off coupon for any Ella’s Kitchen pouch
How to get hold of Ella's kitchen friend freebies pack
Sign up by filling in a 3-part form on Ella’s Kitchen ‘Become A Friend’ Website. The pack will then be sent out to you in the post.
What data do you have to give Ella's Kitchen?
You’re required to give:
Your first and last name
Your email address
Your postal address
Your baby’s name
Your baby’s due date/date of birth
You can add as many children as you like in the last section.
You’ll also need to:
Answer 3 multiple choice questions
Create a password for your account
What you get in a Cow & Gate Baby Club Welcome Pack
Cow & Gate's Baby Club is great for mums looking for advice on feeding and a community of new mums to connect with. You can read other mum's stories and experiences with their new babies and keep track of your pregnancy symptoms using the free diary.
A small soft cow toy (with C&G Baby Club written on it)
An A5 (we think) paper pregnancy diary
A welcome leaflet
A booklet of real-life mum stories who’ve had help from the Cow & Gate careline
How to get hold of a Cow & Gate Baby Club Welcome Pack
You need to register on the Cow & Gate website to join their baby club to get the pack. You'll also receive weekly emails when you sign up.
What data do you give Cow & Gate?
First and last name
Baby’s due or birth date
Your postal address
Your email address
You'll also be asked whether this is your first baby or not.
What you get in the St John Ambulance Essential Baby First Aid Guide
This one doesn't include free products, but you'll get a really useful first aid guide sent to you in the post. It shows essential first aid both in diagrams and written instructions.
The guide shows you what to do if:
Your baby is choking
Your baby starts having a seizure
Your baby suffers a minor burn
Your baby is not responding to you
You are also shown how to:
Perform baby CPR, if your baby stops breathing
Hold your baby in the recovery position, if they are breathing but unresponsive, and you’re waiting for an ambulance
How to get hold of the St John Ambulance Essential Baby First Aid Guide
If you live in the UK, you can sign up on the St John Ambulance website and you'll have to fill out a short form.
What data do you have to give St John Ambulance?
First and last name
Postal address
You then have to say where you heard about the guide. You also have the option to opt-in to marketing via telephone, email or post.
What do you get in the SMA Baby Club Welcome Pack?
Milestone cards
Personalised 1000 days calendar
Personalised emails with advice
24/7 Careline team support
How to get hold of the SMA Baby Club Welcome Pack
Sign up on the SMA website to have the welcome pack posted to your address.
What data do you have to give SMA?
Your first and last name
Your email address
Your home address
What do you get in the DryNites® Pyjama Pants free sample?
1 free pair of DryNites Pyjama Pants (choose from either Spiderman pants or Tinkerbell pants)
£1 off coupon
How to get hold of the DryNites® Pyjama Pants
Simply sign up here on the Huggies website to claim your free sample. You just need to enter your details and agree to opting in or out of receiving extra promotions from Huggies.
What data do you have to give DryNites®?
Details about your child including their age and sex
First name
Last name
What do you get in the Your Baby Club box?

Boxes vary but each box contains items valued at over £30 with products from the likes of MAM, Danone, Nimble, Child’s Farm, WaterWipes and NUK.
How to get hold of a Your Baby Club box
To claim their free box, all new and expectant parents/mums have to do is sign up to Your Baby Club to get a unique promotional code, create a Baby Wishlist on Amazon (if you don't already have one) and then purchase at least £20 worth of eligible products.
What data do you have to give Your Baby Club?
• Name
• Address
• Mobile number
• Your DOB
• Baby's sex, due date/DOB
Which freebie sites are the best for free baby stuff?
There are lots of sites giving away freebies or big discounts and deals, but which are the best for free baby things?
Another great way to get stocked up with free products that could last into the first few months of having your new baby is going to baby shows. You can get a huge range of freebies, from Sudocrem to Pregnacare vitamins.