Clemmie Hooper admits to posting anonymous comments about other bloggers

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Clemmie Hooper, mega Mummy blogger also know as Mother Of Daughters has posted a statement on her Instagram stories, admitting to having written anonymous comments about fellow influencers and bloggers.

The statement, which is text on a grey background, reads: "I know there are some rumours circulating and I want to take the opportunity to explain.

Earlier this year I became aware of a website that had thousands of comment about my family and I. Reading them made me feel extremely paranoid and affected me much more than I knew at the time.

I decided without telling anyone that I would make an anonymous account so that this group of people would believe I was one of them so that maybe I could change their opinions from the inside to defend my family and I."

On the next slide, she writes: "It became all-consuming and it grew bigger than I knew how to handle. When the users started to suspect it was me, I made the mistake of commenting about others. I regret it all and am deeply sorry - I know this has caused a lot of pain.

Undoubtedly I got lost in this online world and the more I became engrossed in the negative commentary, the more the situation escalated."

Engaging in this was a huge mistake I take full responsibility for what has happened and I am just so sorry for the hurt I have caused everyone involved including my friends and family."

It's alleged that the site Clemmie is referring to is Tattle.Life, which we wrote about last month after beauty writer Sali Hughes made a public statement about how the website was making her life miserable.

Um, what actually happened?

Posting under the name AliceInWanderLust on Tattle Life, Hooper reportedly bullied a number of her friends - and even her own husband - by posting rumours and trolling comments about them on the forum.

When other users on the website uncovered the users' real identity, Hooper reportedly called all of the people she trolled to come clean, but asked them not to expose her name, despite Tattle Life users already doing so.

A number of influencers took to Instagram last night to share what has happened, without revealing Hooper’s name.

‘I’ve been debating all day what to do and say about getting trolled and bullied by a friend of mine online,’ Bethie Hungerford, aka Hungermama, said on her Instagram story. ‘This person has admitted to the bullying to all of the friends she has tried to spread rumours about online… it’s not whether or not this has happened – it’s that it has and she refuses to take responsibility for her actions.

‘I’ve encouraged her to come forward and get in front of it and she hasn’t,’ she continued, ‘I’m not going to name any names, I’m putting the ball firmly in her court to come clean and acknowledge her wrongdoing and apologise to all of the people she’s hurt.’

After a number of Tattle Life and Mumsnet users named Hooper as woman behind the AliceInWanderLust account, she spoke out about the rumours just minutes ago.

‘Earlier this year, I became aware of a website that had thousands of comments about my family and I,’ she beigns. ‘Reading them made me feel extremely paranoid and affected me much more than I knew at the time. I decided without telling anyone else that I would make an anonymous account so that this group of people would believe I was one of them, so that I could maybe change their opinions from the inside to defend my family and I.

‘It became all consuming and it grew bigger than I knew how to handle,’ Hooper continues. ‘When the users started to suspect it was me, I made the mistake of commenting about others. I regret it all and am deeply sorry - I know this has caused a lot of pain. Undoubtedly I got lost in this online world and the more I became engrossed in the negative commentary, the more situation escalated.

‘Engaging in this was a huge mistake,’ she concluded. ‘I take full responsibility for what’s happened and I am just so sorry for the hurt I have caused to everyone involved including my friends and family.’

Initially, Tattle Life users suspected the user was Hooper because when she was on holiday in the Saint Lucia, AliceInWanderLust was also posting from Saint Lucia.

‘Dear Alice, I don’t owe it to you to remain quiet,’ Laura Rutherford, also known as that_mummy_smile posted about her Instagram. ‘For so long I’ve had to grin and bear the derogatory comments, the angst of what people think of me, where the malice has come from. You’ve looked me in the eye and asked me how I’m doing when I’ve been at my lowest. How dare you?’

This article was originally written for Graziaby Rebecca Reid.

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