Big news for Peppa and George: Mummy Pig is having a baby!

Images of Peppa Pig and her family and Mummy Pig pregnant

by Samantha Ball |
Updated on

It's official, Peppa and George are going to be welcoming a new little sibling into the Pig family household this year!

In an exciting announcement, Hasbro has announced that Mummy Pig is pregnant with piggy number three, with Peppa set to become a big sister once again.

The episode Peppa Pig: The Big Announcement will be shown exclusively on Milkshake in March 2025.

In the episode, Peppa and George learn the exciting news from Mummy and Daddy Pig. The season will follow Peppa’s journey as she awaits the arrival of her new sibling.

But in a hilarious twist, Mummy Pig has been making the headlines by recreating some iconic celeb pregnancy announcements, from Rihanna to Beyoncé and even a Kardashian.

©Images by Pretty Green

When will the episode air?

The big announcement is set to premier on March 30th this year, with Baby Pig’s first appearance being in a new season later this year.

We can't wait to see if the new arrival will start making an appearance at Paultons Park Peppa Pig World!

More about Peppa Pig

What is Peppa Pig?

Peppa Pig is a children's television show that follows an outgoing little pig and her family on all different day to day adventures. She's seen alongside her little brother George, Mummy and Daddy Pig, her Grandparents and plenty of friends!

Samantha Ball is a Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby, having written for the brand since 2018. She's a mum of two aged seven and three, and is currently expecting her third. She loves searching for the best and current trending products for little ones. She loves to bake, but spends most of her free time between football and ballet classes.

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