We don't know any parent who can’t wait to hear what their baby’s first word will be. It's a huge baby milestone moment, and you must be eager to know the answer to the big question – when do babies start talking?
We've done the research and learned from experts Libby Hill, who qualified as a speech and language therapist from University College, and Dr Amanda Gummer, a leading expert in child development, to find out when it happens, how it happens, and what it means if it doesn't happen it should! They've shared ways to encourage your baby to speak and what signs to look out for so that they're ready to talk. So, without further delay, here is everything you need to know about the different stages of baby talk, what to expect, and what to do when you see the signs of speech delay.
When do babies start talking?
In the first month or two, you will notice your baby start to make a variety of different sounds. First, it will be crying, then the 'oohing' and 'ahhing' will begin, and finally, the babbling.
If your little one is still really young, you probably can't wait to know- when babies start babbling. It's a super-cute phase that most of us really enjoy and look forward to. Babbling refers to all of the wonderful noises your little one makes as they exercise their mouth and tongue and practise making a variety of fun sounds.
By the time your baby is about to utter their first ever proper word, you'll probably have heard plenty of babbling and cooing coming from them, and this is all preparing them for that huge milestone - their very first word.
When do babies say their first word?
So, at when do infants say their first word? Well, soon, all of these adorable sounds will turn into real words, and this is where "mama" and "dada" might slip out when you're least expecting it. Around six months old is the most common time for this first word to appear, but it can happen sooner or later than this.
Once they've said one or two, they will begin to pick up more and more words from you and everyone else around you – so be careful what you say!

How to encourage your baby to talk
The best way to encourage your baby to say their first words is to talk to them – all of the time! Whether it’s telling them about your catch-up with friends, explaining the whole plot of The Great Gatsby, or simply describing how you’re changing their babygrow, speak to your little one constantly.
Speech and Language Therapist Libby Hill says, "Engaging with your baby from birth has an invaluable impact on their speech development. Babies love to listen to your voice, so talk, sing and coo, making eye contact as you go."
Remember, your baby's eyes can’t focus properly until around one or two months old, so make sure to hold them close to you as you chat away. This will help to engage them, as they'll be able to see the expressions on your face as you make warm and friendly eye contact, and they'll enjoy observing the movements of your mouth as sounds come out when you speak or sing to them.
If you're in the early stages of your baby just beginning to vocalise, the NHS advises these techniques on how to get them to talk:
• Talk in a sing-song voice
• Hold your baby close and look at them
• Chat about what you are doing
• Sing
• Repeat the sounds your baby makes back to them
The most common first words
In the UK, some of the most common first words for babies include "mama," "dada," and "hi," followed by more curious words like "bye" and "dog." These early words are often tied to the people and things babies interact with most, making them natural first picks. It’s exciting when your little one starts chatting, and it should be celebrated every time (well, to begin with, at least). Each word marks a big milestone. Keep talking to your baby, as regular communication can help them develop language skills and encourage more first words to come.
Speech development from 0-6 months:
Crying is your baby's first kind of communication. Up until about six months of age, they will begin to recognise words and the sounds of your voice, which will soon result in them 'babbling'. Eventually they will say their first 'real' words, which are often 'mama' or 'dada'.
Speech development from 6-12 months:
At this point, your baby is still experimenting with sounds and noises. Talking and reading to them is recommended to ensure their babbling continues. Babies learn and develop their skills by mimicking you, like they learn to smile and walk. This is why you should still read picture books to them, even though little ones may not yet understand the stories.
From six to 12 months, your child will begin to pick up on your words and expressions. To keep this going, the NHS also advises to do the following:
• Name and point out things you can both see, for example: "Look a cat!"
• Start looking at books with your baby. You don't have to read the words on the page; just talk about what you can see.
• Only offer a dummy when it's time for sleep. It's hard to learn to talk with a dummy in your mouth.
• Play "peek-a-boo" and "round and round the garden".
Speech development from 12-18 months
Things are beginning to get pretty exciting now. Around the 12-month mark, you'll start to notice your toddler begin using real words they've picked up to talk to you. You might find that only you and those close to you and your baby understand what they are trying to say. They may use the same word repeatedly, and you'll enjoy listening to them make up their own words, too.
Many parents describe their toddlers as "chatterboxes" at this stage. With new words appearing every day, by 18 months, they could know and use between 20 and 100 meaningful words. This is a really special time as you get a little bit more insight into what's going on in their little heads.

Signs baby will talk soon
When your newborn lets out their first cry, they're talking to you! It's easy to forget that their screaming is a natural communication. Gauging what their cries mean is just a case of getting to know them, and when you respond to their needs, you are essentially communicating back to your baby. As they develop, they'll learn that different sounds lead to different responses, and this is the exciting beginning of real verbal communication between you both.
Here are some common signs that a baby will talk soon:
Babies will use eye contact and gurgling as part of their language development.
As the weeks go on, you'll notice your baby becomes more vocal, with cries and gurgles – Fun fact: Al; babies are born with the ability to recognise the 150 different sounds that make up every language in the world!
Soon you’ll notice your baby creating more bird-like cooing sounds – "This is a sign the muscles of his tongue and mouth are getting stronger, and he’s beginning to understand the link between making sounds and getting a reaction," says Libby.
Baby will eventually start to make sounds that resemble words they have heard you use – Another fun fact: Your baby also has impressive memory skills, meaning they can say a word back to you that you might have said weeks earlier.
What if my baby's not speaking?
From baby's first steps to first words, we're all guilty of comparing our babies to others. But every child reaches key development milestones at different times, so it's not always something to worry about if your little one hasn't begun to talk yet.
If your baby isn't attempting to make any sounds, eye contact, or babbling between 6 and 9 months old, however, it is advised to bring it up with a doctor. It could be that they have a speech delay or a hearing problem.
"My 18-month-old not talking but understands."
A Speech Therapist from Toddler Talk says, "This is one of the most common observations I hear from parents when they come in for a speech and language evaluation."
They say there are two common reasons why a toddler might understand everything you say to them, but they're still not talking yet:
A child might be experiencing a speech delay or an expressive language delay – this means their ability to pronounce different sounds and words may be developing more slowly than their peers.
A child might be having a hard time coordinating the movement of their mouth to make the sounds for speech.
Speech therapy support can help with this, so speak to your GP, and they will be able to point you in the right direction.
When do autistic babies start talking?
According to Autism Awareness Australia, talking is harder for children with autism. They say, "Some children with autism may start talking at 12-16 months. Most don’t start talking until later. Some will start talking between the ages of 2-3 years. Other children talk even later, and some children never learn to talk."
They say that this is due to the fact that young kids with autism don't learn in the same way as other children, and they often miss out on some of the skills picked up earlier on that usually lead to talking. Also, children with autism don't necessarily look at people or watch what they're doing at this early stage, which means there is less chance of them imitating the behaviours that lead to talking.
Tips from an expert on baby's first words
"Of course, we shouldn’t worry or compare what other people’s babies and children are doing – although every parent does it!" says Parenting Psychologist Dr Amanda Gummer, author of the book Play: Fun Ways To Help Your Child Develop In The First Five Years (Vermilion).
"Parents worry hugely about when their children reach milestones, especially compared to their little friends", she says, "But one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever been given is to write down a reminder in your diary to worry about it in, say, three months." So, if your little one’s speech seems slow compared to your friend’s baby, write it down and then don’t think about it. When the three months are up, reevaluate things.
"Children develop at vastly different rates, and you’ll be amazed how much things change", says Dr. Gummer. "If there is still a delay, see your GP. This way, you’re dealing with potential problems without stressing about them every day."
As for speech, Dr Gummer recommends the following to help your little one along: "Don’t second-guess what they want – instead, make them ‘ask’ for it." Dr. Gummer gives the following example: "Rather than giving them a beaker of water when you know they’re about to become thirsty, point to it and say, 'Do you want your water?' Over time they’ll learn to ask for things, rather than never having to because it’s always available."
"The same goes for when babies start crawling and walking" says Dr. Gummer, "Put toys slightly out their reach. Not so much they get upset, but just as gentle encouragement."
Dr Gummer says it’s also worth remembering that while you may look at other babies and worry that they’re talking, walking or sleeping better than yours, other parents will be looking at your child and thinking the same.
If you've noticed that your child is stuttering, there is no need to worry, as this is completely normal while their speaking is quickly developing.
However, keep an eye on it. If it continues until they reach 4-years-old, or if you can see them tensing their jaw, talk to their doctor about it.
FAQ: When do babies start to talk?
How many words should a 16 month say?
By 16 months your child may be able to say as many as seven words clearly, or perhaps even more than this. However, they are still relying mostly on nonverbal communication at this stage. This means they'll be using their body language to convey what they want, for example, pointing and gesturing. It's a good idea at this stage to encourage your child to verbalise their requests by asking them to tell you what they want. You can help them out by saying words or sentences for them to repeat, and soon they'll learn to use their words independently without your prompts.
What age should a child start talking clearly?
According to Vocal Saints around 50 to 75 per cent of your child's speech should be intelligible to familiar people by the time they are 24 months old (or two years). By 36 months (or three years) 75 to 100 per cent of speech should be intelligible to familiar people. By four years of age, they say a child should usually be understood, including by people who are unfamiliar to them.
When should babies start talking?
Most babies start babbling between four and six months, with their first real words usually emerging between 10 and 14 months. How many words by 18 months varies from child to child, but many toddlers can say around 20 words. By age two, they may begin combining two-word phrases. Every baby develops at their own pace—some start chatting early, while others take a little longer. If you’re ever worried, it’s best to consult a medical professional, such as your family doctor or health visitor.
About the experts
Libby Hill qualified as a speech and language therapist from University College, London, in 1986. She is a member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and ASLTIP and is registered with the Health Professions Council. Libby set up Small Talk Speech and language therapy in 2007 which has grown to include speech and language therapists, SLT assistants, early years practitioners and counsellors with access to Clinical Psychology and Educational Psychology. She set up Smart Talkers Pre-School communication groups in 2009 which are franchised in the UK and abroad. In 2011, she created S & L World, the global bulletin for Speech and language professionals, which she continues to edit. Her latest projects include a website to provide speech therapy materials and being a consultant speech and language therapist to Channel 4s ‘Born naughty?’.
Dr Amanda Gummer ran the research consultancy FUNdamentals for 10 years before combining that with the Good Toy Guide, and the Good App Guide to create Fundamentally Children, the UK’s leading source of expert, independent advice on child development and play, supporting children’s industries with research, insight and endorsement.
Proud aunt to her teen niece, Zara Mohammed is a Digital Writer for Mother&Baby. She has 10 years freelance writing experience creating lifestyle content for various platforms, including pregnancy, women’s health, parenting, child development and child mental health, plus lots of fun seasonal family articles and celebrity news.