Do you want to get fit but can’t find – or want the expense of – a babysitter. Well fear not. There are plenty of ways to get fit with your baby in tow.
1 Work out at home
Another year, another fresh bout of celebrity fitness DVDs. Mum of three Davina McCall’s are always consistently good. Try Davina Fit In 15 (£13.75,, which is a series of 15-minute workouts focusing on different areas like legs and tummy. Pop one in the DVD player when baby naps or do it alongside her playmat!
Or try out our free postnatal yoga fitness video.
2 Keep it short
A recent study from Boston University in the US found short bursts of exercise are just as good as lengthy workouts in the gym. ‘Fitness snacking, as I like to call it, is fantastic for raising your metabolism and burning calories,’ says celebrity trainer Matt Roberts, who works with Samantha Cameron. ‘It’s also for perfect for busy mums who don’t have much time. You can do fitness circuits round your house while baby naps, such as press ups and squats.’
3 Work out post-bedtime
It may be the last thing you feel like after the exhausting routine of your little one’s dinner, bath and bed, but working out in the evening is better than a morning workout. Researchers from the University of Chicago in the US found that working out in early evening helps you achieve a higher level of fitness than morning workouts. So find a friend who wants to get fit and sign up for a local gym class.
4 Organise a fit baby club
Find one or two NCT friends who also want to get fit and agree to watch each other’s babies while you work out. You could go for a quick jog around the block or to a local exercise class, then you look after their baby another day while they do the same. Having this kind of arrangement in place will also keep you on track as you’ll be less likely to skip a workout if your friend is expecting you.
5 Go for a walk
Pop baby in the pram and go for a brisk walk. A study from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse found that pushing a pram causes you to burn 18 per cent more calories than walking without a pram. So a 45-minute walk will burn around 150-200 calories. And there are plenty of otherways a pushchair can be great for your fitness.
How do you fit working out around life with a baby? Let us know in the comments box below.