It’s only been a couple of weeks since your baby arrived and turned your world upside down in a totally amazing, as well as exhausting, way.
Relax. This is what your day is more than likely to look like…
A day in the life of a new mum

Mother breast feeding newborn baby boy while texting on her iphone.

Hello day. Because this is technically the time your day starts (or even earlier for some) when you get up to feed your baby.
When you’re not gazing dreamily (okay, half asleep) at your newborn, you’re scrolling through Facebook catching up on the world outside.

Just as the world is getting up and ready for work, you’re enjoying cuddles in bed with your little one. There’s definitely an upside to this motherhood business.

Mother with baby in bassinet

Your baby is happily snoozing in her Moses basket, but you’d rather stand there watching her then think about showers and getting dressed. Ten minutes later, you’re still there, but you really can’t believe you made something so cute.

You’ve managed a quick snooze but your attempt at a shower was put on hold because your little one started bawling.
Thank god for dry shampoo. You’ve changed into trackies and a T-shirt, and you ignore the fact that said T-shirt has yesterday’s milk stains on it. Getting dressed is progress enough, isn’t it?

Woah, Jeremy Kyle has some seriously scary people on it. New motherhood has reintroduced you to daytime TV again and makes you praise the day you decided to sign up for Netflix.
Settling on the sofa to feed your baby and catching up on Breaking Bad is your plan for this morning.

Lunch tends to be a mix of what you can make in under two minutes (toast and tins of soup) and bowls of cereal as every time you open a bag of pasta, your newborn starts wailing.

Visitors arrive! You rush around trying to dig out packets of biscuits and put the kettle on when your friend appears in the kitchen, guides you back to the sofa and tells you she’ll sort it. You want to kiss her but instead burst into hormonal tears.

Time for a quick venture outdoors to the shop for more nappies and breast pads (gone are the days when it was a bottle of vino and a Snickers… Okay, you still buy the chocolate).

Oh the joys of newborn colic. You’re currently shushing, rubbing their back, running the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner. Then your baby lets out an enormous fart and settles down. Talk about satisfaction.

Father feeding newborn baby on sofa
Your partner is back from work and has cooked you dinner (mega brownie points) and settled down to give your baby a feed. You have grand plans to put away the clean washing and have that shower.
Then you decide the sight of your partner and baby having some one-on-one bonding time is just too lovely to miss.

You head off to bed and it takes you exactly 20 seconds to fall asleep.
But like any new mum, the first mewls of your newborn an hour later sees you wake up just as fast. You wonder how a body this tired still has the ability to wake up, but it’s like you have supersonic hearing.

After a long night feed, your newborn falls asleepon your chest, and even though you’re absolutely exhausted, you realise you’ve never felt happier.
Sound familiar? We thought so.
What did you find the hardest as a new mum? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!
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