The Christmas sales come with mixed emotions. The temptation to grab some great bargains means you can’t resist the lure of the festive sales, and sometimes it almost outweighs the chaos of the crowds.
Being pushed, elbowed, having the top you were holding snatched from your grasp, all while trying to soothe your screaming toddler. Doesn’t sound fun, does it? Yet, you can't stop picturing mountains of bags overflowing with bargains for the whole family, but how do you conquer the chaos and emerge victorious? Read on for our survival guide!
Know what you need
It may seem like a bargain, but you're only really saving money if it's something you had your eye on and were going to buy before the sales. So, before you head out and get seduced by all those tempting-looking offers, make a list of the things you actually need to buy. That way, you'll hopefully avoid coming home with loads of new things that you don't really want, plus a bag full of buyer's remorse.

Set yourself a spending limit
It’s very easy to get carried away in the Christmas sales – so many bargains, so little time and all that. And with the numerous psychological tricks retailers use to encourage us to spend more than we meant to, we're already up against it the second we step through the door of the shop.
And while it’s tempting to buy both dresses you’ve been after instead of just the one (hey, it’s 70 per cent off, so might as well get both, right?), you probably don’t really need both, do you?
That's why we recommend setting your spending limit, and making sure you don't go over that. This way, you're less likely to be seduced by all the tricks the shops are using to try and persuade you to part with your cash.
Is it actually a bargain?
Linked to all those psychological tricks we've already referenced, there are numerous times where a discount may not actually be all that it appears. One example is the number of Black Friday "deals" which aren't actually what they appear. In fact, according to Which, many products are the same price or cheaper at other times of year.
And this isn't only the case on Black Friday. The same tricks apply during the Christmas sales season, so it's well worth spending some time researching the price history of anything you're considering buying, to make sure that you're actually making a saving on it.

Scout out the sales first
OK, so you've set your sights on your target products. Next, save yourself hours of aimlessly wandering around the shops by choosing exactly which sales you want to tackle before leaving the house.
Signing up to a brand's e-newsletters can be a great way to find out about sales in advance. This means you can quickly work out which shops will be worth a visit before you've even left the house. But, be warned, you’ll have an inbox filled with emails in no time. Once you've finished your sales shopping, it might be worth unsubscribing from any of those newsletters you no longer want to receive.
Refuel frequently
It sounds obvious, but don’t forget to stop off for food mid-rummage. Hours can whizz by when shopping and before you know it, you’ll be feeling overheated, faint and – worst of all – unable to continue with your spree.
If you’ve got the little ones with you, take snacks, bottles of water, and something to keep them entertained in order to keep them going. And of course, make sure you know where the nearest toilets are at all times!
Sort a babysitter
Unless you’re one very lucky mum, shopping probably isn’t your tot’s favourite pastime, which is why sorting a babysitter while you hit the Christmas sales can prove sensible.
If you’re heading out on Boxing Day, then perhaps your parents or in-laws can watch your kids for a few hours, or maybe your partner would prefer to look after them than face the shops. For anyone who doesn't enjoy the crowds,x shops, or the cold weather, having the option to stay home will be appreciated. Plus, you can then focus on doing exactly what you want, without having to worry about looking after anyone else.
Some bigger department stores and shopping centres have dedicated crèche areas where you can leave your tot while you shop, but make sure your child is comfortable being left there first.
Think ahead
Will your toddler need a pre-school uniform in the coming months? Or do you need to start thinking about buying the next size up for your baby *sob*? The sales are the perfect time to stock up for the coming months. If you can afford to buy some larger sizes, it will save you lots of money in the long run.
Shop online

If you really can’t stomach the shops themselves, why not shop online instead? Most brands have just as good sales online as in store – and you don’t have to waste hours fighting for a parking space. And - thanks to distance selling regulations - you actually have more rights to return something you bought online, than you do after you've bought something in a shop. So, if you do end up with buyer's remorse, you can still change your mind.
What are your top tips for surviving the Christmas sales? Let us know below.