When you're trying for a baby, getting up close and personal with your natural bodily functions becomes a normal part of everyday life. You may have spent time pre-pregnancy peering at your cervical mucus to work out when you were ovulating, and now that you're pregnant, you're probably even more aware of your body and any changes that occur. So, if you've noticed brown discharge in pregnancy, you might be feeling concerned and want to know what it means or if you should do something about it.
We talked to Lesley Gilchrist, a midwife, CEO, and founder of 'My Expert Midwife', who shared her professional insight and expert advice on what it means if you discover brown secretion during pregnancy.
What is brown discharge during pregnancy?
Lesley explains that an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge throughout pregnancy is normal due to hormonal changes. According to the NHS, having more vaginal discharge in pregnancy helps prevent any infections travelling up from the vagina to the womb. Lesley says that normal discharge is usually colourless, white, or cream-coloured and tends to be odourless but should not smell offensive.
If you see brown discharge during pregnancy or any of the other colours mentioned above, you can seek further advice from your midwife, GP, or maternity assessment centre.
Is it normal to have brown discharge when pregnant?
We've established that a colourless or white milky discharge in pregnancy is normal, as is a slight increase in the amount you will pass. However, Lesley explains that in early pregnancy, you may experience a small amount of brown discharge from what is known as an implantation bleed, which is when a fertilised egg implants into the wall of the uterus (womb). This is also quite normal and may, in fact, be one of the first early signs of pregnancy.
It shouldn’t last long. Lesley recommends that if this spotting continues and becomes red or is accompanied by abdominal cramps or contraction pain, you contact your midwife or hospital for advice and further assessment.
Similarly, in later pregnancy, you may notice a brown-streaked mucousy discharge, which could signify a softening of your cervix, indicating that the start of labour might be imminent. Lesley says that after 37 weeks, this is perfectly normal, and this may continue to come away until labour begins. Call your midwife or maternity assessment centre for advice if you are under 37 weeks pregnant and have continuing discharge.
What causes brown discharge during pregnancy?
Brown discharge is often old blood which has turned from red to brown and is usually harmless, but if it continues, you can seek advice from your midwife or GP. Brown discharge can be caused by one of several conditions, which can be more serious, so it's important to get professional care and advice.
Some of the conditions that cause brown discharge during pregnancy include:
Several vaginal or cervical infections could be responsible for brown discharge during pregnancy. For example:
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
Infections like these during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications like preterm birth and premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), so it's important to check with your doctor. Treatment usually involves antibiotics that will not harm your growing baby.
Changes to the cervix can sometimes cause some spot bleeding when you're pregnant, and this is also usually nothing to be worried about. This can occur after examinations or sex. But if you're concerned or the bleeding continues, it's always best to check if the cause is something else.
A show (mucus plug)
The NHS says a "show" can signal the start of labour. This is when the mucus plug that has developed in your cervix to keep the baby free from infections comes away in preparation for birth. It has a pink and sticky jelly-like consistency and may remind you of other vaginal discharge you've had in the past, coming away in a single blob or breaking up into several smaller blobs. This is perfectly normal, but the NHS website advises that if you're losing more blood, it may be a sign that something is wrong and that you should phone your hospital or midwife immediately.
If the discharge happens in later pregnancy and seems brown and watery or contains brown or green flecks or lumps, it can indicate the waters around the baby have broken and that they have opened their bowels. This can cause problems for babies, leading to Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) after birth, which we look at in the next section. It happens when meconium gets into the lungs and causes a newborn to have trouble breathing. It's important to contact your maternity assessment centre for further help and advice if you suspect this.
Is brown discharge the start of a miscarriage?
Sadly, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, brown discharge could be an early sign that you're having a miscarriage. According to the NHS, a miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks. The main sign of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, which may be followed by cramping and pain in your lower abdomen. So, if your brown discharge begins to look and feel more like a heavy period, this may be what is occurring.
If you have vaginal bleeding, you should contact a GP or your midwife, but bear in mind that light vaginal bleeding is relatively common during the first trimester (first 3 months) of pregnancy and does not necessarily mean you're having a miscarriage. Also, keep in mind that whilelosing a pregnancy can be sad or disappointing, it doesn't mean that you can't go on to have a successful pregnancy when you're ready to try again.
Complications associated with brown discharge during pregnancy
While brown discharge before a period is caused by old blood that has oxidised, brown discharge in the early stage of pregnancy (implantation bleed) and at the very end of pregnancy (mucousy show) can be normal, as we have seen. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as feeling unwell, experiencing pain, or the bleeding continues, it is recommended that you seek advice from your midwife, GP or maternity assessment centre.
Other possible causes of brown discharge when there are complications are:
An ectopic pregnancy
According to the NHS, an ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. They say that, unfortunately, when this happens, it's not possible to save the pregnancy, and it's usually removed using medicine or an operation.
An ectopic pregnancy will likely still produce a brown impanation bleed but may be accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
shoulder pain
abdominal cramps
chronic pelvic pain
fainting and dizziness
Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek prompt medical attention.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) and sexually transmitted infections (STI)
A UTI or STI may present with a brown discharge along with the following symptoms:
lower abdominal or back pain
stinging or burning when peeing
a fever or lethargy
UTIs and STIs can be treated during pregnancy, and prompt treatment for these conditions can help prevent further complications from developing with you and your baby.
Placenta Praevia
Placenta Praevia is a condition when a low-lying placenta partially or completely covers the cervix and can cause bleeding, which may then turn to a browner discharge. This condition is usually identified at the 20-week scan and follow-up scans will help monitor its development. As your baby and uterus grow, most people will find that their placenta no longer covers the cervix.
Cervical polyps
Cervical polyps are small, usually benign growths that can be irritated during examination or sex and may bleed, resulting in a brown discharge.
Meconium liquor
If your baby's waters break and are brown or green-brown, it may have opened its bowels. As mentioned above, there is a risk of your newborn developing meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS), which occurs when meconium gets into the lungs and causes a newborn to have trouble breathing.
According to John Hopkins Medicine: "Meconium aspiration syndrome, a leading cause of severe illness and death in the newborn, occurs in about 5 percent to 10 percent of births. It typically occurs when the fetus is stressed during labour, especially when the infant is past its due date." It is recommended to have a prompt assessment from your midwife or maternity assessment centre if you think you have meconium-stained waters so you can have closer monitoring.
What to do if you have brown discharge during pregnancy
During your pregnancy, if you are concerned about any changes in your vaginal discharge, you can seek advice from your healthcare providers, either your GP, your midwife, or your obstetrician, as they can organise tests and treatment if required. Seeking advice about discharge in pregnancy is wise, as treatments recommended may be different if you are not pregnant.
Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to discuss anything with health professionals; there is very little that they will not have seen or heard before.
About the expert
Lesley Gilchrist is a registered midwife and co-founder of My Expert Midwife. With extensive experience as a labour ward co-ordinator and as a community midwife, Lesley brings her expertise in pregnancy, postnatal, birth and the birth process to Mother&Baby to keep you informed and empowered.
Proud aunt to her teen niece, Zara Mohammed is a Digital Writer for Mother&Baby. She has 10 years of freelance writing experience creating lifestyle content for various platforms, including pregnancy, women’s health, parenting, child development and child mental health, plus lots of fun seasonal family articles and celebrity news.