Win a Gigil Luxe Changing Backpack with Pyrocalm

Pyrocalm competition

by Sophie Knight |
Published on

To help out with your impending new arrival, Pyrocalm are offering three lucky winners the chance to get their hands on a Gigil Luxe Changing Backpack – read on to find out how to enter!

The pregnancy journey is a wonderful and transformative experience but, of course, there’s bound to be the odd little challenge along the way.

One of them is heartburn – as many as eight in 10 pregnant women suffer from it, particularly from 27 weeks onwards as your growing baby presses against your stomach.

Heartburn feels like a burning sensation in the chest and, alongside unpleasant symptoms such as feeling bloated, burping, nausea and wind, it can be really uncomfortable.

Don’t worry, heartburn isn’t harmful to your baby but if your symptoms are sudden or severe, chat to your midwife or GP.

Simple lifestyle changes to help control or prevent your symptoms include:

• Avoiding triggers such as caffeine, rich, spicy or fatty foods and fizzy drinks.

• Eating smaller meals more often.

• Not eating within three hours before bedtime.

If self-help methods and remedies such as antacids aren’t working, speak to your midwife or GP.

They may recommend a medicine to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach such as omeprazole which is suitable to take during pregnancy.

Available over the counter without a prescription in pharmacies and supermarkets, Pyrocalm Control 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets* can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women over 18 years of age.

*Pyrocalm Control® 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets. For the short-term treatment of reflux symptoms in adults. Contains 20 mg Omeprazole. Always read the label.

Medicines can affect the unborn baby. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine in pregnancy.

Find out more about heartburn in pregnancy.

Video: Heartburn in pregnancy explained by Pyrocalm

To find out more about heartburn in pregnancy, two expectant mums spoke to midwife Jane Ashwell Carter; watch our video with Pyrocalm below:

Win: enter for your chance to win a Gigil Luxe Changing Backpack

The prize draw opens on the 23rd August, 2024 at 9am and closes on the 23rd September, 2024 at 11:59pm. To enter for free please answer the question below:


1. The prize draw opens on the 23rd August 2024 at 9am and closes on the 23rd September 2024 at 11:59pm, any entries submitted after this time will not be valid or counted.

2. This competition is open to UK residents aged 18 and over.

3. The prize is a Gigil Luxe Changing Backpack

4. Three winners will be picked randomly from all valid correctly answered entries who have answered during the prize date. The winners will be contacted shortly after the closing date and notified by email and have 7 days to respond before an alternative winner is chosen.

5. This prize may be offered in a limited number of other promotions.

6. Only one entry per person will be counted.

7. No purchase is necessary. To enter for free visit

8. Full terms and conditions can be found at

9. The prize is provided by Dexcel Pharma LTD. We are not responsible for any aspect of the prize, including unsatisfactory quality or late delivery or a prize winner being unable to take up any aspect, or the entirety of the prize due to their own circumstances or restrictions. Prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and no cash alternative will be offered.

10. H Bauer Publishing s the promoter of this Competition, see for details of our registered office and company number.

11. Our employees (and their family members) or employees of any company involved in the Competition, including any Prize Provider, are not permitted to enter.


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