What is it like to have an orgasmic birth?

by motherandbaby |
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When you think about giving birth, we're betting you wouldn't associate orgasms with it. But for many women, an orgasmic birth (also known as a 'birthgasm') is actually something of a reality.

What is an orgasmic birth?

In the book Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth Experience, the authors define Orgasmic Birth as "broad enough to include those who describe birth as ecstatic and specific enough to give voice to those who actually feel the contractions of orgasm and climax at the moment of delivery."

Ultimately, it involves experiencing a powerful and pleasurable release (just like while climaxing) while giving birth.

How does an orgasmic birth happen?

While an orgasm during birth can happen at any point of labour, typically, it occurs during delivery when the baby's head applies pressure to the vagina, leading to feelings of pleasure.

Orgasmic birth story

"Twenty years’ experience of yoga and meditation made me certain that it’s possible to have an enjoyable birth. When I was pregnant, I hired a doula, who gave me lots of information about childbirth, including a DVD called Orgasmic Birth. I also remembered a lady who told me she’d had ‘lots of orgasms’ during her water birth, which sounded incredible.

At 10.30am, 15 days overdue, I noticed a trickle when I went to the loo. It was enough to convince me that my waters were breaking.

I called the hospital, then my husband and I made our way in, so I could be checked. My plans for a home birth had been changed at 39 weeks, when it was discovered I had group B strep infection, so my baby and I needed to be monitored. I was happy to have a hospital birth but reluctant to be induced.

The midwife and I became locked in a battle of wills. She wanted to induce me straight away in the delivery suite, but I felt strongly that going into labour naturally and giving birth on the midwife-led unit would be the safest option. After taking my first dose of antibiotics to counteract the risk of infection, I convinced her to let me go for a long walk, which I hoped would kick-start contractions. When nothing happened, I still refused to be taken to the delivery suite, and the midwife admitted defeat.

At 9pm, my husband and I entered a birthing room on the midwife-led unit. It had a double bed, ensuite and birthing pool. The midwife told me she wouldn’t start induction that night and that I should get some sleep. I felt confident I was in the best place to have as natural a birth as possible.

That evening I practised yoga relaxation techniques. When I woke the next morning I felt positive and peaceful. My husband rang our doula, who came straight to us. She reassured me I’d done the right thing in going with my gut instinct and refusing to be induced. As the labour progressed, she left to wait at our house. The doctor wanted to induce me that morning, but I convinced him to give me until lunchtime. Later that morning, mild waves of dragging pressure slowly started in my perineum. Each one reminded me of period cramps.

The sensation felt manageable. I stayed calm, leaning over the edge of the birthing pool during each contraction. As I exhaled slowly, I visualised a golden thread travelling from my mouth and relaxing my entire body. I’d practised that so much during my pregnancy, it felt completely instinctive.

Yoga positions also helped soothe me. I made small movements to conserve my energy, resting and rocking slowly on all fours. At 11.15am I asked my husband to ring our doula and ask her to come back. Although not painful, the contractions were intense and overwhelming. I made a conscious decision to allow the energy to overwhelm me, and let my body take over.

Each contraction felt like a gradual build-up of energy, the muscular spasms in my uterus intensifying until they were so powerful, then finally easing again. To my amazement, it wasn’t unpleasant or painful. As I submitted to each contraction, I felt excited and exhilarated. I enjoyed the feeling of being out of control.

The doula and the midwife sat quietly by my side as my husband followed my instructions to press on my tail bone at the height of each contraction. It helped relieve the pressure. The birthing pool had been filled. I suddenly wanted to get in it, but there was no time. With a deep breath, I felt a huge pressure and heard a baby crying.

The midwife handed my son to me. In shock, I held my baby close. The intensity of what I’d experienced overwhelmed me. ‘That was a bit like an orgasm!’ I told my doula. I’d had a pleasurable birth, and in a medical environment too. My labour was recorded as lasting 19 minutes. I’ve never felt more empowered."

Three things I’d tell my friends

  • Try to create a romantic environment with your partner. Have time alone if you can and keep the lighting soft to help stimulate oxytocin, the love hormone that leads to labour.

  • During pregnancy, think about how you breathe, and practise exhaling slowly. Using yoga techniques like the ‘golden thread’ can really help to relieve pain in labour.

  • Surround yourself with images of women enjoying their labour and watch the Orgasmic Birth DVD if you can. Truly believe it’s possible to have an enjoyable birth.

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