8 months pregnant: symptoms and baby development

8 months pregnant with pineapple for scale

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

There's a lot happening to your body at 8 months pregnant. You're so close, you can practically smell that new-baby scent. Some women may feel like they've been pregnant forever but look on the bright side, you're due date is in sight. Only 1 month left to go! You've got this, mama!

Right about now your body is doing an amazing job growing a fully developed little human. You may have some 8 months pregnant symptoms like backache and you'll definitely notice those extra few more trips to the bathroom (and those late night ones too!). Prepare yourself for Braxton Hicks. These false contractions are prepping your body for the real ones so take these as a practice run. Your baby's also getting bigger by the day, so remember to take care of yourself too. Stay active with gentle exercise, but rest when you need it.

How many weeks pregnant is 8 months?

Roughly speaking, if you're in month 8 of your pregnancy, you're 32 weeks pregnant. Your 8 month of pregnancy is slap bang in the middle of your third trimesterand will last from week 32 -35.

8 months pregnant symptoms


How are you feeling deep down? A bit emotional? Yeah, that's normal for this time. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed as the weeks are passing by, you're getting advice on just about everything, and it can end up being a bit too much.

Your emotions and energy levels may fluctuate - one minute you may suffer from pregnancy tiredness, the next you’re determined to build all that flat pack stuff in the nursery, next thing you know, you're on the floor having a good sob.


You're bound to feel a bit clumsy around now if you haven't already, but don't worry! Pregnant women feel more clumsy as you're carrying a lot more weight, and your centre of gravity has changed.

It's a lot easier to lose your balance due to this, and as your joints are loosening and your coordination reduces, you might find yourself stumbling over your own feet. Take things slowly and steady.


Dizziness is also common to happen around now the 8 month pregnancy mark. You could be feeling dizzy and light-headed from severe morning sickness, or it could be because of all the changes in your hormones. Try not to stand up so quickly, keep your blood sugar levels high and take your time when standing up and walking.

Breasts leaks

Now is a good time to invest in some breast pads - your body is getting ready to feed your baby, whether you're planning to breastfeed or not! It's important to remember that not everyone will experience this, and that's completely normal.

Varicose veins

Ah yes, the appearance of those not-so-pretty, varicose veins. These blue or red swollen veins most often appear in your legs.


The evil twin of varicose veins - haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum. They can be itchy, painful and could lead to constipation and bleeding. See your doctor if you get persistent bleeding.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These practice runs known as Braxton Hicks are contractions which are tightening of the uterus that last up to about 30 seconds and can scare the living you-know-what out of you when you first feel one. They’re just your body’s way of letting you know what’s to come. How thoughtful!

Baby's development at 8 months pregnant


Your baby's movements are changing constantly now. If you've noticed some more kicking than normal and small 'wriggle' movements, this could be because they are having hiccups. Their kicks will also be more visible as you might be able to see foot or hand imprints from the outside.


As we said in month 7 of pregnancy, your baby may have been getting ready for birth by changing position, by pointing their head down. By this month, your baby should have done this. You may not feel as many movements as normal but don't worry, they're still there busy growing.

Their body

Lots of change with your baby's body at 8 months pregnant and they will roughly be the size of a pineapple. Your baby should weigh around 1.8kg and they're finally looking like a newborn now as their skin changes from transparent to opaque. By the end of their eighth month, their skin will no longer be wrinkled, and their kidneys will now be matured. Your baby’s little eyes will start opening and closing and their brain and nervous system are almost fully developed too.

An illustration image of what your baby will look like in the womb when you're eight months pregnant.

Your body at 8 months pregnant

You're in the final stretch now! At 8 months pregnant, your pregnant belly is hard to miss and there's quite a bit of weight you're carrying around. Your uterus has expanded significantly, pushing against your internal organs and you may experience shortness of breath and heartburn. Your natural weight gain will contribute to backaches and fatigue and you may even struggle to get comfortable on the sofa and even sleeping. It goes without saying that you'll start feeling exhausted so take it easy where possible and remember to put your feet up (literally!).

Looking after yourself at 8 months pregnant

• Pack your hospital bag

If you haven't already, you might want to start putting together your hospital bag with all those essentials for you and baby. If you're not sure where to start, don't worry, our hospital bag checklist will help you out.

Check over your birth plan

It's worth having a read over your birth plan (or birth preferences) before you reach month nine of your pregnancy to check you're happy with everything.

Have a practice run

By now you will know where you would like to give birth and you’re wondering a lot about whether it will happen the way you’ve planned.

Consider learning the quickest route to the hospital or birthing centre where you plan to give birth, taking into account alternative routes in case there is traffic.

If you’re staying at home you might have had a birth pool practice run, and if not it might be a good time to get it up ready for when you go into labour.

Clue up

it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the signs of labour.

• Consider baby names

One of the more fun parts about being pregnant is choosing baby names regardless if you do or don't know the gender of your baby. Happy searching!

• Conclusion

This month you're bang in the middle of your third trimester and almost ready to meet your little one - but not quite yet. You'll start finding the next few weeks harder and harder but on the flip side, your baby is developing into a beautiful and healthy little human. Expect rapid growth for your baby over the next few weeks that lead into month 9 of pregnancy and more physical challenges for you.

About the author

Maria Martin is Digital Group Editor for Yours.co.uk and Motherandbaby.com. She is a mum-of-two with a passion for helping women from all walks of life – from supporting breastfeeding mothers with expert advice to encouraging conversations about mental health. In her professional role, she has over 10 years' experience in the digital world, including editing articles, focussing on SEO, social media engagement, picture researching and video editing.

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