9 months pregnant: Symptoms and your belly

9 months pregnant with watermelon for scale

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

You're 9 months pregnant, at the end of your third trimester and you're almost there! It will soon be time to put on your Out Of Office and rest up until your new arrival comes along.

You're probably getting a bit impatient now and maybe feeling like you've been pregnant forever - we've all been there! However, look how far you've come, it's almost time to meet your baby!

To help you keep a positive mindset through this final stage of your pregnancy, we've put together everything you need to know about the symptoms, baby development, your baby bump and everything you need to think about this month.

Common pregnancy symptoms at 9 months pregnant

A lot will be similar to what you've experience in 8 months of pregnancy, but there might be a few new ones.

Swollen feet, ankles, legs

Yes, your feet and backache right now but you have rocked this pregnancy, even when it hasn’t felt that way and the finish line is in sight. Try resting where you can to help alleviate some of the pain, and try slow walks too.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These can actually occur from as early as 20 weeks pregnant, but you might noticeably be feeling them now. They can be sporadic and are also known as 'false labour' pains. Generally a midwife will tell you, if you can breathe during these sorts of contractions then you're not in labour!

Braxton Hicks is basically the feeling of pre-birth contractions that mean your baby is getting into place ready for birth. The contractions can come every 5-10 minutes and last up to a minute. The difference between active labour and these sorts of contractions is that the Braxton Hicks pains will not increase in intensity or length. It can be tricky to tell the difference, especially if this is your first baby, so to be on the safe side, it's a good idea to call your midwife.

Back pain

Lower back pain can really cause discomfort in the third trimester, with around 50-80 per cent of women reporting lower back pain during the whole of their pregnancy journey. With this added pressure on your joints and to help alleviate some of this back pain try placing ice or heat packs on the affected area or treating yourself to a pregnancy massage.

Stretch marks

You may have not had any by now and suddenly you've noticed narrow pink or purplish streaks or lines, some women have said that at 9 months pregnant their stretch marks have 'just appeared out of nowhere'.

Lots more toilet breaks

During this final month you're likely to experience pelvic pressure on your hips and bladder as your baby drops into place ready for birth. Although this will take the pressure off your lungs allowing you to breathe easier, you will feel a heightened urgency to go to the toilet.

Pregnancy energy

Not all mums experience this exhaustion, some feel on top of the world! Some pregnant women were full of energy around this time. This is also completely normal to experience as your body prepares for birth.

Facial hair growth

You look in the mirror, and you see more hair than usual... Hair growth is due to hormones and typically goes away six months after birth. Your head hair will also feel much thicker and fuller. Taking vitamin supplementscan also influence more hair growth.

The heartburn will worsen

By now you will feel like you have shares in a particular heartburn remedy and even though swallowing it back makes you gag, you really get through that stuff! And when you mention how bad it is to anyone, they all say the same thing don’t they? ‘Ooh, that means baby will have lots of hair!’ The NHS recommends healthy eating to help with heartburn and indigestion, among other solutions. We highly recommend speaking to your GP before thinking about taking any medicines for indigestion and/or heartburn while pregnant.

Baby's movements

You should feel your baby move right up to and during labour. At this stage those gentle swirling or fluttering feelings have probably turned into big kicks and jerky movements. You should call your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you are concerned about your baby's movements.

Things to look out for if you are concerned about your baby's movement include, your baby is moving less than usual, you cannot feel your baby moving any more, baby is moving a lot more than normal, and there is change to your baby's usual pattern of movements.

Nesting mode engaged

You stand in the freshly painted nursery, day after day, in a silent, tidy house, looking at piles of unopened nappies, neat little stacks of newborn vests and a perfectly made-up cot, hardly able to believe that a baby really will be with you anytime now. The nesting process is natural and it's normal to feel an overwhelming desire to over-prepare your home for its new arrival and some mums find themselves making endless tweaks to the nursery throughout the final weeks before giving birth.

Your baby's development at 9 months pregnant

Your baby at 9 months pregnant will probably be ready to be born, but they could still need a bit of encouragement.


By now, your baby should be facing head-down ready for their journey through the birth canal. Some might leave it until the very last minute to change position, so don't worry if your baby isn't quite there yet.


By 39 weeks pregnant your baby's organs should all be developed. When your baby is born, your midwife will perform a general health check too.


Now that your baby's reflexes are coordinated and fully working, they can now close their eyes, and blink! But that's nothing, your baby can now turn their head and respond to sounds, light, and movements. Now you just have to wait!


With barely any time left in the womb, all of your baby's lanugo will now be nearly gone. Lanugo is the thin layer of hair covering the foetus. If a baby is born prematurely, they will still be covered in lanugo.

How big is my baby at 9 months pregnant?

At 9 months pregnant, your baby will be around the size of a mini watermelon, weighing around 3.3kg (on average!)

Pregnant belly at 9 months

With your baby being the size of a mini watermelon, you can expect your pregnancy belly to be the size of a larger one, or a basketball!

Checklist at 9 months pregnant

It's time to go on maternity leave

You might have stopped working before month nine, or you might be waiting a little longer but most women stick that Out Of Office on around 4 weeks before their due date.

There is nothing like the delight you will feel fizzing through your tired body as you snuggle into your sofa, with your pregnancy craving, patiently (or impatiently), waiting for the arrival of your bundle of joy.

• Check your checklist

It's good to give your checklist one last look over as you enter month 9! You might need a few more bits before baby's arrival, so it's best just to make sure. You can even check with your midwife that you have everything you need to

This article has been compiled using information, advice and guidance provided by the NHS.

Maria Martin is Digital Group Editor for Yours.co.uk and Motherandbaby.com. She is a mum-of-two with a passion for helping women from all walks of life – from supporting breastfeeding mothers with expert advice to encouraging conversations about mental health. In her professional role, she has over 10 years' experience in the digital world, including editing articles, focussing on SEO, social media engagement, picture researching and video editing.

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.