34 weeks pregnant: advice, symptoms and what to expect

34 Week Pregnant

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

At thirty-four weeks pregnant, you're getting closer to the big day and there’s plenty of exciting things in store. One exciting thing to look forward to this week is your week 34 antenatal appointment, we'll tell you what to expect later!

The NHS recommends to keep eating healthily, take gentle exercise, and rest often. They also say it's a great time to start doing pelvic floor exercises, if you haven't already. They say It's recommended that you do 150 minutes of exercise a week while pregnant, and taking a brisk 10 minute walk is a great start.

Your baby is nearly ready to be born though, so it's also time to start thinking practically, not only about your hospital bag essentials but about your birth plan!

Find out what else you need to know about your baby and your body at 34 weeks pregnant, including what symptoms to expect, and other things you should be doing at this stage.

How many months is 37 weeks pregnant?

At 34 weeks pregnant, you're around 8 months pregnant, which means in around six weeks' time you'll be meeting your little one in the flesh for the first time! There's not long before you'll have to settle on a unique baby name for them.

What’s my baby doing at 34 weeks pregnant?

Baby's getting up to all sorts in your belly this week!

How is my baby's body developing at 34 weeks?

Your baby's bones are continuing to harden. The skull bones will thankfully stay soft and separated until after the birth to make the journey through the birth canal easier - phew!

If your baby is a boy, this week, his testicles will make the trip down from his abdomen to his scrotum. A small number of babies are born with undescended testicles, but they usually make their way down before their first birthdays.

Their tiny little fingernails are most likely fully grown now, all ready for their mittens and baby manicures once they're born!

Oh, and right about now their first poo (meconium stool) is lurking in their intestines ready to be passed once they are born. It’ll be thick, gooey and greenish-black. But you'll have that to look forward to dealing with later on.

How big is my baby at 34 weeks?

Your baby is now the size of a pineapple, weighing in at five and a quarter pounds and measuring up to 18 inches. They have been growing steadily and they are rounder and cuter than ever thanks to their fat layers filling them out.

Premature birth at 34 weeks

If your little one is impatient and pops out sooner than expected - at 34 weeks it shouldn’t be too dangerous for them as long as they haven't got any other health problems. The NHS says it's possible for a baby to survive if born around 24 weeks of pregnancy onwards, so you should be fine!

They say that "Babies born before full term (before 37 weeks) are vulnerable to problems associated with being born premature. The earlier in the pregnancy a baby is born, the more vulnerable they are."

This means they might have to stay for a short time in the neonatal nursery and may have a few health niggles, but generally, they should end up fighting as fit as a full-termer.

Your baby's movement at 34 weeks

If baby is sitting tight until your due date, you'll probably notice little hands and feet trying to poke through your pregnant belly – things are beginning to get tight in there!

34 weeks pregnant symptoms to look out for

1. Itchy red bumps

If you’ve noticed itchy red bumps on your body, normally on your stomach, thighs and buttocks it might be a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, or PUPPP, which is harmless but can be uncomfortable.

Consult your doctor to make sure it’s nothing more serious and to offer you treatment for relief if necessary.

2. Swollen feet or legs

Swollen feet and legs is an ongoing issue during pregnancy. Whenever you can, pop your feet up as that will hopefully reduce the swelling.

3. Blurred vision

Pregnancy hormones are responsible for the blurry vision many women experience during pregnancy.

A decrease in tear production can leave your eyes irritated and dry, while your vision may seem blurrier than usual.

Thankfully, your eyesight should return to normal after you give birth, but bear in mind that for the next few weeks, it may be more comfortable to wear glasses than contact lenses.

4. Discharge

During pregnancy you will often find vaginal discharge increases and as you get closer to the birth, you might notice a further increase.

As with so many other delightful symptoms, this is due to pregnancy hormones, which increase blood flow to the pelvic area.

The discharge is harmless, but try wearing panty liners if they help you feel more comfortable.

Stay away from washes or wipes, as they could increase the risk of infection.

5. Constipation

It is very common to be constipated at this stage of pregnancy. Stay hydrated, eat foods with soluble fibre, go for a gentle walk to get things moving or eat a couple of prunes!

6. Abdominal pain

As your baby begins to move lower in your abdomen in preparation for birth, you might feel more pressure in your pelvis.

This could lead to abdominal pain or (more) frequent urination.

7. Insomnia and fatigue

Sleeping at the end of your pregnancy is often difficult. There’s no point worrying about insomnia, as it can’t hurt you or your baby, and once you start worrying about not sleeping, insomnia can become a vicious cycle.

If your persistent worries are keeping you up at night, talk about them with a friend, family member or partner, or ask your doctor or midwife for advice.

Try and relax as much as possible and avoid caffeine or even chocolate (sorry!).

If you are constantly woken up by needing the loo, try and drink less just before bed.

Your body at 34 weeks pregnant

If you haven't already, you'll probably notice extra weight developing around your middle section. Some of this will be fluid retention that leaves you feeling bloated. This is totally normal and you should continue to gain up to one pound per week. Weirdly, if you drink plenty of liquid it can help flush excess fluids out, so don't be afraid of staying hydrated – it's also good for the baby!

Don't forget that your baby is still growing in your belly, but also the amount of amniotic fluid that has gradually been increasing around baby could be peaking around this time, and adding to your circumference.

All of this pressure from inside can cause some women's belly button to pop out at this stage, so don't freak out if youve always had an "innie" belly button. They can be extra sensitive, so pop a bandaid on to protect it from rubbing against your clothes.

If you're drinking extra water you'll probably feel the urge to pee more than usual. This can also be because baby is starting to move further down towards your pelvis, which puts pressure on your bladder. But don't worry if baby hasn't dropped down yet, as this can sometimes not happen under later, or even just before labour if it's your first pregnancy.

Looking after yourself at 34 weeks pregnant

At this time, making sure that you continue to eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

You can still be active during the last three months, but you might notice that your body is slowing down naturally. It's important get plenty of rest, but also to continue to take gentle exercise ike walking.

Pregnany yoga, pilates or aquanatal classes are also good opportunities to stretch and stay flexible with the professional guidance of a pregnant fitness expert.

Scans and Appointments at 34 Weeks Pregnant

We mentioned at the beginning that you will have a week 34 antenatal appointment this week. You'll get information about preparing for labour and birth, including how to recognise active labour, ways of coping with pain in labour, and your birth plan.

The NHS says your midwife or doctor should:

  • review, discuss and record the results of any screening tests from the last appointment

  • use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • offer your second anti-D treatment if you're rhesus negative

  • ask about your baby's movements

You'll also get info about caesarean section, and you'll be told why a caesarean might be offered, as well as what it involves, risks, benefits and inplications for future pregnancies, But don't worry if this discussion doesn't come up now, it'll come up at some point, or you can ask questions anytime.

What to do at 34 weeks pregnant

At 34 weeks, alongside getting your rest, there's still plenty to do to get organised and mentally prepared for the birth. If you haven’t written your birth plan yet, now’s a good time to start.

Essentially, a birth plan gives your midwife an idea of what you would like during the labour, whether that’s pain relief, where you want to give birthbirthing companions and equipment you want to use, such as mats or beanbags.

However, it’s good to remember that a baby won’t necessarily follow your plans, so keep your mind open and expect the unexpected.

It definitely helps if you’ve read up on all the possibilities beforehand, so you’re fully informed if your birth plan goes out the window. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that you've covered ever4y possibility and you're prepared whatever happens.

It’s also worth making sure your baby bag is packed and ready, even if you’re planning a home birth, in case you end up being transferred to the hospital. Don’t forget to pack some things for your new arrival.

For you, we advise packing things like:

•  your birth plan and maternity notes
•  a dressing gown
•  some cosy socks (feet get cold in labour!)
•  slippers
•  music on your phone or iPod
•  books and magazines (you might have to wait a while for the baby to show up!)
•  snacks and energy drinks for labour
•  lots of maternity sanitary towels
•  a nursing bra
•  an old nightie or T-shirt to wear during labour

Your baby will need:

•  sleepsuits and vests
•  nappies
•  blankets
•  wipes
•  booties
•  a hat
•  a cute (but practical) leaving hospital outfit

And be aware, some hospitals won’t let you leave unless you have a proper, EU approved car seat fitted correctly, so be sure your baby's car seat has been properly fitted by a professional.

Stephanie Spencer is the Deputy Digital Editor of Motherandbaby.com. With a digital publishing career spanning over 10 years, starting out as an editorial assistant on medical journals and moving onto become a news writer and features editor, Stephanie started at Bauer Publishing in 2019 and began working for Mother&Baby in 2020.

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.