23 weeks pregnant: advice, symptoms and what to expect

23 weeks pregnant

by Lorna White |
Updated on

At twenty-three weeks pregnant, your baby is starting to gain lots of weight, your body is changing rapidly and there are some exciting (and also, some less glamorous) developments taking place. Around 23 weeks, your baby is getting itself ready for for life outside in the big world, as your baby is practicing breathing and starting to establish little sleeping patterns. All the growing going on will probably be making you feel tired and backache plus pain around your bump (called round ligament pain caused by your expanding womb) are all common symptoms at 23 weeks. Your body is getting used to the feeling of your baby move and kick but there is no set number of normal movements you should be feeling – every baby is different. You may also start noticing your breasts leaking colostrum (aka liquid gold), an early type of milk full of goodness.

Your bump is looking incredibly cute by now and should be noticeable to your family and friends (although no two bumps are the same) and you may have found out the gender at your anomaly scan.

We break down what to expect at 23 weeks pregnant, from the symptoms you might experience to the amazing changes happening with your baby.

How many months is 23 weeks pregnant?

At 23 weeks, you are a little over five months into your pregnancy. We know, counting your pregnancy in weeks and months can get extremely confusing at times as pregancy is typically measured on a week-by-week basis.

Baby development at 23 weeks pregnant:

How big is my baby at 23 weeks?

We can’t get enough of the fruit comparisons. This week, your baby is nearly 30cm long from head to heel and at just over a pound heavy, your baby is about the size of a large grapefruit or a small mango.

What’s my baby doing at 23 weeks?

A lot is happening with your baby this week. They are growing and developing rapidly. They are growing their brain, nervous system and adorable face with their beautiful facial features.


Your babies skin is covered in hair called lanugo and unique fingerprints and footprints are forming.


The lung’s blood vessels are developing to prepare for breathing in the outside world, and they are also becoming acclimatised to familiar noises, such as the roar of cars outside or the sound of your dog barking.

There are other developments, too: bone marrow is starting to make blood cells, and you’ll now be able to hear their heartbeat through a stethoscope.


Your baby has also started developing a noticeable sleep-wake cycle, so there will be periods where she active and awake, and times when they're asleep and resting. You’ll start noticing these different periods as movements become clearer - you may even be able to wake your baby up by your movements or by sounds around you. Watch out and see if your bump moves if you have a warm bath or drink an icy glass of water.

23 Weeks pregnant: bump, scans, symptoms and development

6 common symptoms to look out for at 23 weeks pregnant:

1) Urinary Tract Infection /Cystitis

Watch out for infections. In pregnancy, your body produces high levels of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles, helping the uterus to expand. It also relaxes other muscles, including the ureters (the tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder) and the sphincters that control the flow of urine into the bladder. This means urine can pass back towards the kidneys from the bladder, causing cystitis or a urinary tract infection. As a result of this, be aware of any symptoms including pain and burning when you wee, blood in your urine and needing to go to the toilet more often. See your GP if you’re worried, and make sure you drink plenty of fluids to help flush the infection out.

Braxton hicks

This appeared for the first time last week and it looks like it is here to stay. We know it might be weird feeling your belly tighten it up but it's just practising for the big day, labour. Drink water regularly and change position to ease the pain.

Bloating and gas

You know the drill! This is totally normal and ongoing symptom. If you’re constantly feeling full, blame your hormones. Progesterone causes the gastrointestinal tract to slow down digestion so that nutrients have more time to reach your baby. Unfortunately, this can be rather unpleasant for you! Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fibre and try to eat meals slowly.

Swollen feet and legs

Yup, that old enemy is sticking around. Thanks to poor circulation in your legs, you might find our ankles and feet more swollen than usual, especially on a hot day. Try to exercise gently and regularly to increase circulation, wear comfy shoes and drink plenty of water. If you notice any excessive swelling, contact your midwife or doctor as it could be preeclampsia.


As your baby grows and your uterus expands, other organs will start to become squashed to make room for her. Your ribs will move upwards and outwards meaning there’s less room to take a deep breath, which is why you can feel breathless easily. Gentle exercise, particularly pregnancy yoga, is a good idea, not just to improve your fitness but also to teach you deep breathing techniques.

Linea negra

The line that runs between your belly button and pubic area, known as the linea nigra, may be getting darker, and this is thanks to the same pregnancy hormones causing other skin discolourations around your bod. All these changes will disappear within a few months of giving birth, so don't fret.

23 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Cramps & Things to Avoid

As ever, expect some changes to your body this week, even ones you may not see. That good old baby brain - the forgetfulness many women experience during pregnancy - might be particularly prevalent this week, as a result of pregnancy hormones and tiredness. Don’t worry, though - your memory will be as good as new once you’ve given birth. If you’re keen to do something about it, try to consume lots of Omega 3-rich foods to support healthy brain function and development for both you and your baby - and write lots of notes, whether on your phone or in a book, to stop you forgetting important details!

How big should my bump be at 23 weeks pregnant?

A typical bump at 23 weeks pregnant will measure anywhere between 21 and 25 centimetres from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus - of course, this varies depending on how big your baby is, and your pre-pregnancy body shape.

What to do this week

Hydrate and eat well:

You are way past the half way mark, so you may be feeling tired and achy thanks to your growing bump, so this is a great week to stay hydrated and eat well, making sure you and your baby get plenty of nutrients and rest. If you're feeling up to it, some gentle stretching, walking, or prenatal yoga can help with aches and pains.

Do your research:

Now is a great time to start exploring books or apps that offer guidance on childbirth and parenting to help prepare you and your partner both mentally and emotionally.

Consider a glucose screening test:

You doctor or midwife chedule this soon to check for gestational diabetes.

Keep on top of dental health:

Not booked a check up with your dentist lately? Now may be a good time as you are entitled to free NHS dental treatment in the UK if you are pregnant.

Take me back to week 22

Take me to week 24

Lorna White is the Products Editor for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics from potty training and nutrition to baby names and early development and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two young sisters, dog walking and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.