25 weeks pregnant: advice, symptoms and what to expect

25 week pregnant

by Deborah Cicurel |
Updated on

At 25 weeks pregnant, you are well into your second trimester and rapidly approaching the final stretch of your pregnancy. This is a time of significant growth and development for both you and your baby. Your baby is now about the size of a aubergine, measuring around 13.5 inches in length and weighing approximately 1.5 pounds. You may feel more pronounced movements as your baby becomes more active and continues to develop essential functions.

Your belly is growing more prominent, and you may experience common symptoms such as backaches, leg cramps, and swelling in your feet and ankles. Regular prenatal appointments are crucial during this period to monitor your and your baby's health, including tests like glucose screening for gestational diabetes.

As your body works hard to support your growing baby, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and engaging in light to moderate exercise can contribute to your overall well-being.

Being 25 weeks pregnant is an exciting and transformative time. Embrace the journey, stay informed, and take good care of yourself as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. And here, you'll be able to find out more.

How big is my baby at 25 weeks?

We’ve gone through a whole fridge of the foods your baby has resembled in size, but this week, they're about the size of a aubergine. At about 13 and a half inches long and one and a half pounds heavy, baby is growing steadily.

What’s my baby doing at 25 weeks?

Your baby’s becoming more beautiful than ever: as the weeks go on, baby fat is developing, meaning their wrinkled skin is smoothing out and they're looking more like a newborn than ever. They've even starting to grow some hair, too.

Your baby's skin is also getting pinker as the capillaries form under the skin and fill with blood. Blood vessels will also develop this week in your baby’s lungs, bringing them ever closer to that first gulp of fresh air they'll take after being born.

This week also marks the start of your baby’s nose and nostrils beginning to work, which allows your baby to begin taking practice breaths, breathing in amniotic fluid. They may even be able to smell things by this week too, although many babies can only experience this sense by the third trimester.

Your baby’s hands will develop creases in the palms this week (cute!), and soon sweat glands will form in the skin.

They’ll also have their own unique fingerprints: they’ll have started forming as early as eight weeks. Your baby will also be improving the dexterity in their hands and fingers, which means they’ll be able to grasp things in their fist and even play with her umbilical cord. Baby may also suck their thumb and play with their hands and feet. Just think, not long until they're gripping your finger in that little fist!


11 common symptoms to look out for at 25 weeks pregnant:

pregnancy tiredness1 of 11

1) Finding it hard to move around

Now that you’re getting bigger, it’s understandable that it’s more of an effort to move around. Chat with your doctor about which types of exercise are safe, but make sure you’re following a few rules: don’t work out when you’re tired, and stop immediately if you feel pain, shortness of breath or dizziness. Don’t lie flat on your back and try to avoid contact sports.

Heartburn2 of 11

2) Heartburn

You know the deal by now, your baby is pushing against your digestive tract which can cause stomach acid to come up in your throat. Avoid any foods that trigger it and check with your doctor about using antacids.

Bloating and gas3 of 11

3) Bloating and gas

Your hormones are still slowing down your digestion and causing this pesky symptom. This is coupled with the fact you really are puffing up and bloating as you and your baby grow.

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4) Insomnia

Some women find it difficult to sleep once they've entered by the second trimester. This can be down to hormones, your uncomfortable growing body or your general nerves about the pregnancy. Turn off your devices by 8pm to prevent the bluelight keeping you wide awake and ensure your bedroom is properly dark. If you're struggling, getting up and having a walk around the house is better than lying in the same spot getting more and more frustrated.

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5) Restless legs

15 per cent of women experience the peculiar effects of RLS, which include a tingling feeling in your feet and legs, along with an urge to move them. Experts aren't sure what causes it, but many women are helped by different methods, such as acupuncture, a warm bath or eating iron-rich foods.

Constipated pregnant woman6 of 11

6) Constipation

This is something that women struggle with the whole way through pregnancy. Exercise lightly to get things moving, eat healthy fibrous foods and keep drinking water!

Haemorrhoids represented by a bum and a cactus7 of 11

7) Haemorrhoids/piles

These have been a common symptom over the last few weeks. We really understand that these can be one of the worst, most annoying and embarrassing symptoms. The oh-so-unwelcome haemorrhoids you may be noticing in the rectal area, caused by increased blood flow to the area as well as your enlarged uterus. Avoiding constipation is a good idea as this will only make the piles worse, so make sure you’re stocking up on fibre-rich foods and drinking plenty of water.

frequent urination in pregnancy8 of 11

8) Frequent urination

Have you noticed how many of the symptoms now revolve around the toilet? The growth of your baby is crowding the bladder and increasing the urge to go to the loo. Don't stop drinking though as it is super important to stay hydrated!

Gorgeous hair9 of 11

9) Gorgeous hair

We've already warned you about this TERRIBLE symptom - we jest! Finally, a pregnancy symptom you wish would stick around! Your hair may be fuller and glossier than ever thanks to pregnancy hormones keeping a hold of hair you’d normally shed. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Bleeding gums10 of 11

10) Bleeding gums

A common but unpleasant side-effect of pregnancy, bleeding gums may affect you this week. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly, and if you’re concerned, see a dentist to talk through your worries.

Braxton Hicks11 of 11

11) Braxton Hicks

These uncomfortable pains probably aren't going anywhere. Braxton hicks practice contractions often begin at around 28 weeks but some mums suffer earlier. Luckily, they shouldn't be frequent and should go away when you swap positions.

Things to avoid at 25 weeks pregnant

Sleep - Avoid sleeping on your back as this has been linked to a higher risk of stillbirth. Sleep on your side and if you wake up on your back, move onto your side.

Healthy diet - you might notice this week that you really start to gain some weight. Although you never want to lose weight in pregnancy, it's essential to try and eat a healthy diet in pregnancy and avoid any processed or unhealthy foods.

Oral care - it's common to find your gums are bleeding in pregnancy this week, so avoid sugary and acidic drinks and foods and speak to your dentist about any concerns.

Haemorrhoids - Although they're very common during pregnancy, piles can be very uncomfortable, so aim to opt for food with plenty of fibre and avoid foods which tend to block you up such as processed foods, dairy products, red meat and fried or fast food.

What to do this week

The birth plan: Now’s a good time to start thinking about where you’d like to give birth. There are generally three choices although they vary depending on where you live (and nope, a luxury five-star hotel is not one of the options!). The first is a regular maternity ward, where you’ll be looked after by midwives, but there’ll also be obstetricians on the wards if needed. The second is a birth centre. These can be attached to hospitals or standalone, have a more ‘homely’ feel and are run by midwives, but there’s no immediate access to things like epidurals for pain relief or C-sections. Finally, you can give birth at home. This is available if you’re having a low-risk pregnancy.  Picking your birth centre does require a lot of thought and you really need to research what’s available to you before making any definite decisions.

According to Emiliana Hall, founder of The Mindful Birth Group® she said: "By 25 weeks, your baby's skin is becoming more opaque and they are gaining fat, which will help regulate their body temperature after birth. Here are some key developments happening this week:

  • Sense of Hearing: Your baby’s hearing is improving, and they might start responding to your voice or other familiar sounds. Playing soothing music or a relaxation audio and talking to your baby can be a great way to bond.

  • Lung Development: The lungs are continuing to mature, producing surfactant, a substance that will help them breathe once they are born.

  • Movements: You might notice your baby’s movements becoming more pronounced. They are getting stronger and might start developing a more regular pattern of movement, says Emiliana.

Common Symptoms at 25 Weeks

As your body continues to adapt to your growing baby, you might experience various symptoms. Here are some common ones and tips on managing them:

  • Back Pain: The extra weight you’re carrying can put a strain on your back. Consider practicing good posture, wearing supportive shoes, and doing prenatal yoga or gentle stretches.

  • Swelling: It’s common to experience swelling in your ankles and feet. Elevate your legs when possible, avoid standing for long periods, and stay hydrated.

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions: These "practice" contractions are usually painless but can be uncomfortable. They are normal but should be monitored. If they become regular or painful, contact your midwife.

  • Sleep Issues: Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging. Use pillows to support your belly and between your legs. The Lullaby Trust recommends sleeping on your left side to improve blood flow to your baby and help with circulation, says Emiliana.

Advice for Week 25

  1. Stay Active: Gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or pregnancy yoga can help alleviate discomfort and keep you fit for labour. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen.

  2. Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial. Focus on foods high in iron, calcium, and folic acid. Small, frequent meals can help manage heartburn and keep your energy levels stable.

  3. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps with amniotic fluid levels and reduces swelling. Aim for about 8-10 glasses a day but you will know what is best for your own hydration levels.

  4. Mental Health: Pregnancy can bring a mix of emotions. It’s important to take time for yourself, practice relaxation techniques, and seek support from friends, family, or a professional if needed.

  5. Antenatal Classes: If you haven't already, consider signing up for antenatal classes. These can provide valuable information about labour, delivery, and newborn care. Our PregnaHub® platform offers a variety of resources, including expert-led e-learning modules, pregnancy yoga, and relaxation sessions, continues Emiliana.

Preparing for the Future

As you move closer to your estimated due date, it’s a good time to start thinking about your birth preferences. Discuss your preferences with your partner and healthcare provider and reduce the unknowns as much as possible. It's also a good idea to begin preparing your home for the new arrival, setting up the nursery, and organising any necessary baby supplies.

When to Call the Midwife

While many symptoms are a normal part of pregnancy, there are certain signs you should not ignore. Contact your midwife or healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Heavy bleeding

  • Persistent or severe headaches

  • Sudden swelling in your hands, face, or feet

  • Vision changes

  • Reduced foetal movements

At 25 weeks, you’re well on your way to meeting your baby. Embrace this time, take care of yourself, and reach out for support when you need it. Your journey is unique, and each week brings you closer to holding your little one in your arms. Remember, our PregnaHub® platform is here to support you every step of the way with expert advice, resources, and a community of expectant parents just like you", says Emiliana.

Meet the expert:

Emiliana Hall is the founder of The Mindful Birth Group® which provides award-winning Mindful Natal® courses and the PregnaHub® online platform, as well as an accredited Teacher Training program and Midwife CPD courses. She is also an experienced Birth and Postnatal Doula. Emiliana's vision is to make vital antenatal and postnatal education and ongoing support accessible to everyone in the UK.

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