Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE plus 360 review

from Britax
RRP  £329.90
Britax Romer dualfix car seat

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

The Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE is a flexible follow-on toddler car seat to any infant carrier. It is suitable for children from 61 to 105 cm tall. Thanks to the 360-degree rotation the seat can be used rearward and forward facing. Plus, if you turn the car seat 90 degrees to the open car door, placing and harnessing your child is child's play. The Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE will impress you with its great features, but also with its award-winning design – for a safe and stylish journey.


Britax Römer DUALFIX i-size Plus, 360 Degree

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Sadie marie: Wow! I absolutely love this Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE car seat. It swivels which is one thing but the fact it's huge is brilliant. My very tall three-and-a-half-year-old could fit in it. It is so much easier to get my baby in and out of the car and so much easier on your back. The decline is brilliant!

Melissa: I think I would recommend this seat. It's strong, sturdy and easy to use. It certainly grows with your child. It is one of the slightly more expensive seats but this price is reflected in the quality. The little features make this car seat worth it. I particularly like the button on the side to spin the seat.

Carolyn: I would recommend the Britax Römer to other mums who are looking for a bigger car seat. This means your baby will feel comfortable and not all squished up. This car seat may look like it’s hard to install but it really is simple. I loved the design of this car seat knowing my baby will be comfortable. It fits securely whether they are forward-facing or rear-facing.

How did this product make your life easier?

Lucy: This Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE is a very comfortable upright rear-facing car seat. The swivel makes it very easy to put your baby in the seat so you’re not bending over to fix them in. It is also more comfortable for the baby when you put them in and out. It doesn’t feel like you’re pushing them in and you can see what you're doing more clearly. I love it!

Sue: I’ve never had a car seat before that swivels to the side but this is a lovely feature. It really helps when you have a wriggly or sleeping baby to be able to face them when getting them in or out. I will admit it took me a while to work out the button to swivel but it’s really useful to have this. I love it.

Henrietta: The spin on the Britax Römer DUALFIX i-SIZE seat is amazing and the accessibility of the button is great. There are several recline positions which made it really comfortable for my baby to sleep in. We used the seat rear-facing and my baby was very happy. The covers are easy to take off for a wash and they dry quickly.

Would you choose this product to win?

Verity: I would definitely choose this product above all others. The only reason I wouldn't be able to choose it would be because of the cost. The ease of fitting, the design and ease of use are perfect. The only downside is the buckle clip. I found it hard to match up the two parts to fit into the clip. But overall this is the best car seat I have used.

Helen: The rotating feature definitely makes this car seat one of the best on the market. It adjusts easily to lie down or sit up. The adjusting is easy to do and works well. I love the simple sleek black design and the fabric which is wipeable. It shows very minimal marks.

Lucy: Yes I would choose this product above all others for many reasons. Its appearance is very nice, it is smart and looks expensive. It seems incredibly comfortable, my little one isn’t a fan of the car but she seemed much happier in there. It reclines well, spins 360 degrees and is easy to install.

What changes would you make to this product?

Chloe: I can't think of anything that would make this seat better. I might look for a seat which rear faces since this is the safest way to travel. I know that the Isofix means the weight limit is 18kg, so the spin feature and the 25kg rear facing limit don't go together.

Nicola: I would fit something to hook the straps back for putting the child in and out. Every time you put the child in you have to fish under their bums to retrieve the straps and buckles. This is nothing major though and I have no other faults.

Sadie marie: I would change the price. However, if you do take into consideration that you wouldn't need to buy 0-3 stage car seats then you will be saving money! Other than that, this car seat is perfect. My little girl cried when I took her out and she found it so comfortable. It is worth the money if you can afford it!

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