Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night review

from Amazon
RRP  £139.95

by Lorna White |
Updated on

The Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night machine makes bottle feeding a dream, right around the clock. Not only does it prep the perfect bottle in two minutes, it's also sleep friendly with added features specifically designed to make night feeding so much easier. 10x faster than a kettle, Perfect Prep Day & Night is designed for use with water straight from the tap. The unique filtration membrane removes bacteria and other contaminants that can be found in water, ensuring it is clean and safe to make a bottle feed, just like boiled water from your kettle.

Expert rating:


  • Soft glow lights and adjustable volume
  • Clever digital display
  • Preps a bottle in 2 minutes
  • Comes with one filter and a Tommee Tippee bottle


  • Reviewers felt the water tank size could be larger to avoid regular refilling
  • Ease of use:
  • Ease of cleaning:
Safety features:
  • Value for money:
  • Fast bottle preparation in 2 minutes

  • Antibacterial filter
Sleep-friendly volume control
, digital display and night-time glow

Overview of the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night


Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep M&B awards 2023

The Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night won Bronze in the Mother&Baby awards 2023 for Best Product for Bottle Feeding.

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night key features

• Fast Bottle Preparation: With the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep bottle maker you can prepare a fresh baby bottle, at the correct temperature in only 2 minutes!

• Antibacterial filter: Designed to be used with water straight from the tap - the antibacterial filter features a unique membrane designed to remove any impurities and contaminants present in the water

• Hot shot: The initial ‘hot-shot’ of 70°C water kills any bacteria present in the formula after which cooler water is dispensed to deliver a bottle feed at body temperature, just like breast milk

•Sleep-friendly volume control: The adjustable volume control gives you the option to silently prepare baby bottles while the rest of the house still sleeps

•Digital display and night-time glow: With a clear and easy to use digital display, soft-glow tank lights and handy bottle stand downlights, preparing a bottle feed in the dark has never been simpler

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Testing the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night

Having previously reviewed the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night in 2023 for the Mother&Baby awards, we recently had a second parent tester review the product again as it is still available to buy. Many parents still choose it as a popular option so we wanted to verify that it still offers value for money and makes parents' lives easier. Equally, having two different sets of parents review the Perfect Prep machine allows you to get two perspectives so you can make a more informed decision.

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night 2024 review

Here’s how Mother&Baby's Features & Reviews Editor and first time parent, Emily Gilbert got on when she tested the Perfect Prep with her newborn, Theodore.

Selection of images of the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day and Night Machine being tested and reviewed

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Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day and Night Review

After deciding to combi-feed our son, my husband and I knew we needed a quick way to make a bottle of formula as it simply wasn’t feasible for us to wait 30 minutes for boiled water to cool when there’s a hungry, crying baby. Many friends raved to us about the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep so when offered the opportunity to test it out for myself, I jumped at the chance.

Setting up the machine was nice and simple, it’s just a case of running a cleaning cycle and fitting the filter which comes with the machine, this all only took about 15 minutes before the machine was ready to go. You can adjust the height of the bottle stand to suit the height of the bottle you are using, ensuring the bottle neck is close to the dispensing spout to maintain the temperature of the water and avoid splashes.

It has a modern, discreet design (available in grey, black and white) means it fits it nicely wherever you decided to put it. While Tommee Tippee state that the machine is intended for use in a kitchen, we actually chose to keep the machine in our bedroom on a chest of drawers to prevent us having to go downstairs during night feeds.

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Having only used ready-to-drink bottles previously, I was quite nervous about making up a bottle of formula, keen to make sure I did everything correctly. Thankfully, this clever machine does all the thinking for you. Making up a bottle is incredibly straight forward as once you’ve selected your feed size, you just follow the directions on the screen, using the forward and back buttons. You might think you’d feel a bit silly when you’re being told simple directions such as to ‘place bottle on stand’ but as new, most likely sleep-deprived parent, it’s much appreciated being walked through what you need to do.

It’s worth mentioning that the feed size starts from 120ml but this shouldn’t prove too much of an issue for parents of babies drinking less, you just need to pour away what your baby won’t/doesn’t use.

The hot shot (which is water dispensed at 70°C) works by dissolving the formula powder quickly, killing any bacteria that may be present in the formula itself.

As the previous reviewer said, the machine reminds you when it needs a new filter, when to change it and even when it needs to be descaled which is really helpful. I did find that we needed to refill the water fairly regularly but given the compact design, it’s understandable that the water tank isn’t any bigger. I actually think a prompt when you are one bottle away from needing more water would be useful as I was guilty of forgetting to check the tank and when your baby is hungry, having to fill it up with water can be a bit annoying.

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We haven’t needed to change our filter yet but on average, Tommee Tippee say to expect to change the filter every three months. This does of course depend on how often you are using it and the size of the bottles. At the time of writing this review, you could pick up a replacement filter for £12.74.

The night feature of this model is a real bonus as it reduces as much disruption as possible at night because you do not have to turn the main lights on to see and use it and the noise also isn’t too loud. It made me and my husband’s life a lot easier when it comes to making bottles during the night.

Final verdict

Having used it for a month now, I’m a huge fan of a the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day and Night, as always having the perfect temperature bottle for our bundle of joy makes life a little easier as a busy new mother who is still finding her feet. The speed and intelligence of the machine allows you to relax when your baby starts making those hunger cues and for me, this makes it well worth the price tag.

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I have very little criticism of the product, it really is up there with my favourite baby products. As mentioned above, a change I would love to see is the water tank holding a little more water or a reminder to fill the water tank. As the previous reviewer mentioned, it does take a while for the water to filter through which probably feels like longer when your baby is hungry. For me, these really are small issues though and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to new parents looking to feed their child formula, in fact I already have!

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day and Night machine in testing

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night 2023 review

Having had an extremely difficult time breastfeeding the Perfect Prep machine made the transition to using formula a little less stressful. After 5 months I really had no idea of the perfect temperature but this clever machine does all the thinking for you. I would recommend it to anyone and I have used it for two of my children and will use it for my third that I am currently expecting. Well worth the money as you can always pass it onto friends and family expecting.

I think this product is one of a kind and when you have had a tricky time breastfeeding it makes life a little easier as a busy, stressed out mother. Always having the perfect temperature bottle for your bundle of joy. The speed and intelligence of the machine allows you to relax.

The machine reminds you when it needs a new filter, when to change it and even when it needs to be descaled always promoting with clear, straight forward instructions. Its modern, discreet design allows it to be placed next to our coffee machine and the black edition matches our kitchen accessories.

The night feature is also good as it reduces as much disruption as possible at night because you do not have to turn the main lights on to see and use it. It made me and my partner's life a lot easier when it comes to making bottles during the night. Its so much faster as I with the LED down light I can see the bottle but the quieter noise is so appreciated when you have other kids or you're sharing the night time feeds.

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Final thoughts

Very little criticism of the product, I have loved it. A critique I would offer and a change I would love to see is the water tank holding a little more water or a reminder to fill the water tank as if you forget - like me a lot. It does take a while for the water to filter through which although may not be actually that long it certainly feels it when you have a hungry screaming baby.

Full product specifications

Dimensions: 21.6 x 30.6 x 33 cm

Weight: 2.2 Kilograms

Lorna White is the Products Editor for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics from potty training and nutrition to baby names and early development and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two young sisters, dog walking and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

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