Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cup review

from Munchkin
RRP  £5.04

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

At a glance:

A toddler cup with a dentist-recommended spoutless design, the 360-degree edge allows your tot to drink from any side of the cup. Completely eliminating spills, the cup will automatically seal once your child stops drinking from it. Easy to take apart and clean and dishwasher safe, the Miracle 360˚ Sippy Cup is suitable for children from 12 months.

How did this product make your life easier?

Jo: I love the idea of this product, especially as my daughter loves turning a standard sippy cup upside down and shaking it to make a puddle, which she can’t do with this cup, but unfortunately she doesn’t seem to drink much from it. It’s beautifully designed, feels well made and is easy to clean for me.

Katherine: It has made it easier to have a portable drink with me as I can take it fully due to the no-spill feature. I don’t have to worry about having somewhere to fill it up as I did with my sippy cup which makes it easier. I still take 2 or 3 different cups with me as my little girl is working out which suits her best but it is one that I can use as an open cup as well which I find handy.

Vivien: I liked the fact that it didn’t leak as much as free-flow sippy cups. This means I can give it to him, and not have to helicopter parent as much as with other cups. I am confident that I can throw it into his bag, half full of water, and not worry about the rest of the contents of the bag being covered in water by the end of the journey. Giving my baby this cup to drink from was never a battle, which makes my life easier as a mum. (Getting it off of him after he has had a drink can sometimes be more testing, as he has taken a shine to the cup!)

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Megan: The cup comes in various eye-catching colours, which makes it attractive to toddlers/babies alike, as well as mums! The non-spill feature makes it great to travel with as well. Further, because you can drink it from any angle, it isn’t frustrating for a child of any age to use, and they can quickly learn how to drink from it.

Alison: Easy to assemble and disassemble. It’s easy to wash and dry in a dishwasher. It doesn’t have any weird spout or parts that collect water and go manky but can’t be easily got at and cleaned. My exclusively breastfed baby likes drinking from it and has managed to get the hang of it when he’s not liked other cups.

Hajara: First of all, the fact that its spill-free allows easy travelling with cup. It can be used for any of the baby's favourite juices. The very bright colors of the cup make it very appealing and baby-friendly. It is also baby-friendly in the sense that baby figured out how to use it on the first attempt. I also love how the fluid from the cup goes out only but does not go back in from the baby's mouth, thus not contaminating the cup content. The tip of the cup, though I don't know if intended, serves as a soother for teething baby and itchy gums.

Would you choose this product to win?

Lucy: Yes I would definitely choose this product above others as there is virtually no mess unless it is dropped from a height. My baby can shake the cup and tip it over and I can be confident that we won’t get water everywhere. I also really like the bright colours and they can be mixed and matched as the tops/cups are all interchangeable. This is useful because so many people have them and then you can easily tell which one belongs to your baby.

Charlie: What stands out for this product is its quality and durability, however its design is not the best, I find it rather plain and the arms are attached to the lid therefore as you screw it on/off you have to hold the main cup a particular way which can be difficult as the lid doesn't always sit flush and the arms are chunky.

Catherine: I think this is a really clever product. It seems well made and durable which would certainly make me chose it. I had already received several recommendations for it from other mums which is always a good sign. I don’t know what the other options to win are but at home, I have a traditional sippy cup, a beaker with a bite valve, an open cup, a bottle with a straw and a 360 as we were prepared to try everything to get little one drinking. I like this product considerably more than the others as I find sippy's leak, straws snap and bit valves are just ridiculous for a baby, however, the baby always reaches for the straw bottle! Still gets my vote though.

What changes would you make to this product?

Megan: It is hard to think about how you could improve this product because it is so easy to use by children of ages from 6 months up. My elder son though does like a straw, so maybe if a straw could somehow be added to it as well, that would be nice! Also, it can be quite hard at first to work out how to get the water from it!

Vivien: It is difficult to unscrew when wet/covered in food, so some more grip on the cup would help. It does leak at times when thrown, so making it, even more, leak proof. The valve in the silicone part of the lid is difficult to dry after washing, which I think could become a problem or a sight of mould if it's not washed carefully. Making this more easy to drain in the dishwasher, for example, would improve this product.

Jo: I would find a way to stop it from leaking in transit. This is the major thing that limits me using it. I think she would get used to drinking from it if we were able to use it out and about without leakage.

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